This movie was fucking terrible. I have no idea why you guys like it

This movie was fucking terrible. I have no idea why you guys like it.

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we're not underage and saw it around the time it was released.

typical contrarian fourchan bullshit.

>warcraft movie
>feminine dicks

He can't help being retarded

Because Angelina looked like a fem Spock to me

Phenomenal soundtrack, but otherwise a complete bag o wank.

Because it's so ridiculous and takes itself serious


Operator. Yes, I understand, OP is a flake. We'll get it sorted by calling him a non-elite faggot. Thanks for the call, citizen.

So the only reason to like this movie is because of a cyberpunk waifu despite everything else being dogshit?

Can you be any more pleb?

It really was good. It just aged very poorly. It is responsible for most tropes related to computer nerds, hackers, and even gamers of almost every type. The movie is iconic, but that doesn't mean it still must be considered good.

Gone With the Wind still has ticket sales records, but that movie is shit. An example of something being notable for it's time, but shitty later.

This is worse than the nicknames in Twister

Reminder that Razor and Blade were the true heroes of the movie, and without them Plague would have shut their hack down with ease.

Screw Op

This is the most 90's of movies. The scene where the Plague emerges from the fog on a Skateboard is the definition of my generation


yeah... cyberpunk had a VERY short shelf life. It lasted like a few years. It was a cool, but unrealistic.

If anything it's the reason for the dieselpunk and steampunk fetish.

again, you're underage to understand. you'll NEVER truly understand. Computers were like the weapons of Revenge of the NErds.

There was a movement going on, that was finally won, and now you don't even realize that a war was ever waged, we won so completely.

>tfw online handles are now the norm


>takes itself serious
no it doesnt

Fuck you, bitch. There are so few movies about the era when "computers talked to each other over the telephone line."

you have to have grown up in the 90s to like it, just like Friends or Seinfeld.
If you weren't a kid in the 90s it's pretty hard to appreciate it.

i grew up in the '90s. friends is good in small doses but if i watch too many episodes it gets annoying. rachel is always fucking fabulous however and is the saving point of the show. those goddamn nipples holy shit.

i dont give a fuck about seinfeld.

do love hackers like any non-plebe.

>tfw you're trying to beat the high score and the bitch won't give you some room

I know right, like one time it EVER takes it self seriously is the tones on the phone...thing.

this scene can't happen now. the stronk woman must always beat the man, even though womyn are objectively retarded at video games and pretty much everything else. all they can do is open their legs and suck dicks, but apparently gays are better at sucking dicks too lol

how can anyone hate this cinematic masterpiece?


>t.angry virgin

Oh my god that scene is retarded.



I remember masturbating to that 3 second nip from jolie

>We're not underaged, we just saw it when we were.



We're really big Johnny Miller fans.

oh god why is it that even the most extreme debauchery barely excites me yet this just gave me a tent

Born in 92, Hackers is one of my favorites of all time.

I still don't know what they're talking about

underaged in the 90s is not the same as underaged now.

No one even talks about Elementary here

It's a serious shame, too.

shit taste desu

It was pretty rad at the time, it came out though.

your comma placement makes no sense. end your life.

i love the fashion in this movie


are those the guys that were in the hollywood audition with Kramer for the horror movie,or was it the music video

Even having a computer got boring. We seriously drank volt cola, listened to mix tapes. But like hackers, we mostly played on our conputers all night while we had real social lifes during the day.

Hackers is one of my all time faves, the soundtrack and fashion sense really do it for me.

Their only crime was curiosity.

>tfw thought it was a trainspotting thread because I saw sickboy

How can you not love the greatest piece of cinema of all time?

Greatest time I've had on Sup Forums was watching this on a Sup Forums stream.

GOAT film of all time