ITT: post misleading album covers in this ITT thread

ITT: post misleading album covers in this ITT thread

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for the longest time i could never find anything under "big aloe" on youtube

But this is exactly what I picture when I want to bang screw.

Hm I dunno man. I don't expect up beat funky hip hop when I see the cover. I expect something like horrorcore or some dark edgy rap. Maybe if he smiled I wouldn't think that



This album cover always reminds me of being in Detroit in the 90's.

Despite how the cover looks: It's actually a good album.

I was not expecting this to sound like the way it does. I was expecting something more psychedelic.

I was expecting some kind of vaporwave/future funk bullshit

looks metalcore
it's ambient

tfw instead of hipster shit you get the best album of the year

Doesn't look like a sludge/doom record at all


This cover didn't warn me about the feels

it's space rock
not as heavy as it looks

a lot of melvins covers dont

Yea, I used that one cause it was the first Melvins album I listened to so it's when the difference first struck me

the cover makes it look good

A-L-O-E from the S-U-C

i have spent many moons trying to figure out what this cover means

i definitely expected this to be some memphis hip hop big hill management type shit. was disappointed and then pleasantly surprised. great album

This thread made finally listen to this album that I thought was a big meme. Holy shit, user. This put the biggest smile on my face. All I wanna do is bang screw.

wtf its not too bad man, fucking horrible album cover/name/everything

No it's not

Why do Bowie fags suck off every album he's made?



it's actually hipster shit borrowing ideas from 00s glitch pop and poorly executing them

anime ost

Is anyone gonna say what this album is?

It looks like some doo-wop album but sounds like a vision of hell.

The Easter Bunny visits hell.


From the cover you think he just want to ice some suckers but really he just want to bang screw

Clarence Clarity - No Now

you can say that about a lot of Bowie albums

What the fuck is this?
I mean I really like the screwed up click, but what the fuck is this?

Pretty much everything by the color changin click


you are now aware about reverse searching images

Big Moe
It's actually really good:


I thought it was going to be ambient/dream pop

>I really like the screwed up click, but who the fuck is their second most famous member?

sun bat her

It is dreampop though, but with screams and blastbeats.