Why do people hate Independence day so much?

Why do people hate Independence day so much?

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turns out that not everyone on the internet is from the united states so they hate on us cause they aint us


Cause the plot is fucking stupid

Idk why. It's not a masterpiece. It's pure fun.

Sequel's probably going to be awful though.

it's one of my favourite action popcorn movies

great air battle scenes
very cool when they travel to the mothership

think it had something to do with limited, but still advanced technology. There was some kind of mysticism surrounding the aliens. If it had been done today, it would've been too much spoonfeeding. CGI aliens straight in our faces

Who the hell hates ID4?

Hating on popular things it's the trend here

I liked it a lot and watched a countless number of times growing up

I don't know if I want to see the sequel though.

Nobody hates it.

>Sequel's probably going to be awful though.

hopefully not but yeah more than likely

it's dumb and full of cliches. what's to like?

They don't really desu

Its a really good disaster/invasion movie

Mike "I can't decide whether Jurassic World or The Force Awakens is the greatest kino of the decade" Schlocklasa does

I miss Will Smith before he became some euphoric hollyweirdo.

>it's a RLM mentioned something so Sup Forums has to argue about it episode

Because it was fucking dumb. The overly jewish father and his "David!!!! My son David!!!

Everything was just so overly done. The acting was complete shit. When Wil Smith gets out of the ship and starts acting all ghetto etc then just punched the alien in the face was completely fucking retarded.

Or how about when the president gave that fucking speech. Or when Randy Quaid was yammering about stupid shit and they let him fly a plane even though he was a drunk.

Shall I go on?

What about when the stripper wife escapes a huge fucking explosion and the dog jumps in the last second and they "happen" to run into the first lady and she tells her she is a stripper?

Or when they did that scene with morse code and it was OMG FUCKIN USA!!!! who had the plan and was gonna save everyone?

Want something even worse? How about when they got into the mothership and they were sitting there with cigars? How did the aliens NOT KNOW that was some ship from 50 years ago? Did they not change their ships in 50 years?

And the end. Those ships must have had millions of aliens....none of them made it out?

It's just fucking bad.


Allow me to rephrase then.

No one who counts hates it.

This the same retard that hates Escape from NY right.

Fuck that fat fuck.

>And the end. Those ships must have had millions of aliens....none of them made it out?

>It's just fucking bad.

Xeno-apologist detected, opinion discarded

it's great. i was gonna post on their site but i'm banned for talking about their porno. honestly i can't take these idiots seriously anymore. contrarian positions all the time to sound edgy, slagging off classic schlocky entertainment like this when they made SPACE COP. come on...

>They destroyed the alien ships with a virus running on Windows95

In the squel I expect they use a malware sent from a space cloud storage

RLM just posted a pure hate review of Independence Day

no shit. read the damn thread

>And the end. Those ships must have had millions of aliens....none of them made it out?

They did, they show alien captives in the trailer and evidence of ground wars with stragglers

which part is great for you?

The acting? The characters? The plot? The soundtrack? The editing? The tension? The cinematography? The dialogue?

Because I can't find anything good in it, but still have a positive memory from it probably because of nostalgia of us 90s kids

They did have a good point tho.

Mars attacks is an example of a cheesy movie that doesn't try to be anything else and it works, while Independence Day is a cheesy movie that tries to be super serious at times, which doesn't work at all.

Also one of the worst on-screen presidents of all time

>the soundtrack?

nigga david arnold's scores for stargate and independence day are fantastic. it's pompous and unabashedly epic sure, but if you hate that then i suppose you have to hate good old fashioned john williams too


it takes a special kind of jaded asshole to say that this music sucks

mars attacks tried way too hard.

>If you like corny and stupid ID is a great movie

>Please buy Space Cop on VHS

>mars attacks tried way too hard.

Are we thinking of the same movie?

Seriously, the movie where the two kids help defend the white house with an alien gun while secret service gets the fuck out, that movie was trying too hard?

you just don't get it do you
it's SUPPOSED to be bad!!!!

It's pretty dumb, bit it is a guilty pleasure of mine. Same with Starship Troopers. I think its my love for everything sci-fi

It was fine until
>Weee're uh, gonna haveta *ahem* fly the alien craft out of our atmosphere and dock with it
That was the moment it went to shit, for me anyway

That user is right though. It's trying to be Dr. Strangelove but it just doesn't have the balls. Or the brains.

Please explain how Mars Attacks somehow tries to be a Kubrick film.

No fun allowed

fun movie, but nothing more than that and it is ok

>Starship Troopers
>Independence Day
>On the same level at all.

I enjoy both but Starship Troopers is not a guilty pleasure it's a genuine work of genius. It's a movie that came out in 1997 and yet predicted the entire first decade of the 21st century.

Independence Day is just a fun movie with amusing lines and excellent visuals.

I actually love this movie, mainly for the concept.

you are nitpicking a bit, but some of your points are true

You don't let stupid little thing ruin movies for you do you?

No, i mean I watched it and I cringe but I mean it is not like Star Ship troopers where you know if is supposed to be overly ridiculous. ID tries to be too serious.