Hello, user! Mind showing me those DGM receipts for all of the King Crimson albums on your hard drive?

Hello, user! Mind showing me those DGM receipts for all of the King Crimson albums on your hard drive?

Other urls found in this thread:


sorry fripp they got lost in the hurricane.

I stole it because the way Intellectual Property is handled in the majority of he world right now Is crime against humanity. I am happy to pay you directly to help support your art, but not a dime will go to the industry Mr. Fripp

Oww, sorry mate, I only had the court of the crimson king once and I deleted that. I occasionally play some Red or Discipline on youtube is that okay?

>Discipline Global Mobile (DGM, or Discipline GM) is an independent record label founded in 1992 by Robert Fripp[.]
>According to Fripp, DGM has aimed to be "a model of ethical business in an industry founded on exploitation, oiled by deceit, riven with theft and fueled by greed," according to Fripp. Its policy is that its artists retain all copyrights; consequently, even DGM's corporate logo is owned by its designer. The label was an early adopter of the digital download system. DGM's aims have been hailed as "exemplary", and the label has been credited with having expanded "the possibilities of experimental music" and having improved the environment for King Crimson.
Nice excuse, now cough up the money.

>Red or Discipline on youtube
Where is it? WHERE?

fair enough.


Where were you when Fripp completely, absolutely BTFO all piratefag """""fans""""" who have never seen a live performance or even forked over their hard-earned pay to Fripp for his work?


on youtube, guy
is your dial-up working properly or are there pigeons sitting on the wires again? I heard that's an issue.

Gone Senile: ep. 1

Heh, nah bro, eat my balls. Most of your music is pretentious as shit but of course I pirated Red, ITWOP and Lizard. I did get ITCOTCK on vinyl though.

The very concept of youtube triggers him to his core. He wouldn't dare visit it.

>muh radical music
>muh counterculture
>muh occult practices
40 years later
>waaah, the internet you're mean! Muh money! Free circulation of information is evil! I'm telling the police!
what a colossal faggot

the industry is fucked and youtube rakes in hella profit but unless its kc or a fripp project, why the fuck would you pay for music you havent even had a chance to hear?

Butthurt piratefags out in full force, I see.


Fripp, I am disappoint.

btw the epitome of butthurt here is Fripp

It not on spotify so I just don't listen to it

probably buying tickets to Yes since they actually come within 2 hours drive of me


Because it used to force you to actually listen intently to the album rather than plopping it on once while doing something else and replaying if a song or two popped out.