ITT: Artists who apexed late in their career

ITT: Artists who apexed late in their career

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I wonder how many people think about how this was the band's 8th album. That said, they slowed the fuck down after this one.

This is definitely their best.

nigga you what

That being said 3 Imaginary Boys comes in second.

Wish was fantastic and their s/t was pretty great too (Bloodflowers had some moments and Wild Mood Swings had like two of their best songs)

Huh, someone else on this board that actually likes the S/T. I always thought it was a perfectly decent pop album, never got why so many people shat on it.

Treasure is a shit album.

Calender Cafe is better than Heaven but not by much.

Treasure is one of those albums that have a 10/10 track and a 0/10 track.
Lorelei and Donomi being the 10/10 and Persephone being the 0/10
It's very hard for me to rate CT albums because half of the album is absolutely sublime and the other half ranges from meh to shit

You're joking right?

>Persephone being the 0/10
Diarrhea taste, user

Yeah they're such a hit and miss band I think Calendar cafe is their best and catchiest and the melodies on it are godly.

God no, FCC is their worst IMO, held up largely by the combo of Fraser's vocals and Guthrie's guitar work really being unable to do any wrong. Even Milk & Kisses decimates it with its first 2 tracks alone, let alone everything that precedes it.

>Treasure is a shit album.

Good fucking Lord, user. Besides, Victorialand is their best.

Are you serious bro? QOTSA peaked with their first album. The rest are also great, but they never reached the level of S/T


Head over heels is their best by the way


>Persephone being the 0/10

What. Where are you people coming from? I don't think I've even heard a song so unlistenable as to be a 0/10, and I've been subjected to fucking Brokencyde.

No. Their early mixing was doing too much I think Five Ten Fiftyfold would be a god tier song if it wasn't poorly mix and mastered. If that song came out Calendar Cafe or milk and honey era it would be great.


It's easily their worst song my dudes. And CT is my favorite band.

unpopular opinion but true: their debut is their best
the production is on point, and the sparse riffing is so much more satisfying than on future albums

My issue with Head Over Heels is that is sounds too transitional, stepping away from the darker direction of Garlands without having songs as well-realized as Treasure, so it's not as good at either at their respective styles. It's an essential record for the band's stylistic group but I've never been able to see it as anything more than a stepping stone. That said, In Our Angelhood is fucking GOAT.

I don't think there's a bad tune across their core discography, man. It's no 0/10.

I agree. I still love the record but wouldn't rate it above Treasure or BBK or any of the EPs in between.

idk I just hate the song a lot. It's one of the few songs I will actually skip when listening to an album I enjoy.

also this

try turning down the high-mids when you listen to HoH, world of difference

I guess. I just listened to it and I dug it. If Treasure has any issues though its the extremely slick production, and Persephone definitely reaches some piercing highs with that sound.

>people actually think s/t is their best

>try turning down the high-mids when you listen to HoH, world of difference

Yeah but I shouldn't have to adjust my eq just to enjoy one album you know?


>Yeah but I shouldn't have to adjust my eq just to enjoy one album you know?
try listening to music in a car with shitty speakers and you'll change your tune, speaking from experience

no but seriously, EQ meddling is actually quite important on lesser systems, most people here ignore that

HoH is their best album in terms of songwriting and style, production be damned

I will admit that Liz's vocal performance got better with age though. By Blue Bell Knoll she was astounding


>in terms of songwriting and style

In terms of sheer diversity, maybe. The album still sounds formative and a bit uncertain to me, like they hadn't quite found their voice just yet and were trying shit out. Turns out they had a winner with Sugar Hiccup, I suppose.

Scott Walker and Talk Talk

Ooh, good ones.


Homme was at his best in Kyuss

JP truly did flourish after first few albums, SFV was the shit back in the day and still is.



Manic Street Preachers



though rated r has its moments