Bryce>Van Patten>Allen>Bateman

Bryce>Van Patten>Allen>Bateman

It's pretty amazing how terrible Bateman's is. Why are the digits in his phone number not even lined up right? It's basically a hard-hitting critique of your average /r9k/ edgelord.

Wrong opinion

I don't think this semen slurping thread is for me desu

>muh texture

Allen>Bateman>Bryce>Van Shitter

nah man. Van patten has the best card. he is the only one whose surname doesn't look ridiculously big and autistic in comparison to his first name.
the other ones have their first names in capital letters yet still smaller letters than the first letter
Van Patten>Bryce>Allen>Bateman

>they all fell for the minimalism meme

i thought the 80's were better than that

Van Patten has great texture but his use of lowercase letters if a very unfortunate failing. Looks very unprofessional, like a card created using a downloadable Microsoft Word template.


>using dots inbetween the phone numbers

this, everyone's letters look shitty except for bryce

>Why are the digits in his phone number not even lined up right?

Yes yes, well done Bryce, well done...


easier to read and tell syou a lot about the owner's personality

Allen > Bryce > Van Patten > Bateman

I think we can all agree that bateman has the worst card. it looks dirty. his letters are in 3 Dimensions rather than just printed out. way to many capital letters (Pierce &Pierce lol), the numbers are not even lined up and the mergers and acquisitions is too left of the company name

why are all of them vice presidents? i thought there were only allowed one vice president

Patrick Bateman is a lot like that naughty fellow from mr robot

That's nothing. Check mine.

Post Luis Carruthers one

>the numbers are not even lined up

you literally did the same style as batman just with a shittier color

Bateman>Allen>Van Patten>Bryce


>jpg artifacts.

that's the point

Allen>Bryce>Van Patten>Shitman's

i do not get the point


>I think we can all agree that bateman

Pretty much, he gets points for the indentation in the print though

They all already made the cards cause they want to be the vice president and they are so sure that they'll get the promotion

Companies can and usually do have multiple vice presidents, though.

best card coming through

>shitty mcword copperplate font
>printed on cheap ass laminated paper instead of on handmade artisanal paper with satisfying textures
>centering the bottom text
>the best

A fucking fourteen year-old in his first highschool visual arts design class could come up with a better card than that garbage.

I hate that sunken lettering on Bateman's, what is that called?


>>Bolding your name that heavily

KEK no

for real where is the watermark on Allen's card that Bateman loses his shit over? Is this just shitty continuity?

Allen is the most tasteful. Clean white card, excellent kerning on his font, punctuated spacing for the phone number, and a subtle bolded name successfully directs the reader's eye to the center.

I honestly give Batemen the next slot. I like embossing and will always favor plain textured paper over the messy playskool look of the alternative. Great font choice for the numbers sets his card apart from the usual but it lacks presence with serifs and such thin lines. Also extremely difficult to tell if any of it is bolded and the smaller print lacks readability.

Bryce is next. Textured cards are a big no. They collect grime and oil and even before that just look poorly crafted. Great font choice makes it highly readable but there is little to distinguish it from others. A perfect example of the film's message about the interchangeability of these men.

Van Patten combines the problems of the bottom 3 into a massive shit sandwich. Shit textre, shit seriffed font, WAY TOO BOLD for his name, poor readability on smaller text. He deserves to be shot and his corpse mutilated.

In another mood I might swap Bryce with Bateman.

this is a conversation

it's just a title, given to them for its own sake, not because they actually do a vice president job

I really like Paul Allens card. It cuts through the bullshit. No off white, no dumb pattern, no pretentious font. Just straight up and earnest.

How would you describe its thickness?

depends on the texture, whether it's matte or shiny, but it seems tasteful

Texture shitters be gone

That being said Bateman's card is fucked. "Pierce &Pierce" what the fuck were you thinking. I do like his indentation into the card though.

From what I understand, "Vice President" is just a generic middle management title for that kind of company.

You fuckers, I don't know if you all are baiting or not. I think they all look good desu.

At least for my company vice president refers to the top department heads like IT, finance, etc.

I mean I'm being completely honest here, I can accept Allen's as the best card, but who /VanPatten/ here?

Check out my card



Allen actually has the absolute worst font but Bryce has the worst card overall. Bateman's card is fucks up too much and Van Patten's is the best, prove me wrong.

Heh, that's nothing.

Check this out

>green and golden letters
kek no wonder patrick wanted to kill this faggot

Van Patten's looks like toilet paper

Bryces' card is so baller. The subtle indentation of the lettering. The texturing. Looks like someone lightly engraved it in stone.

Batemans is literally screaming, trying way too hard to be noticed. Van Pattens looks like it belongs in the classified section of the newspaper. Allens looks like it was run off the office printer.


Anyone that likes Bateman's the most must be blind. It even has a fuckings typo on it.

>Pierce &Pierce

Don't forget the "Pierce &Pierce" is shifted to the right above "Mergers and Acquisitions". Fucking sloppy.

Loved this scene. I really do agree with the majority opinion in this case: Allen's card wins handily, and Bateman...just fuck his shit up, senpai.

Whenever I see a card with expensive paper handmade by the native peoples of Bumfuck Nowhere, I think "Terrible taste - I don't want to be your friend".

Allen best boy.

>neets arguing taste among other peoples business cards

And I thought the cut vs uncut argument was senseless

Please return to the shit bomb known as your life, normie scum.

Allen > Bateman > Bryce >>>>>>>>>> Patten


You seem lost friend

Carruthers' card is a clusterfuck but it still beats Bateman's on typeface just from that retarded number alignment.

>call someone normie
>claim their life is shit

I think you dun goofed my nigga

Screw this, I need to return some videotapes

>Nobody pointing out "aquisitions".

Post your cards, Sup Forums.

The point of Bateman's card is that it looks perfect at first glance until you take a deeper look and see its glaring flaws.

Check these dubs



It all about the artifice, baybeh.

It's a watermark retard, you can only see it if you hold the card up to a light.


check out my singles btw

Paul Allen's is objectively the best.

yes yes very nice dubs HOWEVER

/gd/ here, professional

ignoring the fact that any sane company would have a standardized design for all cards not to mention the FUCKING LOGOTYPE

>best typeface
>top has too much space but it's kinda aethtic
>&Pierce is stupid

van patten
>most balanced
>mixing small caps and lowercase

>SHIT font
>mixing small caps and lowercase

>2 lines for address and fax
>dots in number
>otherwise perfect

I have to give it to bateman even with the problems. I've actually used the same layout for conservative clients before and none have noticed the connection.

Timothy BRYCE
>classic and readable sans
>still weird capital letter surname
>recycle paper hipster start-up paper
it's good, the prettiest; but not pretentious enough. the card of an underachiever

>Papyrus or something
>smooth paper
bold, but ugly

>elegant but subtle serifs
>hipster paper
pretty on the spot, just too modest

>extravagant serifas
>beautiful old school numbers
this man could actually do the job

>>best typeface

You only think that because sans serif font is the style today, whereas when the film was set serif font would have appeared more traditional/professional.

san serif is a meme gone too far

Bryce and Van Patten's look like cheap toilet paper tbqh. Allen's definitely goat.

I have paul allen's card

Yours are lined up perfectly.

Based louis obviously has the best card which is why patrick made a beeline to kill him.


It's in the OP, but here's another one for you.

wew what a tryhard faggot


I meant of the one you have

You didn't say that.

>Why are the digits in his phone number not even lined up right?
Old style numerals were made that way so they would look better amongst text you dummy.

Well they fails there

very nice dubs

don't be afraid of a little pinash




Still better than batemans
