Daily reminder

Daily reminder.

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Right is CHVRCHES?

>implying that pop musicians are clever
>"Im not a pop pop dumb dumb" - Miley Cyrus

Whats this even trying to convey? learning to play the laptop makes you smarter?

I like the brain meme, especially when the brain forms furniture and stuff. It's amusing.

Let's review the facts real quick

Rock "music"
>antiquated technology
>mostly no education in music theory
>too loud
>too noisy
>bands break up before even getting radio play
>dying genre
>bands are a waste of resources and time

Pop Music
>cutting edge technology
>educated creme de la creme producers
>professional mixing
>qt girls
>successful males
>easy on the ears
>good for the soul

crystal castles

>>easy on the ears
What kin d of modern pop music are you listening to? Because whenever I hear modern songs on the radio I want to cut my ears off

>antiquated technology
pianos still exist
>mostly no education in music theory
fuck the police
?too loud
>that's a good thing though
??to noisy
>no such thing
band's break up before getting radio play
>antiquated technology
dying genre
music died in 1915 everything since then is just a bonus
>bants are a waste of time and resources

>cutting edge technology
>using the human voice
>creamy producers
get my cream from asda don't need that shit son
>professional mastering
go suck a dick
>>>qt girls
>implying girls exist tbqh
>easy on the ears
?that's a bad thing though
good for the soul

in conclusion you're a bad person


you've proven yourself exceptionally able to type out words on your PC keyboard
we can proceed to basic argumentation next week

this music irritates my sinuses, you're gonna have to fuck off

>the song is good to the ears
b)music starts
>tinny beat
c) >woah speshul computar effex

How old are you, and why are you listening to this shit

i'm very excited to learn about basic argumentation
i hope you've learnt that if you post sub-meme-tier garbage bait you'll get sub-garbage-tier meme responses.

side note - its repetitive and it sticks to very basic patterns, you must be so dramatically obsessed with technology that the music doesnt actually matter

This meme has gone too far.

>Falling obvious bait
Come on...

not an argument
care to elaborate on those points?
i don't understand how you can judge a song as "boring" before having listened to it whole.
if you are one to crave for instant gratification then obviously the intricacies of Pop music will not satisfy your underdeveloped nervous system
again, nothing wrong with using the latest technology to produce ear pleasing sounds
i really do hope you enjoy being swallowed whole by history, you don't seem like the type to resist it anyway

I am 22 and i enjoy listening to good music

all music is repetitive, your point is null

thanks for the (you) tho

>all music is repetitive

you're welcome

you can challenge my argument whenever you're ready, champ

i did, see

if you want to argue on the lowbrow level of meme arrows, i can play that game too

>year of our lord 44.9110231458^2
>thinking music is non-repetitive

>i am 22 and i enjoy listening to good music
I never asked whether you thought is was good or not, you dont seem confident to need to declare that

also i dont find it boring because it didnt captivate me from the start, its just it continues in a repetitive fashion. personally, i like to be interested in music, not lulled to sleep from it.
(also i did listen to the song all the way through, i rate it 2/10)

holy shit how much music have you heard to think that all music is repetitive lmao

lurk more you little bitch

>undeveloped nervous system

>Pop is about saying 'fuck me'. Rock is about saying 'fuck you'
t. Chrissie Hynde
nu/mu/ BTFO

>I never asked whether you thought is was good or not

>How old are you, and why are you listening to this shit

am i talking to a literal goldfish?
who are you to judge my confidence and what makes you think i value your judgement anyway?

rest of the post is just a review or whatever, it's ok, i don't expect simpletons like you to really appreciate music in a deeper sense
(also i did read your whole post all the way through, i rate it 2/10)

ah we're at ad homs already, interesting...
seems i've struck a nerve with the lower parts of the bell curve

it's not an ad hominem if it's an insult tacked onto the end of a legitmate question. you'd actually have to know next to nothing about music to say something that stupid.

your ignorance is literally bringing tears to my eyes. i'm actually crying because of how dumb you are. why would you do this to me you awful, awful person?

>fuck me
nothing wrong with girls acting seductive and lustful, just like nature intended

there is something terribly wrong with
>fuck you
why in the Lord's name are you trying to be edgy in the current year, are you antifa or something?

i think you just got triggered because you know that people dont like your taste in music, and you know that the only way to make people think your right is by putting yourself on a pedestal and calling people 'simpletons'.

Just know im not trying to belittle you, but when you make a bold statement like this on Sup Forums, you are expected to at least explain yourself before people say shit.


not even that guy but you're fucking retarded please stop posting forever

what does the amount of music i've listened to have to do with any argument?
If you really want to know, we can compare libraries at any time

you sound like a woman in all honesty
if that's the case you should retire from posting on the internet immediately and find a good husband to raise a family with

some more proof to blow your pleb as fuck uneducated ears the fuck out


you're a fucking faggot please fuck your own face

your argument is that "all music is x"

you have not listened to every piece ever written/played/recorded and thus you don't even have an argument

you're fucking retarded

my god you're literally a degenerate human being. how much music you've heard has everything to do with it: the more you hear the more ideas you're exposed to an hence the more you know. if you think all music is repetitive, it follows clearly that you've never heard non-repetitive music (which most definitely does exist).

when you make a total claim and you have a clear deficiency in knowledge you look like an idiot, and i hope for your sake that you're baiting.

>you must be a women
suck my 3 inch cock you actual memelad

if a piece of music doesn't contain at least some repetition, it cannot be described as "music"

i dare you to tell me this piece of music is completely free of any repetition whatsoever

for whatever reason that video isn't available, but i'm confident my point still stands

would you agree that, that cunt is a pseudo - intellectual?

it's not about how many "ideas" you're exposed to, it's how you process those ideas in your mind


well i guess it's a bit of both, but being simply exposed to an idea makes you aware of its existence, which is what we're arguing about

brb gotta make dinner lol


>if a piece of music doesn't contain at least some repetition, it cannot be described as "music"


how can someone be this horribly stupid

your bait is hilarious

>music died in 1915 everything since then is just a bonus

But music had only just started in 1910....

Why would I be antifa? Hell, why would you attribute a Chrissie Hynde quote to antifa? Ffs, she let Rush Limbaugh of all people use a Pretenders as his opener song even when the production company tried to pull it and she's pretty liberal.

And yes, there's a lot wrong with getting "fucked", it suggests you're fine with losing agency. Hynde was a rape victim, mind you.

>tfw you probably didn't even know who Chrissie Hynde was before this post
nu/mu/, everyone.

you've yet to provide a counterpoint to my argument
if i ever heard something that lasts for a defined period of time and doesn't contain any repetitions at all, i could not call it music
it simply wouldn't be anywhere close to the idea of "music" as most people perceive it
if you start calling absolutely un-repetitive sequences of sound "music" you're doing yourself and humanity a disservice

not attributing a Chrissie Hynde quote to antifa, im attributing (you) using a Chrissie Hynde quote in defense of Rock music in 2017 to antifa

Singing about getting fucked doesn't mean you're fine with losing agency, it's about attracting the other sex

i already did you giant retard but you keep ignoring it and posting your shitty bait

what was your argument?
asking me how much music i've listened to is NOT an argument and doesn't disprove my point in any way

yes it does because you said "all music"

your statement, which your argument is based on, is making an assumption about all music, which you of course have not and will never listen to unless you become immortal and have access to an infinite timeline.

then you go and change your definition of what music is, which of course is simply moving the goalposts so that your argument may still possess some sort of sound logic.

this of course proves you're all rhetoric and have no argument to speak of. all definitions of music have included some sort of notion about "harmony" or "pleasantry". yours is devoid of that. you'll probably make some sort of shitty retroactive explanation though about how repetition is the basis for that, which it is simply not.

i already know your just some fucking faggot Sup Forumstard the_donald shitposter anyway, as evidenced by you using the classic Sup Forumstard "not an argument" shitpost and calling people antifa (your boogeyman) so it's not worth replying to you

you're fucking retarded and clearly enjoy cocks for breakfast, i'm surprised you're not the OP to be honest

I'm hurt.

Enjoy your colloquialisms. I just don't personally, approve of the optics. People should be able to sing whatever they want, but if you have two people saying fuck you to each other, then like magnets, it's a wash. See, saying fuck you, is a little different than fucking you so it's a declaration if agency. Fuck me, otoh, is a declaration of intent to relinquish your agency. Pop is the musical equivalent of nogunz, but you should have the ability to announce your feelings, I just don't like it.

how is repetition not the basis of music?
at the lowest level, repetition of (a frequency of) sound waves is literally why you even hear tones and not noise
furthermore, most music that people enjoy is very repetitive.
You can post free jazz or serialism but the point still stands, those genres are further from the idea of "music" then more repetitive music is

>retroactively made repetition the basis of harmonious sound

holy fucking shit, on top of having severe mental retardation you are predictable as fuck. kill yourself.

percussion works without tones and there is music that is pure percussion you fucking faggot

not only that but frequencies do not "repeat" you motherfucking idiot they oscillate but i don't expect a fucking troglodyte retard like you to understand the difference

stop posting already you're a moron

try to go to any serious academic with your shitty uneducated opinions and don't forget to wipe the floor clean as you leave while shitting yourself in anger and desperation at your own stupidity

go ahead though, be even more predictable and try to say that "oscillation" is "repetition," and that "(((academics)))" cannot be trusted you fucking loser

i bet u would take one listen to, "THROUGH-COMPOSED MUSIC," and reverse yourself and go right back out through the door you came in from

What's going on in this thread? Rock and pop faggots are at each other?

>he has never heard through-composed music
fuck you, and i'm not posting through-composed music for you to listen to, look that shit up yourself


A repeating fluctuation in a physical object or quantity

i don't know why you keep answering your own questions but ok, you can keep pretending you're smart if that works out for you

sure there is pure percussion music, but that contains repeating soundwaves of various percussion instruments, or in the case of digital music, samples or synthesized sounds

you can try find me something you'd call "music" that contains literally a different sound in every passing moment and is completely barren of repetition
you will either fail in doing so or prove my point that such a thing doesn't come close to being "music"

jfc this thread is terrible
better to turn it into a dubs thread before you lose what's left of your dignity


most of that kind of music still has some repetition present

>contains repeating soundwaves of various percussion instruments

so now a single sound sounding twice is repetition in music? how far will you move your goalposts in order to ascertain your shitty point?

christ man you can't actually be this stupid

otherwise this is some of the finest bait there is

just stop trying you pathetic loser, i've defeated every argument in this thread and now you have nothing left to do but act retarded

me too

my "goalposts" were always at the same place
i never said anything other then all music is inherently repetitive


the problem is that to you a single sound playing twice is repetition

but if there was a piece of music that only had three notes in it, and one was repeated, would you call that music?

let me ask you this: if there was a piece of music that used 11 pitches (not pitch classes, doubt you'd know the difference), and it played them in a random order until every note is played once, and then the piece ended, would you call that music?

>good for the soul

I get that its a meme but since protools etc has become synonymous with rock production and you can seamlessly mix synthesized sounds with live instrumentation and vice versa, its really just a matter of preference how you make your music. You dont have to be a steve albini fedoralord about how superior your medium of making the music is as long as its quality music.


if the harmonics or wave frequencies (of those pitches) repeat it is music

Don't forget to post it tomorrow though

>sound waves are oscillations therefore music is repetitive
what te fuck?

>if the harmonics or wave frequencies (of those pitches) repeat it is music

earlier you posted this

>if you start calling absolutely un-repetitive sequences of sound "music" you're doing yourself and humanity a disservice

you're doing humanity a disservice you fucking hypocritical, goalpost moving retard

get wrecked you fucking loser

>if the harmonics or wave frequencies repeat

>if you start calling absolutely un-repetitive sequences of sound "music"
>absolutely un-repetitive

where did i contradict myself again?

Ok, gotta leave now
been a fun thread, baited many a poor user
thanks all, i hope you learned a good lesson today
Pop > Rock and free jazz isn't music

seeya lol will cherish the moments we shared