How bad is he gonna hatefuck Melly Sanders next episode?

How bad is he gonna hatefuck Melly Sanders next episode?

Fuckin' bad.

What's he gonna do? Sycophant her to death
Grow a spine

What does "hatefuck" mean?

to just fuck her and not give her any attention.
Girls Do Porn specialize in this category of porn


You right about that, nigga. Sometimes it's even pretty clear the girls are in real pain. Which I like, because that's what a whore deserves.

i honestly hate women and would rape and kil them if i wouldnt get caught

Ask your mum

yeah me too frielnd, me too

>t. Woman

t. A. Sarkeesian

t. Anita S.

Are your bodies ready for Varys Targaryen next episode? Ready for Davos to kill Melisandre?

t. A. Sarkenstein

What a coincidence to find the toy. Red woman ain't dying any time soon. Her smirk implies everything is going according to plan, her being uncertain and oblivious towards Jon was merely a ruse.
Davos can confront her but nothing more, she will say it was Stannis' fault.


Am I forgetting or did he never actually even ask about Shireen when he heard of Stannis's defeat?

me too m8 me too

Asked; just assumed she and her mother died as a result of the battle. Melly wasn't exactly in the mood to elaborate.

Brienne literally says she saw what happened but he never goes and asks her.

>tv in a nutshell ladies and gentlemen

They seriously should fuck instead of killing each other, far too valuable.