So I'm trying to get more into QotSA. The first album I've listened to of theirs is Era Vulgaris...

So I'm trying to get more into QotSA. The first album I've listened to of theirs is Era Vulgaris, what should I listen to next?

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It doesn't matter. Theyre all good.

You listened to one of their shittiest albums first.
Listen to their self titled album, Rated R and Songs for the Deaf.
That's all you need to hear.

you listen to kyuss

Songs for the Deaf

Songs for the Deaf... then work backwards, then fill the gap between songs for the deaf and era vulgaris

congratulations on picking their worst album

songs for the deaf>rated r>self titled

>Songs for the Deaf.
just make sure you're actually deaf before you listen to it

OP here. Is Like Clockwork any good? Just curious.

I like it, but I'd suggest Songs for the Deaf or Rated R first. Anyone excited for the new album? Expectations?

It's pretty good, though drearier then anything else they've done, though SFTD or Self-titled is probably the best place to start

And don't listen to the others, EV is great, it's the closest to an "experimental" album they have

>Anyone excited for the new album? Expectations?
No and garbage.

Fuck no.

If they stay away from political bullshit and Iggy Pop, it should be fine.

QOTSA favourite band here
Era Vulgaris is my favourite album by them. Listen to rated R next then Like Clockwork... , afterwards listen to Them Crooked Vultures side project next.

Bad news dude, Qotsa have basically been Iggy's backing band for his latest tours.

You're a cheerful soul.
There were some pretty good deep cuts on there. It was a little too mellow compared to their other albums, though.

Yeah, im not very hopeful about this next album.

Just listen to whatever, they're all good.

True. There isn't really a QotSA album I can say I dislike.

ignore their albums. live recordings is where it's at for them

lol youre a pleb dude

my fav band in the whole am radio station

Literally (literally) their best album

These tbqh

>You listened to one of their shittiest albums first.
>congratulations on picking their worst album

i uhhh really liked that album....

Well you're WRONG, get rid of your WRONG opinion and get a RIGHT one instead

Songs for the Deaf and ...Like Clockwork are their best IMO. The rest sounds kinda generic honestly

>picked their 2 most generic sounding albums
>"The rest sounds kinda generic honestly"

Quickly go back to the one with the white panties then the saga song then the Billy gibbons duet on lullabies

Everything besides those sounds like it could be a Foo Fighters album.

None of their work is particularly inventive, but you don't listen to Queens for that, you listen for the "clean" sound.

>Rated R
>Lullabies to Paralyse
>Era Vulgaris
>"sounds like it could be a Foo Fighters album"
This may be the most retarded thing I've heard on Sup Forums today, and I see a lot of retarded stuff on Sup Forums on a daily basis
