If this isn't fedoracore I don't know what is

If this isn't fedoracore I don't know what is

>people consider Garth Ennis a good writer
>Preacher and NEXTMEME are held up to the highest possible regard in the comics world

i wish Agenda 21 was real

Nextwave is shit but it is also Warren Ellis.

Fucking retarded show with retarded fans.

Its shit

hola reddit

No user, this show is reddit

The show is complete garbage, only tasteless sacks of shit with no standards can enjoy it.

the show is fucking abominal
but I quite liked the comicslast read when I was 12come at me

No, GoT is reddit

Show sucks. Garth is a good writer. Punisher MAX is some of the best material ive ever read. If you disagree, youre wrong.

idk I sorta like it

>stop liking what I don't like

I'm still waiting for the show to do something. Assume it's some sort of autismo comic book adaptation. Imagine it will bore me eventually like Penny Dreadful.

I'm enjoying it so far.

>4 episodes in and still nothing happens
it's an AMC show all right

it could've been better but consider this: only four episodes in and we've already COMPLETELY departed from the source material. literally ZERO PERCENT of sunday's episode was based on events depicted in the book. why bother adapting a work if you don't even like it? the ONLY good thing about this show existing is it might get a new generation of fans to check out the comic, but that's only if it stops being so abysmally bad, and soon

I had the terrible realization the other day that this shit was probably going to go on until the end of season twist.

at this rate they can probably push it to ten and a half seasons, especially if they keep adding new characters and subplots to replace all the old ones they're leaving out

the girl is ugly as fuck, the vampire seems like a nice guy

They have to get on with the actual plot at some point, after all they already teased us with the Saint of Killers

I wonder if the Punisher series Marvel's making will use material from Welcome Back, Frank.
>I ain't nobody's nigger!

>critically acclaimed comic series

>not liking Arseface
Stop bodyshaming him.

The only thing the show has in common with the source is the word of god concept and the three main characters' names. That fat hyuk-ing fucking semite and his equally talentless co-creayor peaked at 13 and have had their brains so scrambled by unrestrained weed consumption that they think the things they still do have some merit.

Die please Rogan and forgettablename.

Things don't have to be earnest to be noteworthy.

Its not a great show but im enjoying it a lot.

The comic is awesome so fuck off about that.

4 fucking episodes and no real plot. why are they taking so long?

In the next episode the meatman will create the meatwoman as his "god". Just wait for it.

>>I ain't nobody's nigger!

The Irish guy right? That wasn't Welcome Back Frank, that was Punisher MAX.

Does it get worse after the first episode or something?