
Other urls found in this thread:

>watch latest Running Man episode where Red Velvet joins them for one game
>caption says "They're the most popular girl group right now."

crucru is lyf

It would be easy to find a gift for my little Slug sister. Just buy her Pringles every time!

Omo, based op

The less teasers, the better the group is

the show cant afford to turn down that SM money

Crucru is what I live for.

have you ever tried not being autistic?

I kinda liked the sporty girl concept of Ooh Ahh and Cheer Up but now they're sluts.

lizard live

after watching fancams from twice concert I have to say they need to practice not only singing but also dancing

their performances had no charisma, it's their first concert so it's cool but they should watch some SNSD concert DVDs and learn

They never fucking practice.
While other groups grind away for 12 hour days, they're doing barely anything and making bank because of mediaplay and memes.

Fucking unfair!


no1 cares kys grannyshitter

based crucru bro



is she hiding her ugly bareface with the black screen?

Great thread

can't go wrong with tzuyu cams

tfw so r0n3ry

please reply to me ;_;

I do because I like twice and I want the to be the best at everything not only selling albums

God shes hot.

we're off to a great crucru start lads

You will die alone.

idiot, don't quote twice in the same post as gvomit

This looks really boring. Lovelyz concert at least had sets and effort put into it.

This looks like they are just wearing cheap out fits and doing any old performance. Nothing special.

>1min 1sec
based Kyungri


gfriend > twice

How did this girl group get uglier since debut? wtf?

Only boi and Jihyo have improved, chewy neutral, rest have dropped big time

Jennie only likes naughty songs.

>ovelyzshitter mentioning lovelyz because no one else will

wtf twiceboy LOL

I like that one girl on the right


I'm comparing their concert to Lovelyz concert because it happened a month ago, so it's relevant and I can compare to it because I attended it.

the choreo for their special stages was so sloppy I was really disappointed

you guys remember this?

cuz she's a naughty girl

Sluggo threads makes me happy

cheng xiao is the most huggable idol. everyone else looks like frail waifs who would collapse from the slightest pressure

they are hyped af right now

>Her ponytail becoming lose and then falling apart all together

Found that incredibly sexy for some reason.
>twice can't dance
>twice has no talent

her name Keumjo

it was cool but instead of those special stages I would prefer if they performed their album songs

chengers is the idol I would unironically want to marry most, she just seems so nice and not too skinny, just a good chinky girl

I want her to be naughty with me.
Shes so fucking sexy.

butthurt SEA memes

how will they recover

>less than 1 year ago
yeah we remember you idiot

Jennie could get the crucru...

hi im browsing this thread with my 10 and 7 year old cousins
can you post pictures to show them what a nice place this is?

some of them are even lazier dancers than T-ara's Soyeon

I'm starting to buy into your idea of having a slug little sister

>twice can't dance
>twice has no talent

very nice talent too bad taiwanese have no souls. sad!

she would make a great mum...



It would be comfy, user. You'd get to see her being cute every day, too.

slug is the most huggable idol

can't wait for knock knock i hope we get tons of new material for doing something.

yo ima be honest, i havent bought a cd in years. i just bought 2 copies of lane 2. JYP, how do you do it

You heard me.
She has nice fuckthighs.

watch and learn nugus

>twice can't dance
>twice has no talent
they dance like shit even while lipsyncing




wtf i love jennie now even more


>too bad taiwanese have no souls. sad!
>while posting a chink

JENNIE is PURE she will NOT get the CRUCRU you PERV

wtf Twice...........

this will never get old kek


She wants it though.

imagine paying to see this

Just a reminder.

Yeah, you're right

yeah I like her alot

my favorite webm

Gonna watch a Jennie fancam before bed...

whats the consensus among k-netz on the twiceland?
I know kpg hates but your opinions dont matter

all skin and bones... 2/10 huggablness

how would we know? we can't into gookrunes and NB is fake news

I don't get it either, they can't dance or sing, but people still like them

Twice is so fucking useless

they talked about the fact that there were no female fans

Gfriend is so ugly this webm should be rename to GfriendShittersBTFO.

Its just memes and mediaplay from the Taiwan diplomatic incident.

i haven't seen anything translated yet

stop reposting the same old anti twice memes reeeee

so annoying, at least post oc or something.

tzuyu has no soul, I've seen her on variety she's just a mindless idol automaton

I knew all the Twiceshitters were Arinpedos.

OMGshitters and Twiceshitters are just as bad as each other.

twice can't dance.

twice can't sing is a timeless classic tho

If I want OC I go to reddit

that tired arin picture always makes me sleepy

so is superjunior dead

It boils down to them being the most popular, but having next to no talent. They always compare them to SNSD, WG, and 2NE1 tier groups and say Twice couldn't hold a candle to them.

Essentially the same stuff we say.

All CX do is spread her legs on varieties.