Why didn't they bring her back for the sequel?

She's kept her shit together and made a nice career for herself. Didn't age weird looking. I don't get it.


Busy filming The Duff 2: Duffpocalypse


It's not about her looks, it's just that she does comedy and the movie has a serious tone. I couldn't take the movie seriously if I saw her there.

Even though I find her attractive they wanted that cliche hot blonde look. Wonder how she felt knowing that everyone else got to reprise their roles but she was replaced with essentially a hotter person

Too busy with The Duff Cinematic Universe

What the hell are you on about? She's done 2 known comedy roles but everything else has a serious tone about it like Parenthood and Perks of being a Wallflower

Is she funny or something?

She's "not attractive enough" even though I'd cut my nuts off to be able to have her sit on my face.

>she was replaced with essentially a hotter person
Maika Monroe isn't even that hot though. She's kind of weird looking. Mae has a prettier face imo. All they needed to do was get her a trainer and drop a few pounds if they didn't think she was attractive enough as is.

Because she's age appropriate. They needed to hire a 23 year old to play that 28 year old.

>Wonder how she felt knowing that everyone else got to reprise their roles

Not everyone. They recast the black kid who played Vivica Fox's son.

That kid is a literal who today though, so it makes sense.


>not will smith's wife's son
Am I even on Sup Forums?

Is she funny or something?

>tfw when genuinely enjoyed The DUFF

>not will smith's wife's son
>Am I even on Sup Forums?

Isn' he like underage and too faggy for the role?

Why isn't she in it?

She was my dream fuck when I first watched this film. God-tier tits

>Why didn't they bring her back for the sequel?

According to what I've heard, she wasn't interested. They actually asked her if she wanted to come back. Apparently, she didn't.

She seems like a nice girl, like you said it's rare that a child actress keeps her shit together and just builds a low-key steady career but anybody who seen AD cannot take her seriously. It's just impossible, even if she developed Meryl Streep-tier acting skills or got different projects.


>No will smith

I ain't gonna deal with it


She's not really fat, but she has a fat face. Not unattractive, but definitely not "summer blockbuster 20 something chick hot." I never heard of the girl who replaced her, and I don't think she's particularly attractive, but she has more of that generic look they go for.

Like 1% of people will care and the tradeoff of having a more attractive actress is totally worth it. Especially for filthy foreigners who have no idea who any of the secondary actors are anyway.

Other key cast members have been written out as well. Pic related.