Debate me

You can't

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say no more fanm

No one cares ya fucking nerd!

are we talking books or movies?



Nothing to debate here; you're correct

it's shit

Makes no difference, LotR is better in both senses.

Nice bait but, I will bite LOTR is far superior in characters, emotions, battles, writing, pretty much everything.

>Some people unironically believe this

Thanks for helping to break down western civilization you fucking cucks

Without a doubt Lord of the Rings, Tolkien overall really. The Asoiaf books are generally pretty alright, but nothing compared to even The Hobbit, which is a child's book. Tolkien's world is far better crafted and interesting. As far as the movies/show goes it's still Tolkien. FotR is a near perfect film, the sets, actors and music is excellent. Though I did quite enjoy the early seasons of GoT as well, just as much. I'll admit I'm completely biased though, Silmarillion's my favorite book.

Imagine this three in the Bastardbowl, battling for Jon.

Shit would be over before Salsa gets there.

>Silmarillion's my favorite book

You autistic or in middle school or something? I guess it might be a step up from Goosebumps, or whatever it is you read on the regular.


nice try

These are always so cringey

He is right. The Silmarillion is Tolkiens best work

Nothing comes close to lotr

No I just enjoy Germanic legends and such which the Silmarillion is very reminiscent of. Perhaps you'd know that if you didn't just read whatever shit /lit/ tells you to.

Delete this thread right now, LOTR and GoT should never be pitted against each other. That's fucking disgusting.

>Sup Forums

Gee I don't fucking know.

Give me a scene from GoT that is more emotional than this please. I will give you a hint there is none.

LOTR is unwatchable garbage in comparison

>No I just enjoy Germanic legends and such which the Silmarillion is very reminiscent of
Because JRRT was a professor of Old English at Oxford University and singlehandedly reinvigorated the study of Anglo-Saxon/Germanic literature. He is the reason Beowulf is read in schools today

>He is the reason Beowulf is read in schools today

it was better off forgotten

Yep, still need to check out his translation of Beowulf.

Boromir>Ned Stark

Man, this movie. Every single one of these shot is painting-tier.

Who would win? The flock of dwarves from the hobbit, or 20 good men?


Leaving aside the books, GoT show > LOTR movies. Hackson's films are capeshit tier, don't even deny it.

>Dat samefag bump to try and improve his chances if baiting.

Not going to work senpai. They're two different mediums, and even if you did LOTR is still objectively better in many regards.

Oops didn't post the full scene, here is the rest.


obviously, lotr is shit lmao

If this guy trusts /lit/, then he should probably kill himself.

Jesus Christ, I know it's bait but I'm still disgusted

I deny it.
The hobbit movies are bad yes, but not the trilogy.

GoT is shit fantasy with lots of EDGE, and SEX and DRAMA, and STRONK WOMEN. oh and DRAGONS, and it's GRITTY and VIOLENT.

Fucking fantasy for normies and casuals.

and it's had maybe 5 good episodes ever
12 hours of good content > 5 hours of good content
trilogy wins


Lotr films>GoT season 1-4>6> pile of shit>season 5> the hobbit

Asoiaf 1-3>Lotr>The hobbit >power gap>Asoiaf 4&5

Overall lotr>Asoiaf/GoT

LoTR is more progressive than GoT though

>muh "gritty realism"
>muh "sex & politics"

GoT is just a manchilds attempt at making a 'realistic' fantasy TV show.
People think they're more adult for liking it when in reality it's shallow, pandering and overlong with shitty writing.

LOTR might've not been the most faithful adaptation but at least the movies were still good all the way through and didn't overstay their welcome.

I know taste is subjective but senpai your taste is downright awful.

The first asoiaf came close to lotr everything else was dogshit.

And the first hobbit movie was better than anything got put on

this. Refrain from replying, my brother

man that was so boring




Witcher > LoTR > GoT

Oh, hey, a GoT thread. Neat!

Who the fuck are these low-energy trolls who try to shit up Sup Forums by bashing LOTR?

Give it up- your opinion is shit and everyone loves LOTR

k e k

I'm pretty sure everyone loves Game of Thrones, too. It's just autistic 4skin contrarianism.

>everyone loves got

TES is better than the Witcher, but neither are as good as Tolkien.

fuck man amazing. Look at frodo reading. Fucking perfect.

When you've already declared that you intend to stick to your inane opinion no matter what, yeah. That's not a debate and you never meant it to be.

>You can't

You're right, there's no arguing with someone this retarded.

LOTR makes no sense. Too much information and too many characters.

For example what is the point of Dernhelm? He shows up, gives a hobbit a ride then disappears and is never mentioned again. Same with Tom and that one elf. So annoying.

LOTR has virtually no women, how can it be worse than "strong wymyn" show

Dernhelm is Eowyn you idiot, did you read the book?

LOTR: A work Tolkien (a brave soldier and brilliant academic) contributed his whole life to writing, incorporating elements of his faith, his hardships, and his morals into. It's also good prose, and cribbed from a variety of mythologies to modernize them into what we now know as fantasy today.

GoT: A fat atheist thought LOTR was too "unrealistic", so he wrote in his high school bullies and le brainwashed religious people to show how mean the world is. Kills characters for no real reason other than "it's like real life", prose frequently describes bizarre things (like cocks or diarrhea) to show how "gritty" Westeros is.

>salsa comes in ready to do le smirk
>arrives at the battle, whole bolton army already dead
>Jon turns around and says "Well done, Salsa, well done. HOWEVER"
>sends Salsa to the kitchen

>Viggo Mortensen deflecting that fucking knife in real life

They could not have gotten a better Aragorn...god damn everything about him was so cool in the trilogy. He was perfect in both the action sequences and the more dramatic scenes.

... you know a middle schooler that could read that book. that would be a serial killer in training wtf

GoT would have never been written had LotR not existed

GoT is just a pleb imitation

Literally the only time I've ever heard clapping in a movie, right after the de-cap, everyone started clapping. Was so strange

LOTR is god tier.
Got is shit.
debate me op, you can't.

two can play this game.

Is that the same guy who plays Davos seaworthy?