Listens to music with one earbud in

>listens to music with one earbud in

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better then not listening at all

>he breaks cds in half and slashes up his dick with the shards of the cd until his dick bleeds

>listens to music on his speakers from his iphone via aux to his USB powered turntable

>he doesn't like shredding his dick with broken cds

I used to do this

lol other people do this? wow

is he frowning or is his mouth the tiny thing at the bottom?

I do it at work, because people are always crawling up my ass for something, but I'm still trying to get my sea shanties in. It's less than ideal, but better than nothing.

Doing the same thing rn lol

>Doesn't do this after putting music source in mono


What is mono.

>listening to mongolian/tuvan throat singing

>with headphones turned outwards

>in public

>he takes his Crosley on dates and angryfucks it in a gender neutral bathroom and wakes up with huge bruises on his balls but can never seem quite to remember why

>still listening to basic af tuvan
>not hopping on that western throatsong


>better then

>assuming what the person with one earbud in is listening to is music

Pink Floyd

>Looking like a retard at work with huge ass sennheisers.

his mouth is the tiny thing at the bottom

I don't listen to music at work, I'm in a position where I actually have to listen to people. I listen to music in the car and through a speaker at home. I don't like earbuds because they are painful for me

>Manlet ears

>a speaker

Are you arguing earbuds over actual speakers?

>tfw deaf in one ear
it never matters ;_;

That's why you use a speaker, so that you don't have to deal with the bullshit mono sounds with earbuds

Not without a stereo-to-mono adapter I'm not

>he can't shift to mono on his mobile player
true pleb confirmed

do this everyday mane

>Manlet ears
> Manlet
> ears

my sides are in fucking orbit

It was probably you that wrote that, samefag.


That reminds me of when I heard one of my friends jacked off to Master Chief using the hole of a Halo disc back in middle school.

>I heard one of my friends jacked off to Master Chief using the hole of a Halo disc back in middle school.

w u t

How did it fit in?
Did his dick get stuck when it got even a little erect?


>he said, "A speaker"

>spotify doesn't have a shift to mono, just mono records.

real pleb confirmed.