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damn the crusher looks LIKE THAT?

id rather drop a big, wet, bloodied turd on NB

Who do I stan now that Taeyeon is over?


why are koreans the niggs of asia?

Good job, OP.

Sica obviously

a girl from a different group? you gotta keep your list diverse namsayin cuh

Our guy

i don't think they need to be jacked
the girl in yellow could probably do it

>She befriended Slug, I doubt she is that bad.
among others. she's been friends with Jennie and Jisoo and also the OMG girls. she's like female Amber who's friends with everyone.

Love this meatiness from sonamoo

yeah I'm not going back to SNSD. They let me down too many times in the last few years. who is a new young fresh exciting group?

what a slut

Go with the Taeyeon clone.

crucru fo sho

>new young fresh exciting group
T-ara is back nigga


shes like one of the best dancers in korea though lol

>want to go see the new journey to the west by tsui hark
>look up the actors on imdb
>that chinese gaypop is starring in a lead role with jelly lin
gaypop get out of my films sino-films reeee



omg jiho...

This s why girl groups have no longevity.

I wanna teach moonbyul the pleasures of cock...

twice and omg



damn, i liked the first film

i hope he doesnt fuck it up too bad




Are you guys still watching Twice?

this passes for an 'idol' in korea? *facepalm*


Post the funniest one

I'm not a doctor, but that seems incredibly unsafe.

concerts been over

>porking Sunny's tenderloins

yoona is young and exciting...

help me lord



wtf when did sana get so lewd



kpop girls are pretty lewd friendo

i wonder what mom and dad thought

kind of michael jacksonish in this pic



it runs in the group


i dont follow twice, i thought sana was the cute person in twice


thicc pork

oink oink squueeeee

>t-twice wont make it in japan i swear
kek, i cant wait for the tokyo dome concert

cute n lewd

lmao fucking korean cuisine man

we need a bestie comeback

she's top 3 lewdest members


she looks innocent and pure here

she's cutie sexy. no one in the group claims to be the sexy member except her, so there's that.

>when did a literal jav idol get so lewd
i have no idea

shes the cutie sexy

when is twice doing a sexy concept?

she looks meaty here

i miss thicc seolhyun

is that really overcooked or just being troll?

>This is still unironically SOTYSF

what went wrong


only when somi turns 18 i'm afraid

perfect group

who are the top three in order?

are u srs m8

that yolk is hard as fuck

what is cru cru...

i would say:


It's impossible to tell since Ramsay's whole persona is shit talking 99% of the time.
Overhyped chef. /ck/ can never stop sucking this guy off.

more young seols

nah ill pass on that one m8
crucru is a wonderful gift from god

you would be wrong. Mina is probably the most conservative member. I'd say it's Momo, Sana and Jihyo.

what??? i thought hard was always the goal...

god damn, ramsay's roasting these fuckers left and right
vegans are getting btfo as well

that's not chase me

oops that was a misquote

>Overhyped chef

Yeah man 3 michelin stars overhyped tho bet I could do better



she always has the lewdest outfits and special stages

The word is "successful." Something you will never be

terrible egg. also

>my boyfriend
cringe as fuck

empty house unfortunately
just look at the other contestant for 1st place, i follow gaypop semi regularly and i've never heard of those guys
it's a shame too because red velvet released so many quality songs in the past but now that sm noticed they can get away with giving them shit songs they'll probably keep doing it

hungry dog

goodnight to everyone but choa

jesus christ tell me you're joking
