3 dragons making multiple passes take a full minute to destroy ONE ship? Smaug would wreck these """dragons"""

3 dragons making multiple passes take a full minute to destroy ONE ship? Smaug would wreck these """dragons""".

"I'm highly autistic"

Smaug is like 100 times their size, of course he'd wreck them.

Keep it in one thread, shitforbrains.

Probably should have made swift passes that attempt to burn the crew rather than the entire ship.

complaining about not making things more overpowered

They were making a statement. She needed the ships.

Smaug got killed by an arrow. Drogon took multiple close range spear strikes.


this is our board

seemed like a waste of resources when each dragon is more than a match for 1 ship

Boom, correct.

Yes user, that's a good idea HOWEVER

And Ancalagon the Black would probably destroy all of Kings Landing on a single bite so what's your point?

Psychological warfare. They need the fleet.

a dragon of that size has to take only one pass to make the ship unusable in battle. when the top board is on fire, there's nothing much the crew can do but jump and swim.

Why do you autistic faggots have to nitpick every single scene / detail?

Keep your shitposting in /got/ anyways you stupid fucks. Stop shitting up the catalog with another fucking random GoT thread.

I wrote a story about a dragon the size of the sun who could destroy universes by farting. He's more powerful than Smaug, therefore my story is better than Tolkien?

Did you watch the next segment? She KEPT the whole fucking fleet, which was exactly what she was looking for, you autistic fuck.

>inb4 fell for bait

drogon couldn't even set the deck on fire with one exhalation. these are weaksauce dragons

Ancalagon isn't really as big as in the memes

>muh Ancalagon

reminder smaug is a wyvren

>spine makes up the largest mountain chain in the world
>not as big as in the memes

Reminder that you're a colossal faggot.

As for the thread, deathwing beats them all

get lost faggot

video/webm so i dont have to watch the whole fucking episode

Deatheing is fucking beast mate, plus he's like the most Alpha of all dragons
Would literally rape that tolkien shit


he literally changes the landscape of the world he was in, simply by waking up

it doesn't

Reminder that dragons have been a thing for hundreds of years and that they have been depicted with any number of limbs and wings.

Only the author has the authority to say what is and isn't a dragon in his/her universe.

This one doesn't even have legs at all.

Nidhogg would shit on all of them aside from Ancalagon

Often they are so small that you wonder why killing them is even an accomplishment.

This board is pure fucking cancer.

I don't know why people always bring up the St George paintings, given that any church funded artist would be under the explicit instruction to make any depiction of evil look as pathetic as possible.

They wouldn't be anything close to how any legend described them

seems like shit is going down in GoT
is this season good? I quit after season 4

Best season since 4

>two legs
>two wing-arms
Clearly those are wyverns.

Are you complaining that a mythical creature from one book isn't as powerful as the same type of mythical creature from another book? I do not understand.

Nope, season 5 and 6 are the worst by a landslide

Why didn't those ships have baliistas they could have easily shot those dragons out of the air.
In the books a guy with a spear managed wound drogon so a ballista could kill them and with so many ships firing atleast a few should hit the dragons.

>ADOS ending

Religion in a nutshell

And what legend has the one true description of a dragon?

It's not like the stories involving dragons have been told since time immemorial and every storyteller has his own idea of what a dragon looks like.

was a response to

>Is or isnt

All this equivocation. Must be a moral relativist

None, but St George related imagery is a ridiculous example to bring up because they don't reflect anything, when instead you could talk about Chinese dragons and their contrast with the likes of Nidhogg.

It's like bringing up fan fiction to talk about a book when you have several essays on the subject available.


why didn't the ships just aim their fireballs at the dragon?

Of course they would. GRRM even admitted this. GRRM even said Smaug would defeat Balerion the Black Dread.

>we didn't get to see the ironborn fleet join the fight

How lame, they probably didn't even arrive on time but rather a week later.

how did the dornish fucking shits survived the dragons?

They reflect what the artist thought a dragon looked like.

>It's like bringing up fan fiction to talk about a book when you have several essays on the subject available.

Fan fiction is fan fiction because they don't have any authority to say what is and isn't canon for a work of fiction.
No one has any authority to say what is and isn't a dragon, so those essays and books don't have any more value than what some random monk drew.

they hid in gulleys, and the heat and sand probably pissed off the dragons

Black arrow from a wind lance and near close range, after multiple hits loosened 1 spot.


It's wet and damp and it's only a flamethrower, the ships don't have any embers on them which is what makes fire spread quickly

>we will never see Ancalagon the BLACKED go to town on cersei's asshole

Have Unicorns or (whatever the plural is for pegasus) ever been depicted differently than how they are usually depicted?

I know centaurs are sometimes a generic term for half horse + half something else.

>muh limbs

get the fuck out

She wasn't trying to destroy them she wants to keep the fucking ships

She only needs to destroy one or two to scare the rest

It's "dracarys," not "dracaris".

Oop... Poor it

She didn't want to destroy all the ships, she wanted to scare them so they would surrender and she could use the ships

It worked

They were trying to intimidate in order to get the rest of the ships for themselves (which they do and is later mentioned), are you a fucking retard?

>ywn kill a small gator/snake and be heralded and immortalized as a "Dragonslayer"

daenerys needs the rest of the ships to get to westeros you fucking retard.

Think before you post.

That has nothing to do with what is stated in OP, not sure why so many people are responding with this orthogonal reply.

Daily reminder that Valakas and Antharas are strongest dragons and would easily beat any


The OP stated that Smaug would wreck these dragons BECAUSE they were stupid and only attacked one ship. So this actually is relevant.

The point was to show its power, not destroy the entire fleet. they wanted to capture it for themselfs, not burn them all down.

remember, they are all innocent slaves following orders.

but yes, it was kinda frustrating watching them take their sweet time

>They reflect what the artist thought a dragon looked like.
don't talk bollocks.
They were tiny and unthreatening because that was the church mandate on depictions of evil.
Thinking ANYONE would tell stories of that being heroically vanquished is ludicrous.

>3 dragons making multiple passes take a full minute to destroy ONE ship
The gist seems to be that these dragons have a low power level (it takes three of them a long time to do something minor) which is why the smaugster would destroy them, not because they were stupid.

Smaug fucking ruined by having the 2nd movie named after him and then having his story conclude in the first five minutes of the 3rd


Even if that is true (and I doubt a three meter tall deathlizard would be considered non-threatening), the church didn't mandate the number or configuration of limbs a dragon could have, so it doesn't change anything.

OK but front-limbs as the wings is how dragons traditionally look.
The other type is a DnD thing that we all just took over.
Meanwhile centaurs are and always were men fused with horses at the waist.
So it's a false equivalence.

Here's how Tolkien drew Smaug.

While I saw that scene I was thinking when they're hovering in place like that they'd make an awfully easy target.

The best thing the Dragons could be doing is swooping down constantly moving and spewing flaming bands from prow to stern hitting the main sail along the way.

I get the idea is you want to save as many ships as possible but that's going to limit the chance one of your dragon takes a freak shot to the neck and dies you'd want to keep moving flaming shit as you fly by not stopping and having all three flame the same ship that was just retarded.

The fire will propagate all on it's own you don't need to roast it into a crisp, just alight more of it than they could foreseeably put out.

and this

Excellent point well-made. The hovering was very odd

It was indeed a retarded scene. I expected a whole flamethrower attacks by dragons passing by the ships. But they showed the shitty scene of three dragons attacking one ship.

I agree that Smaug should have been a four legs + two wings dragon.
I just don't agree with the argument that all dragons have to have the same number of limbs or they aren't dragons.

Havent seen it, but just reading what happened. Pretty sure fire takes time to collapse things. If you take a flamethrower and flame up a shed, its not gonna "sink" immediately.

Yes user, he really is

They wanted the ships intact so they can sail back to Westeros on them.

>200 ships
>no ballista

Dragon Fire is supposedly hot enough to melt stone.

See Harrenhall for an example.

I think you mean "fucking impossible".

Except for hummingbirds, birds require a strong headwind to APPEAR to be fixed in place. that's why they mostly do it at high altitude.

But got dragons are mindless creatures. Laughable when compared to the intelligence of Smaug

The point was never to destroy the entire fleet; it was to show them that there was literally nothing they could do and that the dragons would burn all of their ships in like an hour.

>Lineweaboo II

Nope go away. GoT is the best show ever

Is that Stannis?

Confirmed for pleb
In the books it's a magical black arrow fired from a normal ass hunting bow.


Their goal wasn't to destroy all the ships dumbass. It was a statement to make them surrender. Did you even watch the fucking discussion between Danny/Tyrion and the other dudes?

Actually this image means that dick makes women stop acting out