Good rap and country doesn't exi-

>Good rap and country doesn't exi-

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chicken and biscuits sounds disgusting
also thats bread on the cover not biscuits

Would you happen to be British...?

Europoor detected

Biscuits are not what you think, Britfag.

the cringe is pretty strong with this fat fuck
What the fuck is this shit

not him but that's not a biscuit and you fat fucks are retarded for calling them that, after a quick google I found out that you obese backwards retards call scones biscuits for some reason even though biscuits are a well established thing, no doubt this is you ignorant fucks trying to distance yourselves from your brit creators.

Fuck you repugnant swine disgust me.

please go back to your mudhut, yuropoor. You're posting during freedom hours, abide by our rules.

I asked a simple question man, jeez, you don't need to be rude. I genuinely wanted to know if he was british since they called cookies 'biscuts' there.

Why can't we just get along for once...

go post in bleep you degenerate

Ass-blasted eurocuck detected

Why do Euroshits get so angrily autistic whenever an American does anything differently from them?

i bet you get mad at americans because they put the month before the day in their dates

Not from euro, I'm white and I live in a highly developed and educated country, and I don't suffer from obesity so I can see why you feel threatened around me piggy

Never gone near one of those threads or any /general/

I apologize friend but americans calling things the incorrect names and acting smug about it for some retarded reason triggers me.

And it's not just britain, it's literally the rest of the developed world who call cookies (a specific type of biscuit) biscuits.

I get extremely annoyed, how can a country with so many resources put out such degenerate people.

>incorrect names
How? It's just another name. It doesn't fucking matter.

>a """"highly developed"""" and """""educated"""" country
Let me guess, you're from Australia?

idk what op's album is but i just wanted to say toby keith fucking rocks and people are idiots

So the song is about getting cucked?

>but americans calling things the incorrect names
Not possible, neck yourself
>And it's not just britain, it's literally the rest of the developed world who call cookies (a specific type of biscuit) biscuits
Who cares, stop getting booty-bothered over dumb shit

No they're the closest thing to america outside american, like racist little brothers of yours.

Biscuit is a name for something that has existed for a very long time, you fat fucks decided to start calling something else the same thing because your reading comprehension lacks and now it's "just another name" It's not just another name and you're incorrect.

I'm gonna start calling "chairs" "tables", I just need another 300 million fat fucks like myself to start saying the same thing and "bro it's just another name for chair what's the big deal?"

Oh, you're Canadian. This makes a lot of sense actually.


>I apologize friend
It's ok man but we gotta quit this negativity. We can get along! We just need some good tunes to help! Let's do this!

So you're Canadian? That's even fucking worse.

Incorrect, I see your famous lack of geographical skills is being showcased yet again.

You put milk in bags lmao.

>closest thing to america outside american
You're the retard here, pal.

That description doesn't fit anyone else
>inb4 Mexico

>not from euro, usa, canada, or ausnz
where the fuck are you from then

>I'm gonna start calling "chairs" "tables", I just need another 300 million fat fucks like myself to start saying the same thing and "bro it's just another name for chair what's the big deal?"
Congrats, you've figured out how languages work

>this entire thread

Why are amerifats so thin-skinned?

I clearly said australia is the closest thing to america outside american, or atleast they try to be.

READ MY MAN your country has more resources than any other country in the history of the modern world and you can't even read.

If you could read, you'd notice it's the non-Americans who got butthurt first

They are not scones. Scones are sugary sweet bakery delights, usually with some fruit mixed in. Biscuits have the texture of scones but are savory and delicious with gravy and butter. If you call a biscuit a scone, what is a biscuit? And if you call cookies biscuits, which I believe is the case, what is a cookie? And what would you call a chocolate chip cookie, which was invented in America? A chocolate chip biscuit? Because I would actually lol at that.

>superior canadian genes
>has a cuck for a prime minister

Not in modern times, in modern times language is established and already defined (excluding new inventions/terms), no other country does what amerifat does, you take a term that is used for something else, can't differentiate between simple things and mix the terms up, then you fucking act so arrogant and smug about using the wrong word for something.

>Not in modern times, in modern times language is established and already defined
Would people actually do this?
Go on the Internet and make things up?

>then you fucking act so arrogant and smug about using the wrong word for something
I've never seen this happen.

>you fucking act so arrogant and smug about using the wrong word for something
Nobody in this thread was doing that though. You're the retard who threw a fit like an autistic child..

damn this takes me back to when twilight was a big thing

where did the time go


skrate jelly uh dat nigga tendies son
tendies is like muh family son