I'm gonna go see this movie even though I've never played the game. Convince me it's a bad idea

I'm gonna go see this movie even though I've never played the game. Convince me it's a bad idea.

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its not, unless you have stock in disney.

I was in the same boat. Don't know shit about the games, never played them, I just liked how it looked like a comfy fantasy war movie. I've never been more bored in my life or cared less about a cast of characters in my life. I urge you to leave and get your money back if you're not into it in the first 30 minutes. After the first hour every minute it drags on is like torture. I left with ten minutes left, I couldn't take it anymore.

Don't do it, it's garbage.

hmm ok that's fairly convincing. I'll save my money.

Read the books first.

Do whatever you want, limp wristed faggot.

it's crap. orcs and dwarves look like they're from a fucking cartoon

It's a 5.5/10, coming from someone who never played the games.

meaningless comment
what score do you generally give movies

What do you mean what score I "generally" give movies? I don't give every movie I watch a _/10 rating.

It's a 4/10. Coming from somebody who played the games.

>literally fan fiction
no thanks

>christie golden

anyone who says anything nice about this movie.
Ignore them
don't try to care about any characters, waste of time.
just watch it and try to enjoy the spectacle of it.

This film makes police academy 5 look oscar worthy its that shit

I'm so conflicted. This will be the last movie I can see with my gift card I got for Christmas. Should I just go see it? Should I wait for something better? I don't even know what I'd use it for. It starts in an hour so I need to decide soonish.

/tv hates everything, so the movie is actually more like a 6.5 or a 7/10, you will enjoy it!

>le Sup Forums is all one person and hates everything meme

fuck off my board idiot

You will be left being completely confused.

So much is not explained in this movie that only fans or those who have spent hours reading the wikis will understand

LOL what was so much more important to do than finishing the fucking thing, fapping on /aco/?

You can't save it and see Independence Day?

>So much is not explained in this movie that only fans or those who have spent hours reading the wikis will understand

But aren't that most of the people going to see this film?

Is there a Medivh novel?

All about with what happened to his mother should have been in the movie.


>see Independence Day?
I don't need to watch Bill Pullman getting killed off a third of the way in and Liam Hemsworth shitting up the screen no matter how much Jeff Goldblum I get.

Nothing was more important. It was painful to sit there and watch that atrocious dialogue and shit-tier story for another second. I knew I wasn't going to magically start liking it in the last ten minutes so I left.

>Is there a Medivh novel?

No but there is an offical movie novelization that reveals alot of info about Medivh.

It's not a bad idea since you certainly get your money's worth from that movie. It's not any worse than all the recent pointless blockbusters like TFA or capeshit.

Yes. Thats why it did well in China. Because dozens there play the game (when you live in a country that bans youtube, any social media site; Warcraft is perhaps one of the only things to keep you entertained).

All critics are rating it shit because they dont know the backstory and you NEED TO to enjoy this movie or you are watching wooden performances thinking "Why is this happening, what is this location, why is there a massive cut here" etc.

Its not a good polished movie at all.

I hope Duncan makes an extended cut but all signs point to no.




Blackrock Clan
Warsong Clan


Laughing Skull Clan


Frostwolf Clan

blizzard has been shit for nearly 10 years


You are kidding? As much as I hate how TFA felt way too short, that movie's pacing is way better than Warcraft

>Paystone makes them money out of thin air
>Overwatch was a success
>WoW despite it's decline in quality and subs is still the most successful MMORPG
Yeah so shit

I never played the games, just knew the very basics. Like more than some random dad or mom taking his or her kids to see the movie but that's about it.

It was easy to follow, the conflict is really simple and they hammer it down so that even the biggest retards in the audience can understand it. The movie isn't worth seeing though, it's a mess on almost all levels. The film doesn't really have a structure, the tone is odd. Some of the mo-cap work is genuinely amazing but then some effects, especially backgrounds and stuff when you have human characters interacting with orcs, look like PS2 games.

Cheers user.

Medivh is such a fantastic character. I wish Duncan spent more time with him.

He had so much potential to have been a 10/10 LOTR like wizard

like i give a fuck about whether they're making money or not

their games are just garbage, thats all

I should just read this and then see the movie


>he plays plants vs zombies 2 as his main game

It's a shitty videogame movie only liked by fat nerds who wasted a decade of their lives playing some online game.

fuck off blizzdrone

ogre from fucking hentai

Yes it is, videogame flicks are the only group of movies capable of delivering more pointless, worse trash than capeshit or whatever Disney is pumping out at the moment.

Warcraft is legitimately one of the worst movies i've seen in years, while capeshit is just mediocre and forgettable.

le I only think what the movie critics tell me to think meme

>I unironically like videogame flicks

Go be a fat virgin somewhere else, nerd.

I played warcraft 3 back in the day, and a bit of wow on private servers. Never knew much about the lore.

Fuck you I liked it.