It's a school shooting episode

>it's a school shooting episode

has any show done this?

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There was this episode of the 2000s Twilight Zone where a teacher can tell which people will die, and starts seeing a bunch of kids who will die, and discovers that one of the kids in her class is going to shoot them all, and stops it just in time.

Glee (it was actually a good episode. well until they start singing again...)

American Horror Story S1

Static Shock


That file name

buffy kinda did an episode. just with no shooting

one tree hill

New meme.
Keep it on the down-low.


What episode? Sounds cool.

Buffy had one, she stops it but it handles the themes.



Yes yes well done Jimmy, well done Jimmy


K-becwa cop drama "19-2" had a school shooting episode as its Season 2 premiere, and sported a bunch of long-takes of dead kids and panicking cops fumbling through all the hallways and rooms.

It was alright.

You took my woman
Well done Keith, well done



I want to FUCK Lisa Zemo.

>Glee (it was actually a good episode. well until they start singing again...)

That sounds unintentionally hilarious. A death followed by a peppy musical number.

FUNFACT: Sandy Hook never happened

Explain this fucking meme right now.
I'm 26 and this just seems like some retarded new shit.

That was a suicide, not a school shooting. The nurse was going to use rat poison in the students' food

It had only three songs, which is a low for an average Glee episode, but they included a guy singing a love song to a girl whose pic was used to mislead him and a girl singing a love song to her cat because she thought it was the end of the world (again) and didn't want to tell her actual boyfriend her feelings.

Degrassi how can anyone ever forget wheelchair drake.

Goddamn Dan was so fucked up.

It was played as a shooting until the twist.

They actually postponed that ep for like 6 months.because of Columbine. The finale where a bunch of kids died was pushed back a month.

Those assholes really kinda ruined everything.

Have you guys seen "We need to talk about Kevin"?

The kid shoots up his school with a bow and arrow. It makes no sense. Also he only gets like 3 years in prison.

>Shitposting Loudly

Even better knowing that Drake could have just gotten down and avoided the shot easily

Yeah. Columbine was like the 9/11 of youth culture while 9/11 was like the fuckin end of world culture and pretty much everything.

Oh, so that's what that SNL skit is about.

The music was added you dummy, original is from The OC.

Dude I've never seen this degrassi bullshit, but didn't the OC use the "ooh watcha say" song when that guy got shot?

How to survive a school shooting.
>If you have a kid in your class that watches anime and doesn't talk much, be nice to him. Pick him when choosing players for dodge ball and if there's a group activity invite him.
>If he ever mumbles something and starts reaching into his backpack just book it.
>Your results may vary.
Really nickelodeon?

>implying the kid from anime club will be a good enough shot to even matter

The filename? It's from a song

He at least got one, though.

Remember the scene where they shot the Sup Forumsirgin? Canadians are savages

god i wanted to fuck that brunette so bad when i was a kid

>mfw 9/11 never happened

WTF I'm a conspiracy theorist now!?

>Also he only gets like 3 years in prison.

Not like he would killed enough with a bow and arrow to get a real penalty.

Tip #928:
use a large-capacity magazine to take out more classmates before having to reload

>shoots up his school
>with a bow and arrow
I'm confused as a motherfucker right now.

>he has never seen the kinography that is the degrassi scene were drake is shot to imogen heap

The dead Zone had a school shooting scene

School shootings honestly never made much sense to me. If a faggot was starting to shoot up my school I'd just run up and kick his ass, disarming him and stopping him. Yet everytime it happens, everyone seems to be too much of a pussy and runs away only to get shot.

Lmao, very few people are able to act rationally in a situation like that. It is a natural instinct to run for your life. Unless trained and experienced you will most certainly run. You'll probably beg for your life aswell brah even though you think you're hard.


*teleports behind you*

Mose was worst girl.

Was that the one where he see the vision of the shooting and puts the school on high alert, resulting in a kid getting shot by police for taking out his cell phone?

Holy shit, this. Don't those retards realize all you have to do is run up and press the triangle button?



Outer Limits.
Though they sort of cheated

and you can reset and try again if you mess up

american history x


Sons of Anarchy had this kid. Perfect edgelord

What show is this from?


>assault weapons ban in 1994 that lasts 10 years
>Oklahoma City bombing and Columbine happen shortly after
Gun control works!

I really liked their version of Let The Bodies Hit the Floor

Actually, from memory, when it aired Sup Forums said the down syndrome girl accidentally triggered an alarm and the school went into lock down and everybody freaked out. It was an emotional bottle episode and iirc it happened right around the time of some shooting.

No surprise it's from the same showrunner as American horror story, which featured a school shooting about two years earlier in season 1. The cheerleader hiding under the table in the library literally pissing his skirt was pretty shocking.

thank you, user. was about to post asking where that pic is from.

Her skirt *


We've had two this year alone, bruh.

The last episode of Law and Order was about some guy on the internet named Moot threatening to blow up a school.

Everybody Hates Chris

what's the name of kid's character plox?

damn, a columbine reference, when did this air?

jesus christ my sides



who cares?

Flashpoint did an /r9k/ episode

This show is a guilty pleasure of mine

mm whatcha saaayyyyyy

Is early One Tree Hill Kino?

Fucking reminder

Really fucking happening

>It's a school shooting movie

The girl actually did bring a gun into school and dropped it, causing it to accidentally fire into the air, and the school went into lockdown.

This was already debunked the year it actually happened. Why the fuck is it still a meme?

Missy, Lisa Zemo, and Suzie were all superior. Especially Missy.

>hottest girl
>for your dick, that is
I wish I was Ned.

lel wtf
also that nigger had a tec 9 not a mac 10

>dat raincoat

huh, really makes you think


Flashpoint did.

checked your 4 breh

didnt veronica mars do one? and the weirdo kid actually turned out to be an undercover FBI agent?

Nothin personell kidd

Is that the one about the teacher that murders his students?

The theme goes hard and always makes me re-download swat4


Sup Lou

very nice

1 movie seems pretty short for how long the manga is.
I still have all the raws piled up somewhere and it was like 5 volumes and still ongoing.