Why didn't he just run sideways or in any unpredictable way?

Why didn't he just run sideways or in any unpredictable way?

Fucking faggot, I'm glad he's dead.

Other urls found in this thread:


go to bed, Jon

because ramsay is le magic archer

The kid is meant to be like 10. Fucker was already a dumb shit being a furry with Shaggydog in the forest and was raised for 2/5ths of his life by a wildling. Can't blame the poor kid for not knowing how to properly avoid arrow fire.

Because he thought he lived in a universe where arrows had a maximum range and weren't just less accurate guns.

I should say realistic maximum range. I know guns also have a maximum range.

He's a kid and I doubt he even knew he was being shot at until he kicked one.

He should have learned from Prometheus.

He can't know about gun's range they weren't invented yet you cocknugget.


edginess aside, did anyone really give a shit about rickon? apart from being a stark, what did he do except pout and follow bran around?

It was a lets make all males look like idiots episode and put women large and in charge. Rikon had to go.

>the edge

There are 62 GoT threads right now, and this is the second time this same thread has been created in the last few hours.

I have nothing to contribute to the thread, I would just like to tell you to go and fuck yourself on behalf of Sup Forums.

Either cancer or a paid shill; either way, fuck you.

>g-get off muh board

There's always one whiner who doesn't know how to use the catalog. It's the fucking Sup Forums board. Of course there are going to be lots of threads about the biggest show on television.

no edge bruh, honestly curious. what did rickon add to the story? what did he do that endeared him to anyone watching?

dont cut yourself with those edges

He was a Stark and Starks are retarded, Jon suffers from the same handicap.

Meanwhile rape is confirmed as character development, because I swear Ramsay fucked some sense into Sansa.

Because he needed to die so John could do his suicide charge and sansa could save the day and ensure everyone knows that all men are stupid and women know best.

No, Littlefinger, I don't want your stupid army because you let that monster do butt things to me. It is the worst fate one could ever possibly suffer. You can fuck right off. I'll get help from house Mazin.

>Several episodes later
Yeah, Littlefinger. I was wrong. Please help us. I'm not going to tell Jon though. I think it would be better to just let thousands of men die needlessly.

Well, even if she did Jon would've pulled that dumbfuck moment. At least she had the sense to dispatch Ramsay in a gruesome way.

Running in a straight line is what you're supposed to do, retards.


Is this literally the most useless/pointless character in the history of fiction? RIP Rickon who never did a single thing of note and is remembered by no one

Don't listen to that faggot, Rikon was absolutely useless in the show.


One projectile is faster than the other,

By that logic it's even better to run in a straight line against arrows.

That's when you are under gunfire you idiot. When someone shoots a longbow where the arrow will be shot high in the air and hit you with several seconds of delay, you can in fact avoid it by running sideways after the arrow is being shot. An archer can't predict where you are going to run several seconds in advance, unless you keep running in a straight line.

>When someone shoots a longbow where the arrow will be shot high in the air and hit you with several seconds of delay, you can in fact avoid it by running sideways

This is literally gibberish. Arrows fired in that manner simply aren't accurate enough. The primary factor governing the risk to you is how close you are to the bowman. The closer you are, the greater the risk. The quicker you get far away, the better. Straight line it is. In Rickon's case, he has no idea when the arrows are fired and where they're aiming, so zig-zagging is just a waste of time.

Zig-zagging could be effective within point-blank range, but only because it might prevent the archer getting a useable shot, not because you're zig-zagging Neo tap-dancing through the arrows, man.

The precision needed for hitting someone with an arrow while they're running away is almost impossible. You can't predict where an arrow is fired from a fucking longbow if you're running in the opposite direction of it.

Piss off, dumb ass.

Are you stupid? From the distance Ramsay was shooting, Rickon had at least 5 seconds to react each time an arrow was fired. The archer has to estimate where you will be in 5 seconds and the only way to do that is to predict you keep running in the same line. The moment the arrow is fired, if you do something unpredictable like stop running or run to the side, it would completely mess up where the archer expects you would be when the arrow finally hits.

Ramsay is a bad ass motherfucker, he was gonna kill Rickon no matter what, if Rickon went side to side or something Ramsay would have just made all of his archers fire at once

there was no way Rickon was gonna live

Do people really think Ramsay would have let Jon get Rickon, even if Jon had gotten to him in time Ramsay would have gotten every archer to fire like he did in the end.

You can't tell when a fucking arrow is fired. Unfortunately the GoT masses and DnD believe longbows are medieval marksmen weapons when in actuality it's hard as shit to die from an arrow.

>it's a Sup Forums pretends they know shit about dodging arrows episode
Most of you fat fucks wouldn't have made it half as far as Rickon did anyway.

Why didn't he just run backwards with his arms in front of his chest and face?

Why didn't Jon just wait until Rickon was some distance off Ramsey, then charge with his archers until the halfway point and shoot Ramsey's army from there?

Why didn't he just ask Melisandre for a shadow puppet to kill Ramsey?

>it would completely mess up where the archer expects you would be when the arrow finally hits.

And since, at that distance, the kind of accuracy you're delusionally babbling about is literally impossible, all you're doing is spending more time within the range the arrows can reach, therefore increasing the danger to yourself.

Are you retarded? Yes, it's nearly impossible, but that has nothing to do with the argument at hand because clearly in the GoT universe it isn't impossible and thus the only way to do it is if you predict the fleeing person to keep running in the same line. The point being, Rickon could in fact have survived if he had use an unpredictable running pannern to throw off Ramsay's only way of aiming at him.

>in Rickon's case, he has no idea when the arrows are fired and where they're aiming, so zig-zagging is just a waste of time.

dude you are fucking retarded just stop posting, arrows have a travel time and changing your running speed or your angle in relation to him will make him miss if he is shooting to hit you at your previous speed and direction. Its basic game theory you fucking mongoloid.

nah man I wish he'd stuck around for a couple of seasons to be mute and eat nuts

Why Rickon not just teleport behind? Nuthin' personal Ramsey.

Most pointless character ever.

>Yes, it's nearly impossible, but that has nothing to do with the argument at hand because clearly in the GoT universe it isn't impossible

Top fucking kek.

Nice talking to you, lad.

Fat white willies.

Let's ask the real questions here.

Would RamRam have gotten along with Mad Joff?

>arrows have a travel time

Yes. But Rickon does not have access to that information, because he does not know when each individual is fired. He furthermore does not know where any arrow is headed.

And you're right, your position is basic game theory. Mine is advanced game theory (well, really intermediate but it's not like you know the fucking difference amirite?). I am applying the indifference principle to argue that since he has no knowledge of the arrows' positions, speeds or trajectories at any one time, he has no reason at any one moment to prefer any one point on the field along a line bisecting a line between Ramsay, Rickon and Rickon's destination.

You don't understand what I've just said because you don't understand what you're talking about. I do. Listen to me.

If you need a different way to think about it, go back and rewatch the scene. Note that many of Ramsay's arrows fall wide as well as short or long. So imagine if Rickon were zig-zagging merrily away, and one of those arrows that went wide is about to miss, and then he zigs into it and dies, like a tit. Given that he has no information about the arrows, he is every bit as likely to do that as he is to dodge an arrow.

psh, why didn't he just catch the arrows before they hit him? baka.


he actually does have access to that information faggot, since he is actually being shot at.

at time codes 34:39 you see him flinch when an arrow falls close to him. And again at 35:18 one lands right fucking in front of him. He is able to tell about when the arrows lands, and timing of the shots are the most important element as you have stated. It WOULD increase his chances by varying speed and direction because he does have some information to make dodging decisions based on the timing of the arrow falls.

you sound like a complete faggot though, entire discussion doesnt matter because he should have made a bee line toward the cover of the burning men.

>he should have made a bee line toward the cover of the burning men


>at time codes 34:39 you see him flinch when an arrow falls close to him. And again at 35:18 one lands right fucking in front of him. He is able to tell about when the arrows lands, and timing of the shots are the most important element as you have stated.

No. Even assuming the time between Ramsay's shots is perfectly uniform, unless you think Rickon is Rain Man and capable of mentally calculating the increased amount of time to allow for the arrows to travel as he gets further and further away, this is just pure nonsense.

>he should have made a bee line toward the cover of the burning men

Well he certainly shouldn't have fucking zig-zagged there.

Why didn't he just hide behind one of the burning flayed man pits while Jon came to him?

Ramsey would have killed him anyway. And it would have seemed silly and it reduced the tension in the moment


you are arguing that he has no information about the arrows which is just not fucking true. He has some idea of when the next arrow is coming it doesnt have to be perfect, just enough to give him an edge. which gives an edge to changing direction and speed vs straight line. Indifference only works if he HAS NO INFORMATION.

You're actually a goddamn retard, you know that?

that what I thought


I wanted to suck his cocklet and fuck Bran's boipucci

Kill yourself nigger, your argument that he has no reason to prefer a point vs any other is wrong

oh shit nigger

>He has some idea of when the next arrow is coming it doesnt have to be perfect

OK. This absolutely is not true, but we'll pretend it is.

Where will the arrow land?

what did he mean by this?

Well two people have perfectly explained it to you how running in a zigzag fashion is even more dangerous considering Rikon doesn't know when an arrow is fired (how could he?) and he could just zig-zag right into one.

He's running AWAY from Ramsey, he has absolutely no idea when an arrow is fired because it barely makes a sound. Did I mention Rikon doesn't know when an arrow is fired?

Delete this

Rickon deserved death when he named his direwolf ShaggyDog

fuck that

More stupid fucking writing from the idiots that brought you bad pussy, ninja Arya, and the terminator waif.

You are assuming that Ramsays arrows are randomly distributed. They are not.

All that intelligence and you are still a stupid fucking faggot.

Ramsay is the best marksman in all of westeros, there was no escape

>You are assuming that Ramsays arrows are randomly distributed. They are not.

What do you think you mean by this? I want to hear it.

>implying Ramsays arrows don't follow a Poisson distribution

Because he's just a little kid, he doesn't know what the fuck he's supposed to do when arrows are flying at him, so he just runs.

They'll follow some function of a Poisson distribution, unless I'm wrong in some of my assumptions.

This doesn't matter, because my point is epistemic, considered from Rickon's point of view, not statistical, from a bird's-eye point of view. I am uninterested in where Ramsay's arrows will land, I'm interested in demonstrating that Rickon has no information about it.

>I'm interested in demonstrating that Rickon has no information about it

Nah, like you said earlier the dude thinks Rikon is fucking Rain Man.

>Poisson distribution
>Poisson distribution

Pinecone a best.

Rickon is 5 years old (yes), he couldn't think of it.

The retard should've just turned around and ran backwards once he first noticed the arrows being shot at him so he could see where the arrows where heading while still getting away

I'm guessing Ramsay would've just got his archers to mass fire tho

Is Ramsay like 3 feet tall?

>Pinecone a best.

young, terrified, desperate to get to Jon. I don't know if I would be thinking clearly in that situation myself. would probably have thrown in a couple of unpredictable rolls and turns myself. once I was far enough. Zig zag would have made him an easy enough target too surely?

>You get to play an off-screen character who dies!! Isn't that awesome, kiddo?

he does have information though, the timing of the arrows. That is not no information, you dont have to be the fucking rain man to think "oh shit an arrow just landed, next one is probably coming soon i should try to throw off his aim or something". He would have to be a rain man to think "well according to the indifference principle because i have NO information (not true) on when the next arrow is coming running in a straight line is just as good as turning 90 degrees and running to the left"

>Nah, like you said earlier the dude thinks Rikon is fucking Rain Man.
it wouldn't have to be perfect, just enough to give him an edge

The funny thing is that if he zigzag'd the first arrow would've hit him

pointless character

>he does have information though, the timing of the arrows
>OK. This absolutely is not true, but we'll pretend it is.
>Where will the arrow land?

Again, you're a complete fucking half-wit.

you do realize that in order to hit a moving target you have to aim where he will be, not where he currently is. If bran correctly guessed when the next arrow was coming, if he just stopped, ramsey would over shoot his position by a significant margin

fucking explain to me why i am wrong then faggot, i have given a good enough reason why bran had some idea of arrow timings, therefore the indifference principle used to justify running in a straight line is a faulty premise.

the fuck kind of name is rickon anyway. fuck him

>If bran correctly guessed when the next arrow was coming

And what if he incorrectly guesses, and gets rekt by an arrow that would have missed him had he just run?

Why didn't Jon just pick up Rickon and take him to the Red Woman?


>Rickon dies
>Jon leaves
>Comes back to the front line with a newly revived Rickon on his shoulder
>Ramsay loses his shit and charges

Why didn't Sansa just tell Jon that the Veil was coming to help, but that she didn't trust Littlefinger?

>more time in the field zig-zagging = more opportunities to get killed

You keep saying he knows when each and every arrow is fired and when it's going to land. Why? How in the fuck could he possibly know either? I seriously don't know how someone can be this stupid, but this show is for gullible retards.

Because she would have to tell him that she talked with Little Finger and she had already lied about it. This is a woman's logic so it fits.

>the Veil

Why didn't the eagles just save him?

Jokes aside I heard from Tolkienfags that the Eagles opposed helping them take the ring to Mordor. Weren't they at the council in Rivendell?

all you fags saying he could have zigged into an arrow are retarded.

He didn't change direction at all and it got him killed because Ramsey could much more easily aim.

No one is saying that he should have been changing direction every half a second.

Literally all he would have had to do was change the degree to which he was running every 5 seconds or so and run straight in that direction.

run straight for 5-10 seconds
run 5 seconds ~20deg to the left
straight 5 seconds
run ~20deg left again 5 seconds
straight 5 seconds
right 40deg 10 seconds
straight 5 seconds
left 5 seconds

This would make him infinitely more hard to hit because of how Ramsey has to shoot than running in a straight line and he wouldn't have covered much less distance than just running straight.