Are these two the logical conclusion to hip-hop?

Are these two the logical conclusion to hip-hop?

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Are these what Scaruffi have said are good?

he literally said they were the logical conclusion of hip-hop.

Yeah, everyone can stop talking about hip-hop now. Thank god.

rap is objectively an inferior genre

I HOPE SO. Hip hop should disappear from the face of earth once and for all.


I really dig these releases, but I've never liked the whole "artists releases 4 hours of music under one name" meme because it's pretty much impossible to listen in one sitting and it tends to have no comprehensive flow. It's just a collection of tracks.

this tbqh

kill yourself


fucking retards on this board

listen to it like a compilation then?

holy fucking shit he actually gave Phonemenomicon an 8/10

That's pretty cool, but I'm an albumfag. I really like when albums are succinct, something I can really just be like "I'm gonna sit down and listen to this", something that has a distinct atmosphere or feel or flow.

This is the kind of release where I'll just listen to it four or five tracks at a time, keep track of favorites, and never listen to the stuff I didn't really care for as an individual track. With albums that care about length, track flow, mood, atmosphere, etc., you can enjoy the album as a whole and even tracks you aren't nuts about you'll give repeated listens since you like listening to the album as a whole, in one sitting. This results in tracks you didn't love on the first or second listening potentially becoming favorites. It's a really good feeling and I always appreciate albums that have this effect of encouraging repeated listens even if half of the tracks are just-okay on their own.

I think I just would have liked it better if he went for releasing, you know, 4 or 5 shorter albums with this material instead of one that's insanely long and impenetrable. I dunno.

Texas' mysterious Impossible Nothing painstakingly constructed the monumental four-hour tour de force of Phonemenomicon (2016), consisting of 26 ten-minute collages (each one lasts exactly 10:00). Why 26? Because each piece is titled after a letter of the alphabet.
A alone contains more ideas than the average three-minute song, lined up to compose a cinematic score with sections that are sentimental and sections that are pure fun. B plunders hip-hop music to create a hypnotic syncopated industrial clockwork. C begins like a lame sample of a lame funk-soul song but soon becomes a harrowing psychodrama... except for returning to a funk-soul party. D deconstructs jazz with a dizzying multitude of colliding fragments. E toys with a pounding Afro-funk shuffle but quickly delves into constantly mutating machine music and towards the end blends in a powerful punch of riff and drumming. F dissolves reggae steps into a molasses of warped electronica that at the end is hijacked by a jazz jam. G targets what sounds like the soundtrack of a thriller, but then takes a detour into a surreal exotic chant, only to end with a more magniloquent cinematic theme. H is another tribute to euphoric soul music of the 1960s with a great break/solo of distorted keyboards at the seven-minute mark. A similar breathtaking solo opens I.
J first disintegrates funk-jazz of the 1960s, then shoots a hysterical techno missile, then sets in motion cold machine music, then rediscovers humanity in a soaring synth drone and sounds of the beach.

M concocts a romantic trumpet melody over mechanical polyrhythms that turns into a funk orgy and a videogame sonata. A female shouter has to duel with a rapper, an accordion and a big band in N, one of the virtuoso pieces littered with all sorts of incidents.
K is pure dancefloor, while S ends in a frenzied state of panic. By the standards of this operation, P is ambient music: the source cannot be identified and all we hear is a hypnotic sequence of beats and chords; a very captivating pieces of instrumental dance music, that towards the end morphs into a sort of xylophone melody. Musique concrete artist Pierre Henry should have done this.
Slavic-gypsy music and dubstep are the ingredients of O. R intones a spastic reggae dancehall beat and a petulant keyboard launches into an anthemic melody played at triple speed. Three more minutes and the piece is invaded by alien noise so that, when the petulant keyboard resumes, it feels like UFO music. T is an even more creative take on reggae rhythm as played by an army of sentient industrial machines. W dishes out some Hendrix-ian chaos mixed with vocal harmonies of the ancient past and ends in a festive beach party. X paints another surrealistic exotic panorama, this one with Indian and klezmer overtones. Z sounds like a synth-pop take on Los Del Rio's dance craze Macarena by electronic funk-jazz guru Herbie Hancock, slowly contaminated by a horn fanfare and by an ecstatic hippy chant. Whenever the artist injects humor or satire, the project evokes the Residents, but clearly a lot more science went into these four hours of superhuman cut and paste.

I'm an album gag and I disagree
Especially for the style of music that these albums are, being a longer album is something that definitely suits hem positively, the music isn't definant enough to be striking at a glance but it can accumulate in power as it grows in intensity from the album being so long. If it were on the other hand a shorter album, I feel like it wouldn't be able to generate enough power for it to be able to only go for like a 40-50 minute thing at a time to an extant where the album itself is memorable (though it may admirably still be an okay album in that case, but I'm still happiest with the outcome that we got).

not quite the conclusion but they are very good

"I'm a lazy rockist" is not a valid argument.

Haha holy fuck this can't be real. 9/10 bait lad.

album names?

>tfw too afraid to listen to this or else everyone will make fun of you and call you a scaruffi drone

My guy, I went on to explain why I have problems with releases like this later in that post. Read the rest of it, my lad.

No bullying, please.

Good post here though. You make an interesting point; it does kind of feel like the album is meant to be taken as some sort of titan, a journey across many cultures and genres through extensive sampling usage sort of deal. It's one of those things that sounds great on paper, but once you look at the length of the album, it suddenly doesn't sound so appealing that I'd ever feel the urge to sit down and listen to the whole thing.

Don't be an autist.

>Don't be an autist.

but scaruffi drones are autists too

>rediscovers humanity

It is possible, have a little patience, won't you?

I've only listened to Phonemenomicon so far, and I loved it. Does anyone know who is this guy?



Phonemenomicon & Lexemenomicon

When? Link it.

What will Scaruffi rate the second one?

Last digit of this post will be the score Scaruffi's gonna give it.



Is this the illogical conclusion to hip hop?

>listening to it
>It's actually really good
I don't know what I expected, but this is pretty great. Not sure if I could ever listen to it in one go, but it's nonetheless just very good music.

Self-felatory gutter slime, a long-winded, ultimately pointless adventure into abject boredom set against a faux-heady concept. C+


>electronic funk-jazz guru Herbie Hancock

anyone have a dl link for lexemenomicon?

It's a free album


>lasting 833434 hours
ain't nobody got time for that

its not on soulseek you retard
a dollar aint free when you got no money

Oh, it was name your price the day it released.

>can't pay a dollar for 4+ hours of music

Was free but ran out of download codes in a couple of days.

its 4 hours and 20 minuts of music and i spendin all my money on the other 420 hahaha if you get me

>its not on soulseek you retard

because theres nothing in archive yet

Impossible Nothing - Lexemenomicon (2017)
>latest album from the latest scarufficore artist
>instrumental hip hop/experimental hip hop!axoVHLCD!w1sCmewYtlPVGc3IGgU_8w

hmmmm indeed

you must be doing something wrong. I'm sharing it myself