"Are you ready for Hillary 2016?"

> "Are you ready for Hillary 2016?"

What did she mean by this?

Azor Jon!

>Being this triggered


>Shake my hand

>two bisexual women, a manlet, and an emasculated white guy join forces.

What did D&D mean by this?

Keep it in one thread,shitforbrains.

Why didn't Dany want to shake her hand?

What is wrong with powerful women ?

White women were MADE to either be lesbians or get BLACKED while ruling everything as humanity intended before the patriarchy messed it all up.

White bois are destined to become emasculated cuckolds as nature intended.

>All queens, all Queendoms

Is this really what GURM intended when he started out writing his grim, realistic low fantasy series

Yes. WOMYN POWER just werks.

I will drop the show if D&D make them be lesbians together. I won't really drop the show, but I'll complain about it on a Siamese shadowboxing forum

you actually dont get it?

MRAs butt-blasting incoming.

Go back to r/The_Donald faggots

>This entire dragon scene

What were they thinking


Yes everything will end exactly as it's going right now, nothing in this show ever changes

Getting a shitty character out of the way while the real men can resolve the situation.

I don't. Literally.

They're gonna fuck, right?



take it from this perspective.

she goes to the dragon queen to free the iron islands from her evil uncles grasp only to make a deal to sell out the isles to the new order she will be forced to accept.

no raving, raping and pillaging even thou she is a butch lesbian iron islander.

>all the dickless men are in Dany's side

Reddit is probably a better fit for you user

So basically at this point people just come to this board to whine about women and feminism?