/got/ general

>Jon king stands alone
>Not alone


Other urls found in this thread:


>yfw Sansa is know a Kinslayer as he killed his husband and now she is cursed


Crashing this army

with no survivors version

Keep it in one thread, shitforbrains.

Were the Men of the Vale on the fightplan?

Why didn't Sansa just tell Jon about the Valeman?



Reminder to bring your loli to the battle.

Great luck and many victories will come to you.

She could have told him. He'd delay the battle for like 2 hours.
Easy win.

Holy fucking shit, are people really praising this? What the fuck is this?

This is even worse than when Stannis counter-charged cavalry with footmen. Seriously, JUST FUCKING SHIT MY FUCKING SCENE UP

>that complete silence on the battlefield


This is exactly what happened at Cannae tho for different reasons.

>expecting decent writing from D&D
Wew lads

Reminder that the series ends with a lesbian character scissorfest on the Iron Throne.

Like a new Stalingrad

>Salsa+Red Priestess
My body is ready.

Yesh, yesh, well done Ramshay, well done Ramshay


The different reasons are exactly what marks the difference between strategy and retardedness

Agchually, pride killed Ramsay.

He could have easily defeated them, and CIA's.


I completely agree.

Will we get to see CIA in his signature pose next episode?

>8 thousand men

Either this is the greatest delussion since Hitler or D&D are retards.

Is there a tv series that's good and doesn't fall of the wagon and slap itself on the way down like GoT has lately?

>Danny and the iron island chick

mmm yes yes
go on

loling at you as I bump
this board is trash, there is no saving it

This was one of the best episodes of the entire series, faggot

Couldn't Wun Wun just kick some big gaps into the shield wall?

How the fuck did they let a pathetic 3 man strength line encircle them.

I don't understand. They just fucking stood there and watched them do it.

I read it in his voice.
What a prick.

Yeah because one episode is the entire show, dipshit.

+ Sansa, Redhead priestess and every meme woman in a celebration of GIRL POWER

Broken Man was also great

Realistically he should have been the first one to die. He's a fucking giant target for all them spears.

Yeah, except its not...

Can someone make a video edit of Helm's Deep already?


It was over the instant everybody stopped fighting to just stare at a thin line of spearman enveloping them.

Yeah, well the Romans went mildly retard there, everyone went full retard here.

Game of Thrones has been cucked.

Literally """""""girl power"""""" the show.

Cannae had the main fighting force of Hannibal bend inwards. The GoT battle had Ramsay send a line of spearmen march all the way around while everybody else just watched.

apology for poor english

when were you when giant dies?

i was sat at home eating smegma butter when pjotr ring

‘giant is kill’


I miss ramsay


Me too

Haven't seen one of those in a while.

It's winter in the southern hemisphere ya fuckin wanka

I miss summer too

poor doggo


>implying anywhere outside of USA matters
Time to find a different site, subhuman.


>shitskins and shitposters
Who cares?


It's always summer in Australia anyways.

What do leaks say about episode 10? I know about kings landing but what happens at the Twins and in the North?



>the show will end on dany conquering the throne
This isn't going to happen.. r-right guys?

Last time I heard the twins of the north were taken down by a bearded bastard.

Norf has a big meeting where someone gives a inspiring speech

kings landing (or at least parts of it) goes boom

Twins has the red wedding 2.0

Jon meets with LF and finds out about his true parentage

when was the last big plot twist

No it isn't it's fucking cold down here you fucking cunt

apology for poor english

when were you when giant dies?

i was sat at home eating oxtail soup, summer green tossed with pecans, grapes, red fennel, and crumbed cheese, hot crab pie, spiced squash, quails drowned in butter, hot bread, butter and honey and blackberry preserves, a rasher of bacon and a soft-boiled egg, a wedge of cheese, a pot of mint tea, sweetgrass, strawberries, thick soup of barley and venison, salads of sweetgrass and spinach and plums sprinkled with crushed nuts, snails in honey and garlic, sweetbreads and pigeon pie, baked apples fragrant with cinnamon when pjotr ring

‘giant is kill’


two episodes ago with the hound reveal

>10c cold

Benjen I guess.

The Breaker of Chairs will destroy the Iron Throne to make sure that evil men can't control women anymore.

Where they killed a returning character off screen the episode after reintroducing them

hes a big guy

Who will make Red wedding 2.0? BwB? Arya?

Oh yeah, this. Forget

it is, 10 degrees less and ur freezing

any pics of Yara's ass?

Blackfish. The soldier who reported to Jaime about him being dead was really a Tully in disguise.

0 degrees is freezing you dumb shit unless Australians use an even worse temperature system than the Americans


Let's be serious for a moment here goys.

Why didn't Salsa tell Jon about CIA's army?

Does she hates Jon? Why?

Jon falling into a trap and getting encircled so Ramsay's troops would be easy pickings was part of her plan.

Is that Adam Scott on the left?

anyone feel like the series has lost its magic?

the last season that gave me the original game of thrones feels was season 4

"That's a big giant"

you just became too cynical

If Jon knew about the Vale, he'd bring their whole might. If he brings his whole might, Ramsay doesn't meet them in the field, he holes up in Winterfell. If he holes up in Winterfell, Jon is not getting in.

At least, that might've made sense if they din't reveal the mighty fortress Winterfell has a fucking barn door for an entrance. No moat, no double walls, not even a portcullis. Just a door and a plank.

How could she possibly know that the battle would go that way?

Sansa is an extremely cunning strategist and tactician.

you made this joke suck.

"Exactly what happened at Cannae"

I know that's what D&D said after the episode, but you should probably brush up on Cannae before you say it.

It was a riff on grrm's extensive descriptions of food. If you didn't find it funny, oh well. You win some, you lose some.

>Sansa is an extremely cunning strategist and tactician.

That's bullshit, but i guess that's what D&D wants us to believe.


>implying you even know what cannae is

fuck off

Lord Bolton, I'm V.A.L.E.

Cannae is how a Scotsman pronounces "cannot"

>lets wait for the retarded phalanx formation to surround us, that's a good trick
>let's not command the giant to put a hole into the formation
>let's not all climb over that pile of bodies and get the fuck out of there(this was shown to be possible)
>let's just wait and not move onto the pile of dead bodies when the boltons move in closer


>Ramsay fucked me in the ass so I know better than you what tactics you should employ in the battlefield
t. some girl without any martial experience

his face is priceless

when did this show drop complexity so hard?

Some of us northern folk say it too

/Highgarden/ trials