Who /earphones/ here?

Who /earphones/ here?

Absolutely unlistenable. Get some good sets of headphones.

Got some Sennheiser Momentums from a friend with too much money. They're great imo, rubber thingies pop off a bit too easily though.

every body who isn't a raging sperg lol

The ear tips? Cheap third party tips are probably gonna solve your problem.

Comply foam tips will solve that problem. If it doesn't you can always go for the Etymotic ear rape tips.

Will probably get some foam tips for them.

I wear my apple earphones in public, they're perfect for that.

Why would anybody ever wear earphones at home though? That is just terrible.

Headphones are shit for when you are taking a walk/commuting. I want to be able to carry my earphones in my pocket. Headphones are for listening to music at home.

Never tried foam tips, what do they offer aside from isolation?

Other than isolation? Comfort, but there are some downsides. They'll deform over time and you'll need to replace them, and they'll absorb every single particle of earwax you have. Shit gets disgusting after a while even if you're anal about ear cleaning.

those one are earbuds though

These are gonna be good.


Not yet user.

They'd be cool if they were wired and weren't expensive, which is inherent to Beats.

I have a really nice pair of Bose ones. Only use them when necessary though - travelling places, etc. You should always keep the volume low on those things, they're bad for your ears

All IEMs sound like shit, user, it really doesn't matter if you're outside
Also bluetooth headphones don't require you to have good DAPs

Agreed. That's why I don't use IEMs outside. Not anymore at least.

I wear iems because noisy roommates. with good eq and crossfeed they sound ok

>I wear iems because noisy roommates
Closed back/noise cancelling headphones will work better.

>Chinese monster girls having good taste in consumer tech
lmoa i bet u kiss girls fag

Once you get used to listening to full-sized headphones you can't go back
>not kissing girls


>kissing girls
>not kissing boys and girls(boys)

mc5s out perform closed and noise cancelling.

>out perform
Etymotics sound great but they're uncomfortable as fuck. I'd rather be comfortable and lose some fidelity over having my ear canals raped.

by performance i mean in terms of isolation. I'll take ear tentacle porn over hearing my roommate's TV when trying to listen to music

Sup Forums you know one thing I'll never understand? Spending money on "good" IEM's, I struggle more with someone spending 90 dollars on IEMs than I do someone spending 600 dollars on headphones.

We're talking about a negligible change at best, I mean those speakers are the size of peas, how much do you really think it's gonna improve your listening experience? Not to mention, you'll wear this in places where there will be ambient noise around you at all time, you won't have a quiet listening experience ever.

So why do it? Buy cheap ones, save your money on something that actually matters.

in the lower end of prices is where you get the biggest difference in quality for the smallest difference in investment.

Bought this as a present to myself for xmas.
would recommend/10

Wrong thread, whiteboi.


jesus christ won't somebody think of the quality

RIP. what are some good headphones around 140 at guitar center that can replace pioneer hdj-1500s? I want to get more studio oriented headphones with clear low end.

If I saw someone wearing over-ear headphones outside I would kick their ass

The internet isn't made for lies, user.

>listening to music
>autistic twink screeches and runs at me
>can't hear it due to superior over ear headphones blocking out noise
>he punches me in the back of the head
>turn around and he's curled up on the floor, holding his wrist
>all this did was confuse me
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

anyone have some experience with the 'Sennheiser CX5.00'?
i've been looking into a replacement for my standard apple earphones, and i think they seem like a decent pair for the price. I know the momentum in-ear should be a bit better for almost the same price but they look really unappealing to me and seem like they would fall out easily

>I want to get more studio oriented headphones with clear low end.
I hear Sennheiser SE80 is good.

I have the IE80's. Think they are pretty good. Deep bass but the treble lacks a bit of sparkle