Why did it flop? It was a pretty goat musical

Why did it flop? It was a pretty goat musical.

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Did it flop? I thought it did pretty well.


>Budget: $61 million
>Gross: $441 million

that's not a flop you triple nigger.

Because Russel Crowe sang "you'll wear a different chain" all wrong

They tried to take like 1500 pages and compress it into a three hour stage musical and then tried to take elements from both the book and the stage show for a two and a half hour movie but only cast people who could actually sing as minor roles and extras and it just wound up being a big old mess.



Non native english speaker don't want to see a movie that can't be dubbed

>half the cast couldn't sing
>horrendously shot

At least it had SamBarks.

Crow actually didn't do all that bad. I didn't know he could sing.

They casted for famous people, not singing people.

And who couldn't sing the movie? The weakest one was Jackman, but the rest were very passable.

I absolutely loved the movie but crowe (javert) really cant sing

but fantine and enjolras absolutely KILLED it

>Thirty Odd Foot of Grunt

AKA: The Russel Crowe pub band he founded for shits and giggles

See, I thought Crowe nailed his part. I thought Jackman was the weak link there. Crowe actually really surprised me.

>horrendously shot

god, Fantine's arrest is some of the worst editing I've EVER seen in a professional film. Like, seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?

Honestly, I think Crowe does fine, it's just that theaterfags are the most elitist group to ever exist and Crowe was always doomed to failure by simply not being Philip Quast.

The worst singer was the main guy who got with the blonde chick.

His voice was too throaty and off putting.

They cast Anne Hathaway, the poor man's Anna Kendrick.


I'm pretty sure that for mainstream audience anna kendrick is poor man's anne hathaway

What was your favorite song? I think mine is definitely a heart full of love. Cosette is such a angelic singer

Also four BAFTA Awards and three Academy Awards.

It was by no means a flop, especially being a movie musical that isn't animated.

>Non native english speaker don't want to see a movie that can't be dubbed

The original musical was written in French, bro.


kill yourself


There's already dozens of different language versions of the musical, international versions of the movie are sung in native language.

I loved it senpai, also how retarded must you be to consider this a flop?


Because of the memes.

PRISONER 2 4 6 0 1

The movie had some good parts but overall it was terrible. Baron Cohen and Bonham Carter were godawful. I felt like puking every time one of them spoke.

This is a big guilty pleasure of mine. I usually can't stand musicals but have watched this multiple times and love it. I just wish it was longer, the story felt really crammed in.

He was probably the best choice for Thenardier they could've made.

It sucked. It had only 2 problems: the original song was average as fuck (easily forgivable problem), and they used a weird talking/whispering/singing thing instead of full singing. That was unforgivable. It didn't matter that it was live singing, or that the actors could sing, it was just plain bad.

Not only that, but Crowe is a good singer when he can belt out notes, but the way they made him sing made him look bad. Not everyone can sing that way effectively. Jackman and Hataway can, but the rest of the cast couldn't pull it of. Crowe being the worst at it.

Cockeyed filming aside I loved it

And also, how watchable were the ABC Cafe revolutionaries? Redmayne was actually the plainest look out of them

Y'know people always make fun of Crowe but I though Jackman was way worse. I mean he flubbed so many lines

Watch it at least once a month.

Red and Black best song

Probably didn't help that the songs were hard to take seriously when they were trying to fit 26 syllables into one note. At some points in this film it literally just seemed like how it would be if two drunk people started talking in random sing-song. I can't have been the only person who noticed this.

Some of the songs are pretty well put together, though. A lot just felt like filler.

Do you hear the people sing gets me every time

Every version

You're not really aware of musicals are you?

Yes, and the vast majority have condensed a story into music far better than this one.

For someone who doesn't knows jack shit of theater, but had to read parts of the novel for french class, what's the best adaptation?

His voice got really annoying after an hour or so.

I... don't remember who Grantaire is

The drunkard revolutionary who wanted the Enjolras dick

>what are subtitles
silly NA

Heart Full of Love and On My Own are best songs. Sam Barks was the best singer.

She was so much better in the 25th anniversary recording, it's not even funny.

I was really pleasantly surprised by Seyfried, didn't know she could sing so well, and Cosette has some of the hardest parts.


I watched that one. She's very cute in it. But Nick Jonas as Marius ruins it, he just acts completely unenthused and bored the entire thing.

He was better than Redmayne. What are you even talking about?

Katie Hall was the best Cosette to date.

Watch 10th anniversary bro, it's absolutely GOAT. Literally the perfect cast all around
The Valjean from it plays the Bishop in this film iirc

Good movie musicals that aren't original and are instead adapted from stage shows are hard to come by. The Les Mis movie isn't terrible but it isn't good.

> pretty goat
How the fuck can you be pretty "greatest of all time"? Are you fuckin retarded?

Yep, 10 is better than 25, but 25 is way, WAY better than the movie.

She's a cutie and a great singer but her Eponine never had that manic energy that I wish more Eponines had. It's way too easy to play her as a flat character with a crush instead of a testament to the damages of poverty.

Into the Woods was a better movie, but nobody cared about it.

I agree. Frances Ruffelle was the best Epopo.

Katie Hall the best Cosette (that's the hardest role in all the musical, since she's so fucking boring as a character compared to the rest).

Colm Wilkinson is and was best JeanV

Hadley Fraser was best Javert/Any Role He Ever Played. That guy is my fav musical performer.

>current year
>user still can't into memes
s.m.h. t.b.h. f.a.m.

It definitely didn't flop but it was too long. When I started watching it I didn't even check the runtime and I was still sat there 3 hours later. Also, I know it's a musical, but there's too much fucking singing. Niggas be breaking into song every 2 minutes.

Not even the best French Revolution related musical

>not Suddenly
Pls go

Fuck off dannyboytbh

They dumb it down for the likes of you. The musical is supposed to be 100% singing, no talking.

>what is recitative

Theatre folk may put up with that, but your average move goer just wouldn't tolarate it.

You had me until Hadley, I thought his Javert was honestly really shit. He's usually pretty awesome though so I'll give you that.

cause only Americuck like les

europeans think is schlock

+musicals suck

Then maybe they should stop adapting sung-through muscials to film. It did work out well with Phantom though even though that film was even more shite than the Les Mis one.

>anne hathaway



Literally the act two bathroom break song when anyone but Colm is singing it

Either the Confrontation or Javert's Suicide

It didn't flop at all, but I did find it disappointing for two reasons that were both easily fixable. The first is that they live sang the songs. All the actors except for Russel Crowe have good voices but I think they should've done a studio version and just had them lip sync it.

The other problem was that I didn't like how some of the lyrics were changed. In "Look Down" they change the lyrics from "the sun is strong, it's hot as hell below" to "no God on earth .... hell below". And then the last song went from "It's a story of those who always loved you. Your mother gave her life for you and gave you to my keeping" to "It's the story of one who turned from hating a man who only learned to love when you were in his keeping". I felt like that lyric changed made the movie focus too much on Valjean when he's already been the semi-main character of the film. The song in its original form gives credit to BOTH Fantine and Valjean.

jew loving anne hathaway cuck detected

I thought it was pretty good, but would have been much better if they'd gone exclusively with stage actors who can sing. Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe gave it their best shots, but I thought both were pretty weak singers compared to the actors who had been in the stage versions. Samantha Barks and Eddie Redmayne were probably the best performers, and both were taken from the stage.

>more memes


But only when the singer is good enough.

its true...

Jackman is a Broadway guy. The Man from Oz? Oklahoma?

Redmayne sucked.

Oh shit, I knew he'd done some stage stuff but didn't realise that he'd actually started that way. I just assumed some opportunistic shows included him later on in his career when he'd already become famous. I still think he was a pretty weak singer though. Better than Crowe, but still nowhere near as good as the various actors who have played Valjean on stage.

To be honest I can't remember anything from his performance at all, other than him singing Empty Chairs at Empty Tables. And I thought he did a good job with that.

That doesn't mean he was a good Valjean or that his singing was anything but terrible.

>hating on wolvie in hopes that he will smother you with his beastly quads in a rage lust

user please, if I want anyone from the Les Mis movie to mercilessly fuck me through the mattress it's Aaron Tveit

Or Sam Barks with a strap on

What are you, a gay?

Not just lyric changes, a number of songs were abridged so they could add their own and still keep the movie under three hours. That doesn't make sense to me because musicals are usually long by nature and the book was 1200 freaking pages; they had every reason to go ahead and make it as long as they wanted instead of trimming it down.
maybe because it wasn't about the French Revolution you uncultured swine

Also, ya'll need to check your tastes.
A Little Fall of Rain is best song

One Day More is GOAT in the movie and the stage show