/daily/ - "pennis and also dicke and balls" edition

The mourning period for Pi continues.

The point of these threads is to encourage people to look for new and interesting music. We do this by listening to and ideally discussing albums we've never heard before. Many of us already listen to new music daily, these people are in it to venture "out of their comfort zone" by listening to albums they otherwise wouldn't have, or just to have a good time.

>come here to make charts

>come here to endlessly circlejerk over meme videos and maybe sometimes hopefully music

>come here for op pics, charts, listenalongs, misc. stuff

Previously, on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:


god bless you, now listen to the album


who /overwhelmedbyhowmuchmusicisoutthere/ here?

Dig it!

Bummed you didn't like Eureka all that much, it's a great pop album imo. You should check out the Arthur Russell next. Though, you really can't go wrong on that chart.

Chemistry is the worst. No idea how I managed to pass it, I've always been god awful at math.

What's your favorite Byrds album btw? I've been meaning to get into them. Only heard Sweetheart of the Rodeo so far.


I'm constantly struggling to keep up with new music honestly. I feel like a total pleb no matter how much music I hear because there's so much shit out there.

You may not have heard your future favorite album yet though! Kind of a cool thought imo.

>I'm constantly struggling to keep up with new music honestly
Same. Especially since there's so much good music from the past that I haven't heard.

>pennis and also dicke and balls
goddammit this gets me every time I read it

last year I hadn't listened to Carlos, ERASMO.... and this blows my little mind. It's my fav out there t-desu-bh

delete this now,

no, f-senpai-am


Yeah, I think I tend to explore older music more because there's so much out there but then I lose track of what's happening in the current year. So then I struggle to catch up with upcoming releases I'm interested. It's a cycle

Yeah, I've heard a lot of my favorites for the first time within the last 2-3 years so I'm in the same boat.

i can't write more than 2 sentences without losing all brain function so here ya go

Satwa - Satwa (1973)
>psychedelic folk

The only other major project of Paêbirú's Lula Côrtes, and it stands tall with that absolutely monolithic album. It's exclusively sitar and guitar, so a lot of the songs blend into each other and make for a pretty repetitive album, but the rawness of it more than makes up for that, and it's just so fucking cool to listen to.


The Space Lady - The Space Lady's Greatest Hits (2013)
>synthpop, psychedelic pop

Cool concept and I love the synths and drum machines, but the Space Lady's voice can occasionally get grating and a lot of the covers aren't that great. "Synthesize Me" is phenomenal, though.


Horacee Arnold - Tales of the Exonerated Flea (1974)
>jazz fusion

Damn cool fusion dragged down by some long bits where nothing really happens. The drumming is spectacular, as are the keys, and the title track is one hell of a tune, but some of the longer tracks bring the album down. Mostly pretty great though.


looks fucking dope

i actually haven't heard Sweetheart of the Rodeo (or Notorious Byrd Brothers), but Younger Than Yesterday is really cool. Mr. Tambourine Man and Fifth Dimensions are both worth a listen too.

Sweetheart of the Rodeo is worth a listen for their cover of "You Ain't Goin Nowhere", which is just terrific imo.

I'll have to check those albums out, thanks man.

haha get GOT

Wtf, this is not what I was expecting, especially with the noise rock tag on RYM. Also, I can't decide if the shitty recording quality enhances this performance or ruins something that could've been weirdly mellow. Thoughts?

I love Night of the Assassins; everything else kind of falls by the wayside. I've got a friend that loves everything LRD and she swears that the recording quality makes everything so much better

probably checking it out over the weekend!

make sure you focus on how the bass is always playing those super mellow riffs while everything else just crumbles down

The first two tracks are probably my favorite so far. Hmm, I'm kind of agreeing with her about the recording quality but it's such a weird atmosphere.

That's actually what made me ask the question. The bass riffs are so mellow and kind of psychedelic - actually remind me of Fishmans - but everything else is just chaos. Really interesting pairing

>You should check out the Arthur Russell next.
I got right to it.

Arthur Russell - World of Echo
>Art pop, ambient pop
Strangely ethereal, otherworldly music. Russell's voice is delicate, almost like Nick Drake's, and while it may seem like his voice would mesh badly with his experimental sound, it compliments it nicely. The only complaints I have are that the production is very spotty, and the lack of any transition/closure on EVERY song. Seriously, they all just end suddenly. All of them. But other than that it is absolutely beautiful and also sobering in a way.
7 (will have to revisit)

it's just a meme


and also dicke and balls

top tier scrubs rock, the album title describes the mood really well, but i did find them because of Todd in the Shadow's one hit wonder series and it shows, because it all falls short of the first song, or first two-three songs at least. the third single is actually the worst track and kinda takes me out of it, that or well, semisad midtempo pop rock isn't that great for a whole album of the same shit

6+/10, what does /daily/ think of todd, he's alright imo

haha :)


now repeat this meme in this thread 3 more times to make it even funnier :D

nice dubs

final round of bad tourney
Lamb VS Kanzler

Fizheuer Zieheuer was a single rather boring minimal-techno track but I still enjoyed it, albeit to a slight degree simply because the loop and samples were nice. All it really does throughout is slightly change the drums, panning, volume and other minor effects one at a time through out, it's always the same pattern,

Strange Warmings of Laddio Bolocko was just awesome groovy noise rock/math-rock. I thought I would have DQ'd Kanzler for a minute there because there was 4 mins of silence in the song; I thought there as a hidden track but luckily the song continued, you were very close there. Though the 2nd half of Nuser can fuck off.


This was my favourite tourney to do, heaps of stuff I like and discovered and two 9/10's. Might do another mini tourney next but who knows, maybe I should actually finish that post-feelist drone. (probably not)

yup. The thought that I haven't found my favourite album yet is cool though.
If you guys had to predict what genre your next 5 star would be, what would you say? For me right now I'd probably say minimalism.

In lots of experimental, noisy rock it seems like one of the most common techniques is having some instrument play repetitively and provide some continuous backbone to the piece, while everything around it falls down into chaos.

yo get this: she has a maid that's also a dragon

>I've got a friend that loves everything LRD
>and she

The sole thought of someone loving LRD makes me sweat in horror!

>he doesn't want a qt japadelia gf

further proof women have categorically shit taste

>he wants a gf

not gonna lie that's making me a bit hungry

delet this

make me :{}

i wont ask again

pull the trigger senpai

you asked for it *bang*

Oh yeey! :3
That's a good start into the day

whether the recording quality is a hindrance or not depends on how much noise you like in your noise rock. Me I think it's great but I'm a filthy noise whore anyway

bvsc review (9/10)

I think what I like most of all on this album is that the recording, done without any unnecessary effects or overdubs, allows it to authentically hold the sound you might hear from a band of friends performing out in the street while you're in the porch of a café on holiday. That is to say, the music is sunny, passionate, and carefree – all while maintaining a high level of skill amongst the musicians, which would probably be expected with the presence of Ry Cooder. You can see this great musicianship especially in the title track with Rubén González's piano playing which, to me, adds colour to the album through a more subtle style of jazz playing. What the track misses is what I see as the greatest aspect of the whole album: the vocals of Ibrahim Ferrer, who I had actually first heard on the Gorillaz track Latin Simone. What makes Buena Vista Social Club so much better than that track, however, is that Ferrer has an ensemble behind him that perform far better in the Afro-Cuban style and, therefore, compliment his voice more. I would pick out a track that shows off the vocals the most, but really his singing is fantastic throughout. I suppose I would therefore pick Chan Chan which is my choice, and the popular choice, for the album's best piece.
Perhaps Ry Cooder brings a little too much American influence to the record, and perhaps knowledgeable fans of Cuban music could name a better introduction to the genre, but I still enjoy this album a lot.

being alive is probably the most disappointing thing ever


Re: Byrds. They're all worthwhile up through Sweetheart, even (Untitled). Some of the solo albums shouldn't be missed either. I think it's one case where the official Greatest Hits album (1967) isn't a bad listen and you wouldn't miss too much from the pre-Sweetheart period. Like a lot of people will say though, Notorious Byrd Brothers just operates on another level.

Why is Emperor the most boring "black metal" band of all time?

topsters2 decided tobe annoying, so the background will be black for the rest of the chart :(

Jlin was nice, I'm looking forward to a bigger project of her

I'm too lazy to write anything worthwhile right now
just ask if you want more details

the last three days of exploring mainly, was pretty ill yesterday so didn't listen to much at all


I'll take any recs

I like this chart, How I Loved You, Time Out, VCN, Halber Mensch, Scott, Out to Lunch, Point of Departure, Hot Buttered Soul and HANL are all records I enjoy a lot (amongst others I just clocked I was on the way to naming half the chart)

If you like that Time Machines record I'd rec Constant Shallowness Leads to Evil, if you like the Sybille Baier I'd rec Virginia Astley, Dorothy Carter and Linda Perhacs

I really loved Satwa, it's not on the same scale as Paebiru but it's a cool record nonetheless. That Big Youth record has some cool tracks on too but most deejay records aren't varied enough to engage me the whole time through. If you like it the Dr Alimantado Poison Flour/I Shall Fear No Evil single is the best release of that sort of thing, both of them are on the same album but I love just the two similar tracks together. I'd also rec Akwaaba by Francis Bebey, it has some overlap with that compilation but a generally slightly creepy vibe I don't often find in African music which I really enjoy.

>Music to have a transcendental experience on a megabus to
lmao I can't tell you how much I relate to this

haven't listened to anything on that chart but I'll have a look at your RYM and give a few recs in a min

listenn 2 aotysf

thanks for the recs, man!

also I'm a big fan of that Haitian Dances score, I love that record.

I've got it downloaded and started listening but had to go out, I'll put it on after my current record stops.

I've found that megabuses are the time where I can zone in the hardest on music, my phone only has 128gb or so of my music so doesn't tend to have too much of the newest stuff so I tend to listen to stuff I'm semi-acquainted with/favourites.

Yeah I really enjoyed both, probably gonna bump the other one up too after a few listens.

Oh shit, literally happened to me last night. Long Megabus ride in the dark with this on while I was half-awake and it felt like the most divine music experience of the past year

Do you have a link for this? Looks really interesting but the only person who has it at a decent quality on soulseek doesn't share it and it's on on ru.

I can't really write a review on this, there's not much I can think to say. It's inoffensive mid-60s pop with great vocal harmonies that, admittedly, sticks pretty rigidly to a formula. Rubber Soul was released the same year so its pretty significantly outshone. It sounds nice, but I doubt I'll ever remember it fondly and come back to it.

Hm, it's on Spotify. I had to catalogue it on RYM, so probably rare otherwise.

What do you guys think of Perfect Pussy?
I'm listening to them for the first time and theyre p g

>Onra - Chinoiseries Pt. 3
>March 10, 2017
I had no idea he made a 2nd volume

some people compared them to melt-banana and i could see why, but it's solely based on meredith's cadence more than anything else. her singing style doesn't have yako's percussive function to it though she just sounds vaguely alike like i said
so that was a disappointment, and they didn't have any good riffs or tunes or much else i remember other than the general sound. maybe their politics are alright, no idea
what'd you see in them, user?

Yeah I look forward to megabus rides for that reason, the seats are uncomfortable as shit but it's great to just look out the window and zone out to the music, Pharoah's Karma is also one of my favs for this. Nothing like sitting next to a man eating a hot greggs pie to open your mind to music.

I'm struggling to come up with recs I'm sure you'll like for some reason. Going off of a couple of your favs though, check out Otis Blue, Ali Farka Toure - Niafunke, The Pyramids - King of Kings and Teenage Fanclub - Bandwagonesque or Grand Prix.

I'm getting few recs on the chart thread, so does anyone here have recommendations based on my favourites here?

I'd probably say funk or jazz honestly. I've explored a decent amount from each genre but there's still a possibility that there's an album I'll love out there.

I have little experience with noise rock and I'm not usually a fan honestly. But on that album it seemed to work really well. Got a little too much on the last two tracks though, my ears were legit ringing

Okay cool, thanks for the info. Nice to hear that most of their music is worth exploring. I'll save Notorious Byrd Brothers for last if it's the best haha

haha dude i love stereolab

Listening to Golden Slumbers for the first time in ages and forgot how insanely good Paul's voice on it is

I can't remember, have you listened to The Jesus and Mary Chain before? You'd probably like them with your appreciation for TVU, The Beach Boys and shoegazey noise.

Listening to the rest of the suite too, I hope

Yeah, never liked Psychocandy. I feel like a heretic saying that, but it's true.

I did.

Redman - Dare Iz a Darkside
>East Coast Hip-Hop

I really fucking love what I’ve heard from Redman so far - in fact, Muddy Waters is likely one of my favorites from the genre. Sure, it’s crammed with skits but the beats are so damn funky and Redman is just hilarious imo. He kind of sounds like a weird mesh between Method Man, Busta Rhymes and Buckshot, with that raspy but low-key reggae-ish flow. I’m kind of a sucker for that style and his punchline-based rap is just so entertaining because he’s surprisingly charismatic.

As the transition album between Whut and Muddy Waters, there’s some noticeable differences here. First of all, he brings in EPMD’s Erick Sermon in on production, which adds a way different funk influence. The beats are still very boom-bap based, unlike the straight P-Funk beats of Muddy Waters and Whut but they work quite well. This album has a much more murky sound all around, which I prefer.

On here, you can already hear the Funkadelic influence. In addition to the clear “Maggot Brain” homage on the cover, he uses a lot of George Clinton staples. Pitch shifted vocals and just weird spacey vocals/synths on songs like the bizarre “Cosmic Slop”. Shit like that. Probably the closest I’ve heard to Aquemini in a weird way, even though it has a much more darker vibe. I mean, listen to the way Sermon flips “Nuthin’ But a G Thing” - it’s way gloomier in this version.

Lyrically, this is solid. I mean, Redman has an immature, corny sense of humor but it works with his style of music. You aren’t supposed to take him seriously but he does drop a really awkward line occasionally. Still, I found myself chuckling a lot, rewinding to catch all the stupid lines he spits all throughout this.

Muddy Waters basically takes all these ideas and elevates them to a new level. That being said, it’s still quite enjoyable.


if you like Faust, Zappa, DG and The Ark Work you might also like this, and i guess s/t is proto-crunkcore too
(if you don't also like chugs and powerchords too, maybe not)

idk have i recommended you Horse Lords, they're minimalist rock with just intonation guitar

Young fathers- tape one
Moon honey- hand painted dream photographs

Had this on repeat for a while. It's a mixed bag of crooning, oddball electric violin and ripoff Japan songs.

I like your lipstick, Gary. Keep it up!

you're not much of a heretic saying that in daily desu, only a few love it :'(. I don't fully understand why though since nearly everyone in here likes pop and noise.

also check out Young Fathers like nyar said

It's literally Dick Dale being played by a really loud shoegaze band

that sounds really good desu, i should probably check it out

Yeah I was expecting something a lot more freewheeling and less repetitive when I first heard it. It really grows on you though, even though Night of the Assassin is the catchiest.

Enter the Mirror and Night of the Assassin are an amazing intro to the album. No elaboration needed there. Admittedly Flame of Ice and Distant Memory are a little lackluster, comparatively, but Deeper Than the Night is definitely in the running for my favorite track. I absolutely love how the guitar and bass just *bloom* on the chorus. It's like the aural equivalent of watching a mushroom cloud billow up—cheesy maybe, but apt. Reaper of the Night is amazingly propulsive—highest bpm by a mile—and the closest to the classic Sister Ray-type noise rock of the bunch. I enjoy the pick-up right before the end. And I really should've have to sell The Last One. That track is an absolute monolith. I'd say it's honestly one of my all-time favorite noise rock tracks, but most every other track on the album is too.

And yeah, I think the recording quality really makes it. Listening to cleaned up versions (and there are plenty, actually) isn't nearly as satisfying.

Hope that sells it to you or anyone else who might be reading.

Horse Lords' Interventions was in my top 10 AOTY list for last year, thought it was really great, especially when exploring interesting polyrhythms.

I'll check out ISMFOF asap, thanks.

Heard and enjoyed most of Young Fathers' discography but I haven't heard the Moon Honey release so I'll check that out, thank you.

wait is this a genuine recommendation? the rym page is making it look kind of goofy.

don't listen to that album

It's been sitting in my library unlistened-to like the toxic piece of hot garbage it probably is

but I haven't listened

Trans recs it every once in a while

Fuck it, I'm gonna listen now. I've got 36 minutes to spare

>telstar drugs cameo

what made you think it'd be less repetitive? agree with everything else but i'm interested since it never really crossed my mind that LRD would be anything but repetitive before listening t b h

just put The Last One on for the first time in a while, that first burst of noise :ok_hand:

ffs think i'll just give up on recommending shit for the day

just think, either it's good or it's great for your curve

it's goofy as fuck but so are all those other artists i listed...

Idk, I kind of imagined an unskilled, amateurish, and maybe unhinged garage rock band when I first heard it described

Didn't think it'd be so monstrous and well-practiced-seeming

it's definitely not the worst thing ever made

that doesn't mean it don't come damn close

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I definitely thought it'd be way more "out there" rather than repetitive. That being said, I really dug it - way more than I was expecting.

Nice writeup btw, agree with most of it. I'll have to listen to some of the cleaned up versions and see what I think.

>Nintendocore is a subgenre of Melodic Metalcore fused with Chiptune instrumentation, often sampling Video Game Music from Nintendo games, and often incorporates elements from Post-Hardcore, Mathcore, Noise Rock, Metalcore, Cybergrind, and Synthpop.

Is there even a point of creating a tag for a genre this niche?

>Is there even a point of creating a tag for a genre this niche?
No. Welcome to rym

think I'm about to piss off jangle

oh right, guess I'd just heard that they were noisy TVU clones so I went in expecting repetition

It's funny to think that most people, perhaps even most "music fans", would think that Melodic Metalcore alone is far too niche of a genre to have a name.

please boy, rym doesn't even have sassgrind listed

bull session with the big daddy is based.

Probably is. Hardcore wasn't that a-melodic, and it was probably invented to make Husker Du seem extra special

Genres are really a question of practicality. If there's demand for them, they'll be invented to describe some music. But usually that demand is just some guy's need to pose harder than the next guy

this is definitely not as goofy as i expected but 3 eps in, it's pretty good so far. just this whole
>everyman has to learn to live with some strange creature/person and learns new stuff and stuff
-cliche, that's usually fun
whats that called, cloudcuckoolander?
i'll have something to bounce off of maybe i'll finally compile a review of it, it's been bugging me a lot

>yfw he likes it