That feel when you weren't the one to kill Ramsay

>that feel when you weren't the one to kill Ramsay

He wouldn't have been able to do it faggot

>he wasn't even there

This was a huge letdown. What is he going to do?

become the punchingbag for Tyrions "NO COCK" jokes now that Varys has left

The bigger question is whether he will become BFFs with Varys once he comes back.

fuck you for reminded me

He was built up to get his revenge and nothing came of it.

Theon is a pathetic pussy who has no reason to live anymore. He cant fight, hes not smart, he cant have children, and hes a coward. His role on the show is now spineless bitch boy to Dany and Yara, but like I already said he cant help them in anyway regardless

Why didn't he slit his throat when he was shaving him with the straight razor?

Because hes a fucking moron who would rather mope around without a dick then get revenge and die with a tiny bit of dignity

Theon's plot in s6 is such a strange non sequitur it makes me wish they just forgot about the greyjoy plot entirely

Seriously, he just fucking teleports to the Iron Islands and no one really seems to care that he has no balls

should've had reek to eat ramsey alive instead of the dogs

>no one really seems to care that he has no balls
yeah they do. Everybody makes fun of him all the time. He exists to suffer and be sad, such a great character

Too true

I hope there are some scenes of Dany sitting on his face and laughing at his lack of a cock

They should have just ran with them going with their uncle to meet Dany. The uncle scenes were better than Theons

He probably didn't want get flayed alive. I've heard a lot of people have an aversion to that

You have no idea if Bran transwarged Theon's consciousness into one of those hounds or not.

Roose wouldve just immediately stabbed and killed Theon afterwards. Ramsay was the only Bolton who still flayed people


do you not remember when Roose offered to flay Lannister officers for Robb?

Sansa of all fucking people.

It would've been so perfect if Roose had been the one to stab him.

He's only with Tyrion because Tyrion is one of the only characters with empathy for the deformed. They're going to become bros.


This is probably what will happen

>Implying ramsay is dead
His face and body is ruined now but he will escape beyond the wall tonight and meet up with bran, and bran will teleport him back in time so he can hide his face and roam the kingswood known as the smiling knight

It kills his storyline, he's pretty much a dead end now.

> (You)

>Tyrion prattling on about how he was mocking him back in Winterfell
>Go back and watch the scene
>Theon just recommends Ros as a top notch whore
>Never calls him anything
>Tyrion insults him and his dead brothers

The fuck is this midget's problem?

He wouldn't have it in him