Is there a more alpha female character in film?

Is there a more alpha female character in film?

>alpha female
What are you even trying to say?

>shaved armpits

Can't read or what, faggot?

What is this?


just recently watched this and was impressed by her backbone, but I've never wanted to jump through the screen and hug a character telling them everything will be all right more than Adele

I'd let her sit on my face

Meh, I'll check it out when I feel like being depressed by French lesbians... i.e. never

odd how this film was a sparse, subtle character study punctuated by 2-3 hilariously OTT sex scenes

If by OTT you mean GOAT, then I'd agree

Oh I had a great time and a raging boner watching it no doubt - but it was ripped straight from a porno and had nothing at all to do with the story, just french freakiness for the hell of it

That's a meaningless statement "alpha female". What is that even supposed to mean, idiot?

I thought she was dog ugly when I first saw her film. But she has grown on me.

The jews got to Eminem.


>Léa seydoux
>dog ugly
wew lad


This, women who shave their armpits are beta because they havent moved passed the idea of modern day fashion.

is that girl same as OP?

Well they could be not shaving to conform to a specific subculture which is also stupid, but at least a little better than the mainstream.


>specific subculture

Is it really a subculture? I mean, you cannot stop your hair from growing, how is it a subculture when it is a basic bodily function that everyone on the planet has?


but this seems to be a thread about whatever this movie is

No I mean, maybe she just stops shaving to conform to, I don't know, feminists, or hipsters, or hippies, or punks, or whoever doesn't shave nowadays. In which case she's not really *that* intelligent or alpha or whatever, but still slightly better than if she shaved just because "EVERYONE DOEEEEES".

thanks for explaining, i was just confused.

implying the female that is most involved with the alpha male of a community isn't in fact the alpha "Female" and constitutes one facet of the alpha "pair"

Movies I watch to feel:

Blue is the Warmest Color
Inside Out

what exactly do you feel with blue is the warmest color?

I watched it and was bored to tears.

I understand Her and while i cant 100% relate, it was an interesting story

Inside out had be full out crying.

Christian image board

I'd like to blow my warmest color into her inside out

Are people so desperate for lesbian porn they'd watch this boring POS? There's a lot better on the internet. Why watch a dull long affair directed by a fucking Arab? Like he knows what two French lesbians think and feel. Spoiler alert, he doesn't! Never saw a hyped up film that was so much fail before.

Never watch Her after a breakup or divorce, jesus it hits home hard.

their first kiss was the sexiest thing in this movie

It's the only reason it's so well known, if it didn't have that it would be considered a great movie anyway, but those incredible sex scenes are why it's so popular.

what if I'm a virgin who has never spoken to a woman?

Wolf pack leaders are often female. It's usually the oldest one in the pack. I don't know why so many people aren't at all aware of how alphas even work. Not to mention the alpha/beta shit doesn't apply to humans in the first place, and it's just a way of saying "a dominant/aggressive person". Why would you choose this specific terminology to get autistic over?

>would rather watch camsluts than Lea Seydoux
wew lad

It doesn't even apply to wolves m8, read a book

It doesn't apply to anything in actuality

Culturally it does apply actually, it tends to reference personality types.

no, it was taken from wolves then applied to humans, then we realized it doesn't actually even apply to wolves. Scientifically it has no value in applying "culturally"

It's certainly taken on a life of its own though to refer to certain types of personalities. But sociologists aren't going to be using the terms

Watching fifteen minutes of okay porn in a two hour boring movie. While you know that a dirty Muslim was jacking off to the girls while filming them. How's your cuck complex /tv?
