Preacher general

I dont like this show. I should, it has everything I would want, but I dont. Dont like the Southern Hillbilly artstyle. The humor isnt funny and the absurd situations feels forced instead of genuinely fitting the story. Also some of the acting feels bad. Overall the show tries too hard.

If you're a comicfag. read the first issue of outcast. then watch the first episode of the show. then weep.

I'm enjoying what I've seen. Need to catch up though, which isn't a big deal.

Outcast is less painful than Preacher

> some of the acting feels bad. Overall the show tries too hard.

This, fucking this.

i never felt the acting as bad so far

But i can see Roscharch and Gilgun are better than the rest.

i enjoy it.

Yeah I also sorta enjoy it, but it feels like it tries too hard to be over the top

It will be cancelled.
Why bother

Its shit, just shit.

cancel a show with such high ratings? doubtful.

ruth negga is cute

Too bad her character is complete shit.

>1.7 mill and down with each episode

With the budget it haves, I doubt is a good bussines now.

So it's bad?

I hate her so fucking much

its budget is average, not high at all.

Love Ruth, hate her Tulip.

is that Danny Dyer?

Dominic Cooper, they're both cunty looking britbongs so I get the mistake

Gilgun doesn't deserve this

>Danny Dyer

I am the King!

Not all that crazy about it but I'm giving it a chance. Kind of annoyed that so little has happened but that's probably coloured by having read the comics.

I watched 4 episodes and is over for me
The show dont goes to anywhere and except for cassidy, the other 2 main charas are retarded.

Story starts to show in episode 5 and I definitely think it peaks at 7.

If heaven is calling im betting the Saint will be appearing on episode 5 or so.

Tulip is awesome and I love the actor playing Preacher he got that swag.

You sound like a nigger.

>peaks at episode 7

Yeah Tulip is seeming a bit shit. Last episode when she was standing in the way of that car and then yelling at the guy for having the like temerity to ask her to move and shit. Stuff like that, done by a male character, is how you code an asshole. And join me once again for FEMINIST SPOILER TAGS it bothers me a bit that this is how so many people, usually dudes, write """""""strong""""""" female characters - by appropriating the worst aspects of stereotypical masculinity. It's actually pretty condescending to women; a guy doing this would be an almost inexpressible asshole, but look, it's so cute when a grill does it, awww.

And then this episode where she's annoyed at some dude because some chick fell down a sinkhole. I mean it was a fucking sinkhole. OK they wouldn't have been there if blah but what the fuck? It makes no sense.

Maybe shit will start to happen now with Quincannon. I think we might see him try to stone a few gays to death and whatnot. Is he even still a [actual serious comic-book spoilers] meatfucker, though?

She came off like a prudish, self righteous cunt. Her Girl power schtick is annoying like her shitty accent.

>Dont like the Southern Hillbilly artstyle

I do. It reminds me of a better time when Justified was on the air.

Damn Sherlock Holmes you're really just hitting them out of the fucking park today.

Actually it was more of a guess than a deduction, so Lestrade would be a better comparison.

Where can I watch these show, I read the comics when I was a teenager, How faithful is it?

>Watch pilot
>mite b cool.png
>Grab the first book of comics
>it's amazing

>Where can I watch these show,

You're on the internet, use it.

>I read the comics when I was a teenager, How faithful is it?

Well the names are right I guess.

Holmes basically never engages in actual deduction, cracker. He uses abductive reasoning, often referred to as 'inference to the best explanation' and known to your country ass as 'guessing'.

>I read the comics when I was a teenager, How faithful is it?

It's recognisable. Don't go in expecting the comics to have been used as storyboards. There are differences to backstories and some characterisations, most notably Tulip.

I'm giving it a chance, though it's not been great so far. Cassidy's done fairly well.

It's not that the acting is bad. It just feels like most of the scenes are rehearsals.

Because every aspect of this show is done by an amateur.

Fuck off Redwood, no one asked for your shitty opinions

Yeah, i marathoned them a week ago and holy shit.

I'm not don't worry.

I just wish Jesse was the handsome bloke he should be instead of a bugeyed frog

Dumb lil cracker don't like gettin styled on bout dat Holmesian trivia. It's cool son, your sister gonna be mad impressed you know 'Lestrade'. Bet you even pronounce that shit Luhstraaaaad like one of them English dudes, get her all wet while you laying in the doublewide.


Yeah, kinda pissed miles is banging my churchfu.

But the whole 'She's pooping' thing was funny.

I like it, and I don't actually think it's supposed to be funny, maybe slightly amusing, but not what I'd consider funny

>It's recognisable

How? fucking how if just the names are there? the whole story is changed and is imposible to recognize.

This show is boring as fuck

It's not even patrician or pleb-repellent, it's just shit and boring

Well I dunno man it seems like maybe you're not the mae west at recognising stories.

They need to get the fuck out of the dull town

I will not watch this because I fucking despise Seth rogen.