>not IRL Costanzaing on reality shows


Other urls found in this thread:


>2011 was 5 years ago

does the new season start this week?

im upset

But I meme IRL all the time tho.

I love the other guy's reaction.

>what is this nigga talking about? just smile politely or else he'll shoot us all up

Was it known what board he mained?

Sup Forums

lol what causes someone to believe this behavior is acceptable

single meme household
lack of a strong memefigure

What happened to him after he won?

shot and killed


holy wat

>Sup Forums won big brother
>Sup Forums won nothing


He did one last victory lap on Sup Forums and never showed up again

Pretty smart tbqh

>2005 was 15 years ago

i laughed out loud

>being THIS fucking new



will there be any good waifus this season?

i'm new to whatever show this is.

i challenge you to post your oldest image that you've saved from Sup Forums, i can guarantee mine's older. i challenge you!

He said he doesnt want to adopt a trip so he might still be browsing


i knew you wouldn't step up, pleb



Is this degeneracy?


>all these newfag who don't remember the glorious union of /sptv/ during ian's big brother domination
>not being present for dan's misting

Muh dick

being autistic and spending your days on Sup Forums can do that for you.

>mfw newfags don't know Sup Forums won big brother

People who meme irl need to be beaten on sight.

damn that nigress is pretty thicc

Unless you win a reality show then you have the rights to meme all you want.