Movie night with my son's mother

>movie night with my son's mother
>we haven't had sex in months
>I choose Eyes Wide Shut because I love Kubrick, she hates him and calls him mysoginistic and a bad person
>she hates the movie and snarkily comments on it thorough
>after it ends she immediately gets naked and wants me to fuck her

Holy shit Stan, have you created a hypno kino for sexually repressed women? Thank you Mr Kubrick.

Were you confused into thinking this was your Blogspot?

Fuck off

She got turned on by the demented drama and had an existential crisis because she realizes how shallow she is.

Source: women since the beginning of time.

ITT OP's wet dream, which will never happen

>my son's mother

>she hates him and calls him mysoginistic and a bad person

Where do you cucks find these sort of anger fueled women anyway?

Same place we find gullible cunts like you

Shit thread. Can't believe someone took the time to write this, thinking to themselves how funny this must be.


Sup Forums?



Well, we've met on uni

It's not funny, literally what happened.

How am I a cuck?


I didn't get this ending.

The bad guys abduct the daughter and start to do funny things with her brain.

You two are both fucking retarded.

I can say it's my dream too, and it'll pretty much never happen.

ITT: Movies that women will NEVER understand

Just watched this kino yesterday, I loved how redpilled about women Kubrick was.

Well this wasn't supposed to be the ending until Kubrick died

She's often pretty spot on when it comes to themes and the symbolism, but she was too focused on all those tits she thought were "offensive".
Afterwards I've talked about it with her and I think I managed to convince her it's not bad at all but I feel salty that I've had to talk her into liking it in the first place.

Well, about women and men alike.

The wife knows what her husband did but doesn't care because she knows he loves her and can differentiate between lust and love.

>humans actually being logical and forgiving

what the fuck you're smoking? Throughout the whole movie, even in the opening scene scene she was being "parlayed" by a older gentleman and she was buying