What does Sup Forums think about Grimes' debut album?

What does Sup Forums think about Grimes' debut album?

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very good

it sucks like everything she's ever done




is this even shilling at this point?
she's been a mucore since 2012

Nigga please. There are an army of shills who make these threads (and 95% of the posts in them) multiple times a day.

its shilling when u make threads outside your general
fuck off

Art Angels > Halfaxa > Geidi Primes > Visions

you can name literally any fan of any artist a shill despite the fact an artist is probably already famous on here and was listened by everyone


i can't name any artist on here that has a general and just so happens to keep having threads outside its general.

by this logic it's a shilling to discuss shoegaze, metal, and edm outside of /shugazi/, /metal/ and /bleep/ respectively

Visions (7) >= Geidi Primes (7) > Halfaxa (6) > Art Angels (4)

thats a genre
you said artist just like i did
stop backtracking

yeah, but thid doesnt prove me wrong
it's weird to call posting someone this well known on here a shilling

how so?

it actually does. whenever everybody ignores grimes general. we get threads like these

anyway not gonna feed you any more attention shill. i know grimes pays you per reply

>it actually does
you're really not smart, huh?

>whenever everybody ignores grimes general. we get threads like these
but her general is not ignored as you can see

>i know grimes pays you per reply
do you really believe this? her fans are just obsessed virgins

Surprisingly good. It's a nice little album. Rosa is absolutely amazing.

Visions last? That's just wrong. But if that's your taste, so be it.

Weak ratings and Art Angels whouldn't be the last one on that list.

Weak ratings and Art Angels shouldn't be the last one on that list.

Came here to post this, that track is incredible, been obsessed with it for a couple of weeks now.

It it me or some clicking sounds from Rosa seem like broken hard disk samples? In any case, there are nice little details that foresaw her future detailed productions. And dat bassline...

garbage like everything she has ever put out

thats retarded and backtracking describes what youre doing a lot better

b u l l s h i t

I just feel it falls apart after the first four or five songs.

I can't believe you like the first 4-5 songs but not Be a Body, Colour of Moonlight, Symphonia IX, Skin, Vowels = Space and Time, Nightmusic! It's absurd.

>falls apart after the first four or five songs.
I think it actually gets better as it rolls along.

>thats a genre
So is Grimes' music (it's a literal genre in the making.) Hence why it gets discussed in its own thread - because it doesn't fit in well enough with any other single major genre of music that attracts high levels of attention on /mu to warrant its own thread.

One of the most low-key enjoyable albums I've ever heard. And yes, gotta name Rosa as one of the highlights.

long time lurker, few times poster. so i've never actually listened to grimes. you guys seem to have mixed views on her.
>what's the deal

Her best



This. Her music is very eclectic, you can't pin down her music so easily.

It's not JUST pop. Proof:

Stop being so mad and listen to these songs.

Speaking of Geidi Primes, her song Shadout Mapes is so damn sad. I find it hard to listen to because it's so emotional.

The album's title refers to the fictional planet Giedi Prime, of the Dune universe in a series of novels by Frank Herbert, originating with the 1965 novel Dune, Grimes' favourite book.

>"Caladan", the first track, refers to a fictional planet of the same name. The next, "Sardaukar Levenbrech", refers to the military rank of Levenbrech—roughly in between a sergeant and a lieutenant—in the fictional army of the Sardaukar. A Face Dancer, as used in track three's title "Zoal, Face Dancer", is a type of human in the series who can shapeshift.

>Track six, "Feyd Rautha Dark Heart", refers to the primary antagonist of the first novel in the Dune series, named Feyd-Rautha. "Shadout Mapes", the 10th track, refers to a minor character of the same name. Track 11, "Beast Infection", refers to the "Beast" nickname of the character Rabban.

a decent artist that was spammed for a while back in 2012 by waifufags.

She then released Art Angels and became a very forced meme spammed by three semi-ironic waifufags. They use insane mental gymnastics to argue for her music the best ever and very often manage to contradict themself in their own posts.

""""""Discussion"""""" (posting pictures of her and circlejerking) of her music was given a general but they keep shitting up the board and spamming anyway

i hope this has given you some insight into all the Grimes hate. (Visions is actually a pretty good album and you should give it a go)

She's just controversial on moo, but universally appreciated outside of it. Listen to Visions first.

>very forced meme
She's part of this board's culture, far from a forced meme (like you). Any artist discussed so often during the years is not a forced meme, but a genuine established artist.

>not knowing what shilling means
user, shilling only exists as a thing in contexts where people aren't already familiar with the thing being represented. Grimes' music has been a known factor on /mu for at least 5 years. At this point, this is just people liking what they like.

thanks for the insight, currently bumping

i can easily get my discord group and get them to keep forcing a meme for over a year. this will NOT make this artist a part of board culture


>Due to the culture of rampant contrarianism on this board, the only time you are going to see a huge majority here saying that they "like" something is when the thing in question isn't good enough to be worth hating. Conversely, the only time you are going to see a huge majority here saying that they "hate" something is when the thing in question IS good enough to be worth hating - because otherwise there is no point in expressing an opinion at all.

>For an artist, being strongly loved on /mu is a bad sign in terms of wider market appeal. Likewise being strongly hated on /mu is also a bad sign in terms of wider market appeal. However being simultaneously strongly loved AND strongly hated by /mu is a wonderful sign, since that polarization of feeling is the closest thing a place like this has to offer to a true judgment of artistic value.

Translation: she's a great musical artist who forgot to sell out when decided to go mainstream. Hence all the controversy.

i forgot to mention her fans just copy and paste walls of text. like @71049969 and @71050128

there is also the turbo autistic pasta where a bunch of other artists praise her like that will change anybodys mind regarding her


Sup Forums in general is a hateful place (and /mu - to a slightly lesser degree - is as well.) No one in their right mind cares whether the type of people who actually willingly identify with this place think she fits in as a topic of discussion or not. If they did think she was, then I would actually be worried (see )

>doesn't respond to my post at all
on an unrelated note, are you by any chance Indian or Australian?

Not even remotely.

fucking dull

>Pretending that isn't what you are doing right now
It's called the "Grimes is just a meme" meme. It's very well known in these parts. If you'd spent more time lurking rather than shitposting on /mu, you would know this.

these conversations just aren't worth having

>doesn't respond to my post at all

what are you some autistic nigger who trolls by having their own independent opinions about things?

you're just ignoring my rules now, nice communication skills there buddy. you don't even like grimes so you were always wrong

>if i hate thing = im hateful in general


reminder these are paid shills
do not reply after this post
grimes pays these ppl to make herself seem popular

>grimes pays these ppl
That's one of the most retarded things I've ever read on this board.
Nice going.

it's an epic new meme

what a life

she has fans on here doesn't she huh, they're fans

The real question is how much this guy is being paid to be an anti-shill for Grimes.

it must be nice to completely use people

i like it... reminiscent of gary numan's early stuff.

>haven't been on Sup Forums in like a year
>decide to check it out again
>first thread it about grimes
>Guess I'll wait another year before visiting /mu

Having relatively recently gotten into Grimes I'll say this: Grimesfags are fucking weird (devotion on this level is weird when it's applied to a deity or prophet let alone a fairly regular person); anti-Grimesfags yelling "fucking shills" have bought into the memes/kool aid too much and need to reconsider the capacity for themselves and others on this board for group mentality and proclaimed "dedication" for things they wouldn't quite literally die for.

I quite like Grimes (and fwiw would totally put stuff in her) but these threads are fucking AIDS.

Truly a rite of passage for all people who call themselves Grimes fans
>Rosa, avi, and venus in fleurs are classics

One problem:
>Using a term like "Grimesfags" unironically
Apart from that, you might have had some very good points to make.

>like that will change anybodys mind regarding her
Actually it does. Maybe not immediately, but in time.

You're paid by Grimes' competition to denigrate her. How much money did you get, you fucking hateful shill?

Yeah, better never come back. Grimes is inescapable.

Sup Forums is an insane board. I'm afraid you're posting on the wrong board if you expect decent music discussions.

Do you want to be taken seriously or not?

>Rosa, avi, and venus in fleurs are classics
Agree. Grisgris, Gambang, Feyd Rautha Dark Heart and the freaking Caladan deserve a mention too.

>Geidi Primes is a misspelling of Giedi Prime
>Halfaxa is a misspelling of Halifax
>Grimes is a misspelling of grime

Illiteracy confirmed.

>never heard of artistic license

>What is: Avoiding copyright infringement.



Poppy > Grimes

holy fucking autism

its people like you who give Grimes fans a bad name

wasn't this album made as a joke?


>posting a list of songs on a music board
>this autist memester calls that autism
That's rich, bruh

simpler than her later stuff but still good



sick Dune reference, once I found about it I was auto-locked into Grimes.

I wish it was longer desu.