really makes you think edition

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hey lil mama would you like to be my sunshine..



420 blaze it haha she's so rad




Cosmic Girls - "Would You Like?" - 9,795 (160225) update May 31
Cosmic Girls - "The Secret" - 14,000 (160817) update Nov 6 #
Cosmic Girls - "From WJSN" - 15,900 (170104) update Feb 11
wjsn growing exponentially. theyre gonna make it!

yulhee bullies the shit out of a seunghee

Based Woozi

i dont think you know what exponentially means

Someone give me the sauce pls.

all thanks to thigh notes



your local brothel

the fucking fancammer name is in the corner
do you want us to wipe you too

I think you should look up exponentially



>salty as fuck

BTFOd by gaypop and Twice endlessly
Just do something else

a whole year and they didn't even double the sales

why was twiceboy covering her head and face with that hoodie all the time during this vlive?

to be fair it was a pretty bad song

cutest girl in the galaxy~

she wasn't wearing makeup

If you want to see true disappointment, look at CLC's discography
They went from like 3000 sales to under 1000 in 2 years

someone should re edit this so its just her eyes going back and forth




she was self conscoius about some spot or something
real pity, whenever she slipped up i couldnt see anything bad, so she hid her face for no reason :(

any walwari man in

doin' some things on yeri's face while the rest of the gang watches

i would bully her too


is my somibro here

the 800 something meme was just in reference to their first week. they're still on track to sell roughly as many records as they normally do.

damn shame, I like her bare face

Poor man's ZN

Why yall so obsessed with that Sluggo bitch

post merry

she showed it for a bit

thats gaon

wait that's actually her

downsee is cute!


Talking about Hanteo sales, Gaon usually overshoots because the distributors sometimes prepurchase too much

Crystyle was at 1000 on Hanteo while it was 4000 on Gaon, meaning that 4x as many albums were ordered rather than sold

these sales arent bad for a non big 3 rookie gg dbh. just a little more and then theyre aoa tier


is that somi on the right ?

Because no one knows who she is

>Sluggo bitch

I'll fucking glass u u worthless cunt



>assume someone is salty for twice's untalented singing skill
Nice damage comtrol

>exy doesn't like being dark skinned


i'd whiten her up anytime thanks

those are unflattering pictures for both of them

how dark is exy?

>those soft tan legs

>Muh ESL


>dark skinned

now i get it. exy is my nigga.

ESL as fuck

nothing wrong with her face, so she was just being overly self-conscious

kinda sad to see girls who are pretty being self-conscious because it always expected of them to look top notch




Nice damage control

yeah this should be kept hidden dbh...

exy isn't that dark is she
what is she worried about, she isn't jessi tier

she should be careful, thats one of her best selling points

>untalented skill
is it possible that English is a non primary language for you?


SEAmonkey stop

She looks better without that whitening cream you fag

you can't blame her for not wanting to look like a seanigger

can your waifu play the piano like THIS

ZN has no curves


Funniest thing a cosmicshitter ever said

she has some

>Our girls
Red Velvet
>Not our girls
everyone else


i had a feeling she was going to play the piano

this i can word

someone say our girls?

that's yuri on the far right correct?

yes of course

ill wax you mate


deliver chanmi and jimin to my house

We dropped them after they added the fridge and kicked out the best member respectively



I dropped zn when she lost weight

i don't think you can afford it

shes pretty cute without make up
But lets be honest, that is straight up a picture of Heechul