

woah dude. good post.

How do we save her?


>mfw i call justin bieber gay

>mfw I heard Bohemian Rhapsody for the 1st time

Koality Thread

>mfw I hear Take On Me in public

bumping this EPIC bread

Toasting in ebic bread

>mfw bully tells me led zeppelin is for fags

>mfw bustin bieber is on the radio

>mfw i'm 12 years old and listen to REAL music not crappy Justin Biber

This is appropriate because both beiber and rage comics died about the same time



mfw song play

mfw song no play

when someone says that Bohemian Rhapsody isn't the greatest song ever made

when someone asks me the name of the song with the gunshots in it and I say Kurt Cobain's suicide audio tape

>it's a clean version

>tfw music

>tfw the beat drop




can you?

>listening to music centered around drops