Eternal /got/ general

Littlefinger dies next episode edition

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>Littlefinger dies next episode
nice meme

not happening



What the fuck was the tactic in that battle?
Fucking nonsense.

>Littlefinger dies
I don't see a good point for this happening this early

Yes, well done Littlefinger, well done... HOWEVER

Why are normies so upset Ghost wasn't there? Why the fuck would you bring a dog to a battle?


press F to pay respects

>They saved the Stannis reveal for the season finale

Who else /HYPED/ here?

nth for Bearfu

>10/10 on IMDB
Top kek will it go down?

wtf was this guys deal?

He just lets Arya go after kill one of the Faceless guilds best disciples?

first for unwanted lesbian smirks

kek, there are two Littlefingers

redditors just can't stop being delusional

>mfw normies actually think the vale charge is more epic than ride of the rohirrim

i am genuinely pissed

Is anyone else embarrassed to watch this show?

I've been embarrassed for a long time now. I really want to stop watching and stick to the books, but unless I plan on living under a rock until the fat man finishes the story, the story will be spoiled to me. I figure might as well watch the show. But dear mother of god, it's painful. This is like watching anime at this point. I'm too old for this bullshit.

Probably the only guy who talked shit about Ramsay.

Is he rubbing her tit?

What happened to this fag? Is he with Stannis and the Blackfish?

Show me someone who says this please.

I honestly don't believe it.

I can't remember, did we already get the 'I can't stop thinking abaote what was taken from me' scene yet?

too soon

But his character is useless at this point. They have to clear the decks for the strong independent womyn to take on the evil white men (white walkers)

waifu was supposed to die one way or the other

she started talking more and more about her wishes and became her own instead of le no one meme

he couldnt have that

Give me ONE good reason not to hate normies.

>implying she doesn't want to take a ride on his little finger

Who else thinks Sophie has banged 3/4 of the male cast by now, 1/2 of the female cast including Maisie, plus D&D and one camera guy?

he is no one, he literally gives no fucks at all.

Arthur Dayne confirmed "the best swordsman that's ever lived" by Sup Forums

This would be dumb

Littlefinger has been responsible for such a huge amount of the plot killing him suddenly would just be bad writing. It's not like Ned or Robb where they seemed more important than they were so it made sense to kill them.

can someone explain this meme to someone who isn't a nostalgia-fueled manchild who still watches harry potter


My brother from another mother

yeah i am pretty embarrassed, have been since tywin's death

but as with other embarrassing shit in life, there's no getting off the ride

What was Sansa thinking?

Was she feeling guilty?

>mfw I realized the only characters I root for nowadays are the ones that are more or less still faithful to the books

Dude it's just tits and dragons lmao

Lighten up and shut off your brain, man. haha

Is he the most adorable person on Earth?

Really, if I ever see a sizable army appearing on a battlefield out of nowhere, the enemy commander even being unaware of its existence, I will choke a bitch.

Whoa. Look how cool you sound.

Rest of season was shit. This was pretty entertaining.
Don't give a shit about fatman's canon either. Just want to watch a show.

>This is like watching anime at this point. I'm too old for this bullshit.

Do you see Jon going Demon Mode/Super Saiyan when Ramsay kills Rickon? No, so fuck off.

its literally on every youtube video of the clip

Post the whole thing.

Slytherin has the most points at the end of year, is about to win the thingie, dumbledore goes HOWEVER and gives last minute infinite shit points to griffindor

I miss ramsay

>not liking harry potter
Once again you have proven yourself to be a fucking useless cunt bradamente.

So, Bran and Meera?

I'm embarassed to post in this autist board with you sperged faggots

and yet here I am

>that height difference

Were DnD trying to mirror the Joker cell scene with this?

>marvelously epic
>Rickon's death a plus
>Sansa's revenge a plus

Being a sociopath=strong


Normies are retards who don't understand (medieval) warfare. Cue in youtube "Epic! Best episode ever!" reaction videos.

>"Here, now, finally, I have become Game of Thrones Season 6"

Isn't it obvious, user? You can't become Game of Thrones™ without betraying everyone

not him but

he just goes full retard and forgets all strategy and charges and has all his man charge to save his retarded ass


why would she feel guilty? she saved the day and is now queen of winterfell

I don't think you get it.

They don't look at it that way. Life is a life -- a face belonged on the pillar and waif was sent to retrieve it. Instead, Arya prevailed and brought waif's face instead. Following the established faceless men logic, this is all there really is to it for them.

Beyond that, Jaqen (or whoever he fucking is) seems to have admiration for her wild spirit which is why he shows emotion after the transaction.

i liked harry potter when i was a kid

i don't care about it anymore though

i'm an adult

Robb did it.

of course it's happening.

There still 1 place in westeros that isn't led by a stronk womyn.

she has to kill him to get the Vale along with Winterfell.

She'll probably name Brienne Castellan of Riverrun after Arya kills every Frey.

So when is he going to die so jon and dany can get together and rule the seven kingdoms

Nah, I'm just skimming through. I only read one of the books, the last one that was released. Just skimmed through wiki pages before that.

I just want to see the ending and how retarded the cucks of westeros D&D can be. As well as GRMM.

Face it, it's a trash novel/tv series but all the other good TV series are over and not much is on lately so it's either this or cringefest Vikings.

What were his final thoughts?

will based BwB, with lord stoneheart (blackfish) and the hound go north and run into azor ahai (Jon)? Will Stannis come back from his holiday and become Jon's general?


>girls holding hands


In fact, HE A QT

you are 100% retarded

if she had told jon about LF they could have devised a different plan and maybe rickon would be alive

keep posting cancer from your cancer folders though, 10x

Does murdering two little boys justify torture and castration?

So what do you guys think the battle will be like in the book with roose at the helm of the Bolten army?

If they kill littlefinger off, I'm done.

> Post yfw the north forgot


into the trash it goes

why is steve-O in all these pictures? wtf

>mass reporting an entire /got/ general because no one likes you enough to post in yours


get fucked

"i probably should have tried dodging those arrows"

>not crying when Harry tells Hermione he's realized he's the last Horcrux

They were all in Barely Lethal together

Have seen the episode 3 times, Sophie Turner is an awful actress.

I'm rooting for all the villains because any character they kill is one less shit character on the show.

all the "good guys" are shit now.
either the character, or their arc. Usually both.

>just remember to run zig zag, just remember to run zig zag just remember...

the giant could have shitstomped half the bolton army if they even bothered to give him a fucking tree, much less wooden armor or a bow but nooooo lets give our most important asset nothing more than his fucking fists because we are written by retarded jews

it makes more sense for them to not follow Jon honestly.

"Save me, Jon Snow"

>Postman: Special delivery for user
>open box. find dis
what do?

>"I had a good run"

but he told arya of when he killed Meryn Trant and took her eyes

"I zigged when I Should have zagged

will jon, sansa, and little finger have a threesome? haha

of course u bring dogs to battle fucken hell just look up 'war dogs in history' ppl have using dogs in battles for literally 1000s of years. You fuckwit

I'd love to lick Cersei's feet and suck on her toes longlingly. If she dies then I don't have a real waifunin the show anymore.

Meera, Cersei, the BWB. Honorable mentions go to Sandor and Varys for at least staying consistent with their show portrayals up to now.

the true king in the north is dead


cuddle eternally

I can forgive everything but WTF were they thinking not giving Wun Wun a weapon???

Its like they dont even care anymore

They coulda still killed off Wun Wun but at least let him wreck a good amount of boltons in the process

But no lets make him awkardly punch and kick air

Its shit like this why you cant take D &D serious.

i watched the last harry potter movie when i was 20 or so, so no i did not cry BECAUSE I AM AN ADULT

>break the rules
>cry when your posts get deleted
get over it

It's literally one (1) dog. It would've died in 2 seconds.

Let me please calmly voice my problem with the episode and le epic reactions by normies:


For someone who as an even minimal interest in such, it was le cringe.