Stop listening to rap and rock

Stop listening to rap and rock.

stop browsing pitchfork

I like your alternative choices, good picks.

B-but I'm listening to Japanese-language avant-folk right now

Stop listening to commercial bleep bloops highly derivative of rap and rock.

>highly derivative of rock.



Most ambient music stems from bands like Cluster and Popul Voh. Bonobo is just pleasant guitar based atmospheres, Flying Lotus would git very well in the tradition of jazz fusion and jazz funk.

Which all stems from early electronic music which happened long before the white man copied R&B.

Still, pretty much all non-academic electronic music still stems from production innovations in the 50s and 60s by pop rock artists. (Joe Meek, Phil Spector, Sgt Peppers, Krautrock.)

Also, you can not deny the impact hip hop had on the idea of producer-based music.

Which all stems from Jamaican innovation.

I'm not seeing your point? Just because music has influences doesn't change its quality and differences.

Slowing and reverbing records =/= the plethora of studio innovations introduced by the record industry. Hip Hop in particular is much much more ingenious with it's samples and able to tie the samples to an emotional or artistic point.

And dub didn't catch on until the mid-60s, years after the Brill Building, and Spector Sound were established.

>Just because music has influences doesn't change its quality and differences.

And what's the quality of the records you posted? Pleasant textures and loops? Flying Lotus gets praised for using multi-instrumental suites when rock and jazz have been doing the same thing for aeons. (His music by the way, only gained it's lush soundscapes when he stopped becoming an exclusively electronic producer and started using a jazz-fusion style live band on Cosmogramma.)

Right, so I've deleted all my rock because thats just white R&B, all my hip hop because thats just Jamaican music and all OP pic related because thats rock and hip hop and all my jazz because thats just slavery music and work songs.

Classical and traditional folk only it is then.

Classical is just church choral, which is just folk.

>not listening to breakcore and industrial like a real man

>fedora jungle

Psychic is better than anything Nicolas Jaar has done under his own name.

Luxury Problems > Faith In Strangers
You're Dead > Cosmogramma
Human Story 3 > Far Side Virtual
Xerrox Vol. 2 > Xerrox Vol. 3


Are you implying that the alternative are those albums in the pic? Wew lad

does Peste Noire count as rock ?

>Genres - Black metal

well duh

or maybe just stop being insecure about what genre people listen to in the first place

Sasu is a hack

Yeah seriously, who gives a fuck.

>I can comment on two artists therefore my critique of the chart is valid
very impressive user

+ Wesseltoft/Schwarz, Alva Noto, Visa, Exai
-Four Tet (that album), Ferraro, Voices from the Lake, Kyoka, Aphex Twin

the rest are anywhere from slightly overrated to being unremarkable pitchfork-core that arbitrarily rose to popularity