So what was their master plan?

So what was their master plan?
>let's declare war on Mother of Dragons
>be surprised when said dragons rekt your whole invasion fleet and army

Like most, they don't really believe the dragons are anything but propaganda.

guy on the left had met the dragons but they were much smaller then


i missed this

And yet, that small as fuck dragon destroyed everything and kill shitload of people.

Is Drogon bigger than Balerion the Black Dread now?

In fairness they were most likely desperate to do something and probably expected to have a chance at wining.

She was AWOL when they made the deal with Tyrion so they probably though Drogon had eaten her

>Is Drogon bigger than Balerion the Black Dread now?


They didn't even have an army, just a navy the fucking idiots. What could they possibly hope to accomplish sitting in the bay lobbing pitch?

Are those leather straps made out of mammoths? Where do you get that much leather?

you get that much leather from some human centipede version but with cows

Everyone in this show except the main cast is completely incompetent for some reason. They all act like the henchmen in the background of a Bond film

This whole season has been a travesty in writing, who's even in charge of this sinking ships writers?

Well, what did you expect? THEY'RE MEN


pls tell me why this episode is rated 10/10
it was clear Mereen would happen like this
also that Littlefinger his army would save their asses

only the battle was pretty epic

Because there was a big battle with mud and blood and the die hard fans of this show are retards and children

...But...But what are littlefingers motivations for doing it? It's deeper than you think......lel

does he want the punani?

because compared to the rest of this shit season this was a fantastic episode

battle reminded me of some gritty version of a medieval SPR with armies charging at the meatgrinder, piles of bodies stacking up, guys with guts hanging out screaming for their mothers, etc.
Also that scene with Jon being literally stomped and buried under the piles of corpses and with ringing PTSD sound effect was pretty GOAT

She was not at home, they expected her to be lost forever and she had 0 control of her dragons

Agree, but the first half hour annoyed me.
The Mereen story is so bad. Also Tyrion went from a 9/10 to a 5/10

It was the sudden jumpiness with the rounds coming in. He's been through the battle of kinds landing, tangled with stone skin victims, negotiated for his life multiple times, and now he's going to start acting terrified when he's literally in a pyramid fortress?

Come on

Now the real question. Where are sneks?


>Master plan

>pls tell me why this episode is rated 10/10
Because the other episodes made a pretty good job at boring the audience to death this one shines in comparison. Plus the fact this show is making its mission to appeal to SJW mongoloids.


they've been bitching mereen for awhile, so much so that the queen of dragons, who had now "fled" the city had to have her advisor make terms with them. they saw weakness and went for it. they didn't know that she had returned with her main dragon and had 100,000 dothraki at her back.

>show promises dragons
>they're wyverns

>grrm wants them to be biologically accurate
>ignores literally everything else about dragons that is impossible

It's obviously several pieces stitched together

I don't understand this stupid shit at all. Why even include this whole Masters shit?

They should have spotted a massive fleet and sounded the war bells. But it wasn't the Masters, it was actually the Greyjoys.

Or, while the Masters were attacking have the Greyjoy fleet come to the rescue.

He's a hero in Sansa's eyes for saving her brother at the last minute.