What's with people calling the filler episodes 100% terrible?

What's with people calling the filler episodes 100% terrible?

Yes 80% of the time the plot segments are boring and dull but the Cooper investigation parts and the Leo subplot are pretty based.

Loved the last 10 minutes of episode 20 with the lighting effects after the power goes out.

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what was the lodge


Wut that

Is the series worth watching or should i just watch the 'movie' or whatever. I vaguely remember this show from my childhood and it gave me 'Fargo' small derpy town cop vibes that i would rather avoid. Because I've seen fargo basically.

Watch the first 14 episodes if you want some great thriller horror. Up until the finale it feels like an entierely different show but depends if you wanna watch those.

I'd say watch first 14 then watch the movie

The movie is a prequel, ruins the big reveal of the series and probably won't be as impactful without the foreknowledge. Watch the series first.

The entire series is necessary to watch at least once, but most of season 2 isn't worth revisiting a second time. Here's a helpful infographic.

Thanks i guess i will stick it out lads.

Oops I mean up to episode 15.

I get confused because I own the blu ray version and it has no season 1 - 2 just episodes 1 - 29 or whatever it is. Havent finished watching entire thing yet

It's cool, the way you said it kind of made me think i should just watching everything.


Woah episodes 20 - 22 are pretty good

So much of an improvement compared to eps 16 - 18 or so


Are you serious?

Are you underage?
You'll never know what it's like to be fully immersed into something if you browse Sup Forums while watching it and fucking pause to take screenshots. Just saying.




I just wanted to share with you guys what I found... sorry

I spent $120 on the blu ray box set so dont tell me how to watch it and btw I definitely will be fully immersed in the season's finale that I hear goes back to the horror roots.

you spent $120 on a show you hadn't seen before?

What was wrong with season 2 episode 11 and 15? The James stuff, or was there more?

Just all of the storylines people thought were lacking in that part of the series. James, Civil War Ben, devil child Nicky, Nadine, and that southern slut seem to be the worst offenders.

Yes why not? I've watched most of Lynch's works and wanted to get this series.

The Civil War stuff was the most horrible

Just seems a little steep for something you might not have enjoyed.

I so can't wait for next year when we get season 3, with it all being written and directed by Lynch.

Nah I am enjoying it a lot. Besides I had some extra cash lying around and we only live once so why not collect some box sets.

>Civil War Ben
I'll agree that I didn't like the Civil War stuff, but Ben in general is the best guy on the show.

I only finished this recently so I don't really know the generally consensus, but what do people tend to think of Josie. I genuinely didn't care for her at all.

I didnt mind Josie.

Actually was kind of fun seeing Civil War Ben singing

I quite liked her and the rest of the Mill storyline but I don't think she's very popular (At least, she's always ranked lowest whenever people post their Twin Peaks waifu listings)

It was somewhat entertaining, but it dragged pretty quickly. I much preferred Ben when he was scheming.

What are seen as the best scenes? I'm sure that Bobby and his dad scene would be up there.

>She isnt a high waifu listing
Wtf I am outraged

Yeah that scene with his dad was really well emotionally written

Bobby and his dad, the entire Black Lodge sequence, Maddy and Leland/Coop in the Roadhouse at the end of that one episode, the Pink Room scene from the movie... those are some of them

I liked the mills arc as well, I just wasn't a fan of Josie.

Do you have any waifu lists on hand?

>the Pink Room scene from the movie
I haven't watched the movie yet. I've heard fans booed when they went to the premiere or something though.

>Maddy and Leland/Coop in the Roadhouse


>What's with people calling the filler episodes 100% terrible?

Because they think show is a murder mystery and not a cozy show about the town itself and its people. Network also didn't get it.

aged like fine wine


He's such a nice bloke. Wishes people Happy Birthday and such.
I'm pretty excited to see his reform from Bob back to Cooper. I bet he's done some fucked up shit as Bob.

>Plays a 2 grand guitar by half kneeling
Jesus get a chair

>Horror Roots
Mate. It's a fucking soap opera.


Depends really. This show is so unique with all the genres it incorporates and yes horror is one

>Do you have any waifu lists on hand?
It's pretty much every female with a regular or semi-regular role on the show.

>I haven't watched the movie yet. I've heard fans booed when they went to the premiere or something though.
I can't really give too much away but let's just say that the movie isn't what people wanted to see after the show's conclusion. It details the last days of Laura's life, and also expands on how the first girl (Teresa Banks) was killed. If you're interested in such things then you'll probably enjoy it, it has its fans/defenders here on Sup Forums.

And the Maddy/Leland scene beforehand. Just that whole sequence

>Still the same population count despite a few people dying
What did they mean by this?

It sure looks like a newer updated version of the sign so you telling me the town made a new sign but were too lazy to do a recount of the people who live there?

So what happened to Donna's sister?

We can agree Bobby is the best character right?

You don't want to know
Fuck no. He and Shelly were the worst of the regulars

>Bobby and Shelly were the worst regulars
>in a world were Donna, James and Maddy existed

Fuck, I forgot about those two. You got me, I concede

>owns a winery
>aging like wine