Movies liberals would never understand

Movies liberals would never understand.

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kek it's made by liberals


lol LOTR is literally the most liberal fantasy ever made kek

liberals wouldn't understand the first season of game of thrones either

but this season is a social justice paradise



not single brown actor was cast in these great films.


No, liberals would welcome orcs into their cities and let them murder their women and children. Because "it's not their fault" that they're savage beasts. If a stupid libcuck wrote LOTR it would be over in 5 minutes with every single human dead and every city burned to the ground, hey it's only fair right?

Modern 'Liberals'

>"we must remember our aggressive trade embargoes on the land of Mordor has forced the peaceful orc population into a corner"
>"we've intervened too much with Mordor, I say lets get around the negotiating table and settle this once and for all

>all those murderers aren't really orcs. Orcs are peaceful people and we must welcome them with open arms


Orcish is a religion of peace.

>the movie is literally environmentalist propaganda and native American genocide shaming

Any movie that portrays non-white people as bad destroys a liberal brain. The only race that has ever done anything evil is the white race. Now it's time for white men to pay

>Orcish invasion and destruction provides much needed stimulation to our economy, without which, we could never advance



FOTR 10/10
TTT 6.5/10
ROTK 4/10

the first i perfect but the others are overrated as fuck as is the trilogy. you faggots only love it because youre nostalgia blinded.

GoT / ASOIAF has always been libcuck shit written by a draft dodging liberal piece of shit

Sure it also champions hereditary structures and an old fashioned world of conformity and order. Tolkien was a conservative no doubt, but his work certainly isn't some Sup Forumsesque mothers basement hate hug, and the films even less so. Peter Jackson votes for the national party but he is socially liberal.

LURTZ is Lawrence Makoare.

The whole story is about the strength and happiness that comes from people of different lands, cultures and races uniting together. Aragorn and Arwen, Legolas and Gimli, Treebeard and Merry + Pippin, Faramir and Frodo.

Eowyn's plot is about female empowerment.

There are huge environmentalism themes- remember, global warming is just a Chinese ploy to make american manufacturing non competitive right?

Haldir & Aragorn also

>movies x would never understand

These are easily the worst threads in Sup Forums.

>LURTZ is Lawrence Makoare.
He is maori.

Yeah, and? Maori are brown, Maori are based and Maori are hated. They aren't some kind of 'noble savage' and if you're gonna hate africans & poo in loos you might as well extend your bigotry to Maori also.

Multiculturalism, female empowerment, black and white good vs evil

>The whole story is about the strength and happiness that comes from people of different lands, cultures and races uniting together.
Under one religion.

White multiculturalism.
>female empowerment
Well Eowyn doesn't look like generic "strong indapendant womyn", she is looks like represantation of shieldmaiden myth.
>black and white good vs evil
What's wrong with that.

>mordor is a region of peace
>check your gondor privilege
>minas tirith has to embrace diversity
>rohan was attacked by a extremists, they are not true orks

as in all whites band together to push back the chords of muslims and blacks?

>female empowerment
stronk independent female that after the War of the Ring had ended, decided to give up dreams of glory in battle and devote her life to peace and a happy marriage?

>black and white good vs evil
how is that bad exactly

pol BTFO
Truth is, if this movie was made today pol-fags would whine about SJW.


Eowyn does no such thing in the movie.

The genetic, cultural and social differences between men, hobbits, dwarves, elves and numenorean are far greater than any between men on earth.

>Eowyn doesn't have a lip piercing so it doesn't count as feminism.

>Trees literally fighting back
>main character literally race mixes
>dwarves example against greed
>hobbits living in balance with nature without technology

>not a lefty story

I don't know, guys, you need to pick a better movie

>Eowyn does no such thing in the movie.
you /dense/fag
they even got that sequence of them cuddling and stuff in extended edition

>The whole story is about the strength and happiness that comes from people of different lands

>different lands
and races

>people of different lands
>all of them are white

like most high fantasy its based on European history,

if you have brown people those are arabs,

if you have horse archers they are mongols,

and of course your classical monsters.

Anything else is vague and only mentioned as in far away there is X land with X people.

>Trees literally fighting back
so nature itself fights against invasion of black people brought into the white lands buy a guy who ditched being white and choose to be "of many colours" instead

>main character literally race mixes
they are related - granted there are a few generations between them but still

>dwarves example against greed
lefty story about jews being so greedy that they literally dig out the satan?

>hobbits living in balance with nature without technology
it's just semi medieval village m8

>black people
>orcs are black


>orcs in the LotR trilogy
>not black

they look black to me



>Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I did not pass through fire and death to bandit crooked words with a witless Worm

Tfw no fantasy will ever come close

orcs are corrupted elves and saruman orcs are created using magic tech

>not black

Men unite with men.
Elves repay old debts but still act like cunts about it
Hobbits don't even realise anything happened.
Apart from the fellowship there is much cultural mingling and even then it's dwarfs stronk, no elves stronk, lmao no humans stronk.

Eowyn could have stayed home,but she snuck into war,she made an effort,did shit around and demand the same rewards(feel like thats the wrong term)as the CIS scum.
Come at me bro,I am no bro!

No it isn't, not even in any stretch of the imagination. Tolkien was a reactionary, the entire point of the trilogy is to love and cherish your friends and home, and don't let them fall to the dark hordes of the east. Tolkien's love of nature is less of a hippie-esque one and more of a hatred out of industrialization for what he saw during the First World War. If the movie was truly liberal they would have kept the gates of Minas Tirith open to accept the Haradrim refugees.

>no rebuttal
theyve aged terribly. again fellowship is perfect but the trilogy sucks

IT'S HIGH NOON 100 100


they literally were though

Thank you, that was the joke

Return to reddit m'lady

Herzog, Korine, etc.

Pretty much anything before 1966 or so

>The genetic, cultural and social differences between men, hobbits, dwarves, elves and numenorean are far greater than any between men on earth.

Nah. Tolkien goodly races = various forms of white. Nords, Germanic, Slavs, etc. Dark races = dark races.

>Cuckservatives getting BTFO: the thread

Absolutely fantastic lads, keep up the good work

Not really senpai, seems to be going the other way. Nice try though

Wrong as always senpai
I can smell your butthurt from over here

All of them.

Only if you identify as the x

Real talk, are abbos human?

Yes, we're all human and the same on the inside user :^)

why are you smelling butts?

>mfw 'liberals' became a buzzword and completely lost his meaning

It happens every 10 or so years

It's a "I have to scapegoat a demographic for my time to streamline the problems of my country so I generalize and simplify one group of people demonically by blaming them for my problems" episode.

And this episode is a rerun...

Why in the fuck is that NOT something we should be shaming though?

You want us to praise it? I swear pol is autistic as shit, the polar opposite of what they complain about is quite literally more retarded than the complaint example: bitching about enviornmentalist messages.

So the remedy would be films about shitting all over the planet and living in a fucking trash heap?

Are you mad my friend? It seems like it

LOTR is literally about a race war.

>"Age of Men"
>"Stand, Men of the West"
>Literally proclaiming that the white, western patriarchy and civilization is the good and necessary force which allows peace, understanding, and goodness to flourish.

SJW minds blown.

>you disagree with me
>you must be butthurt