Eternal /got/

King in the North Edition

Other urls found in this thread:

Azor Jon

Trials of /Highgarden/ edition

Azor Dany

First for niggers-never-shown


>waaah you were so mean to me back in Winterfell after I was a huge cunt to you


Azor Mel

Yeah, but Theon had more privilege than Tyrion. Tyrion had every right to check that privilege.

Right. Why were like 20 sons of the harpy just murdering what looked like unarmed civilians outside the walls of meereen? Was this suppose to be siege on land, that the Dothraki broke? What a shit scene. They didn't even have to spend money on it if they didn't want. Just do another shot like the 'battle' between Stannis and the Boltons at the end of S5

1 episode left
Bye bye smelly Melly

Azor Dykes

>euron personal jesus

What did they mean by this?

I heard that complaint before and it is valid. But how come nobody complains about the Muhreen parlay with the slavers? That was utter horseshit too.

I dreamed I was old, /got/.


Azor Bran

What went wrong?

Heh, no, she's not only going to live to see Arya again, she and Kinvara will set up Jon and Dany.

>see Arya

Azorbowl WHEN? There can only be one Lord's Chosen.

Wow this actually gave me feels. Thank you /got/, you're my true bros

Tyrion has a cock he has 100% more privilege than Theon, and should have been nicer.


The fact that they're still flinging shit while treating with the enemy made sense as far as the masters were concerned. If you're talking about the writing/acting I don't have anything to say but the idea of it sits well enough.

Next episode after Cleganebowl


But Theon is an asexual tranny now

She picked up Gendry from the BWB back in the day.

Azor can't wait till they kill him in season 7 episode one without giving him any lines so they can jew him out of some shekels

What happened?

Reminds me of a moat. Like with the castle Brynden Tully (Blackfish) was trying to defend.

Will next episode be as Kino as the last one?

What specifically didn't you like? Nothing stood out to me either way. Well, historically, I guess you're not supposed to kill each other at parlay are you? A kind of brief honour-bound ceasefire? And why did they take the masters right into the middle of the city and all the way to the top of a pyramid? And why would the masters agree to go there?


Where's Ramsay the 360 no scope webm?

They met at the Brotherhood without Banners. She told Arya they will meet again. So you're going to be disappointed if you think she will be killed next week.

Isn't the entire show Azorbowl? I'd be content if Mel and Kinvara were to share bed.


they both total bros, I bet they had great time shooting the battle

How is this always the first post?
It's not even like the firstposters try to spam Azor Jon! No, it's just the first post and that's it.

Theon killed little boys, he has artificial privilege points and deserves to be bullied.

Theon didn't kill the boys.

First for CIA's teleportation device

Damn right

Show got succesful, Dabid and Dan didn't try anymore.

You can reply to your own thread immediately after creating it

He gave the order.

Alright, just watched the newest episode

I know how GoT is going to end
>The 3 womyn in the throne room
>Dany sits on the throne
>They outlaw all men

The boys were white males. They deserved to die.

>The show is going to end with all the female characters ruling and all the surviving male characters literally castrated

No, he just gave the command to kill them. Poor innocent Theon.

Giantsbane vs. Umber (chained giant) was unoronically one of the best additions to this battle, story-wise, bravo D&D!

I made the thread. I did not post azor jon.

Hive mind

He didn't kill Bran and Rickon. He did kill two farmer's boys though, or at least ordered it to be done so their corpses could be disguised as them.

More like
>Dany sits on the throne
>it breaks

As if that line of thought entered D&D's mind at any point.

Wew lad

> Battle of the Bastards is literally the highest rated thing ever created on imdb with a perfect 10/10

Let's list all the /got/ approved nicknames:

>Bobby B
>Salsa Stark
>Kelly C
>Carl Drogo
>Stannis the Mannis

Melly Sanders

>Salsa Stark
It's Salsa Starch. You need to go back.

He killed little WHITE boys, he has negative privilege points

Smelly Melly

>Bobby B
>Salsa Stark
>Kelly C
>Carl Drogo
>Stannis the Mannis
>Melly Sanders

Jason Voorhees

Dany's part aside, it was great
The battle was amazing
Opinions of triggered autists with hundreds of Authentic Total War Experience™ are automatically discarded

>this slow on tuesday
What happened

>The starks, ravens, family history, dire wolves, and spuritual trees

Now all we have is MUH WOMYN

Also, why the fuck did the two other dragons follow Dany around when the kast tine they saw her she pocked them up into a pyramid

Accept it user, it is what the audience wants. Got became too big for its own right.

>he's pointing directly at your penis. What do?

So now that Bran is the last Stark with a penis standing, will he be Lord of Winterfell when it's all said and done?

That smile though

All the bodyguards of the Master's uniformly laying down their arms and running away as one. Not one hesitated, not one stayed loyal. It's like they had a collective consciousness. And this happens within... 2 seconds. Wow. THIS is classic retarded Hollywood TV.

And their leaders? They just keep standing, exposing themselves to what follows next. They don't interrupt Tyrion, they don't order their men to withdraw orderly together with them - nothing.

>but yeah killing during a parlay is also kinda bad form, especially if you want to parlay again in the future

Who is older, Jaime or Cersei? Is Jamie her Valonqar?

>There are people it there that don't realise the first part of ASOIAF was subverting cliches for shock, only for the latter part to play them straight to shock people who weren't expecting it
Oh I'm laffin'

Shit writing

Its not really hard to connect the dots from what you see my friend, every character with actual power is a womyn, Jon has some grasps but Sansa reminds him who is in charge,

Littlefinger has knights of the Vale as long as he controls that little brat, thats a bit flimsy if you ask me, little shit can say, im bored uncle Peter im going home lol!

Sparrow has fanatics, thats not really some force 90& of his power is in the people, people loves you today tommorow he can be sick of you.

We know that granny Olena calls the shots in Tyrell house and Cersei is cucking Jaimie.

You dont really need to be a genious to connect the dots.

Scenes like this...good times. Literally every character's personality is on point. At the same time its subtle, interesting, leads to something and it makes sense.





The generals yeah, but there are loads of active threads

>the Eyrie, widely considered impregnable by the world, is going to be ruled by Sansa, who is infertile


The direction of the episode was amazing. It was fucking phenomenal.

The director should be getting all the praise, not D&D.

He also did Hardhome. He's so fucking good.

What will they write for the scene where Theon, Varys, and Greyworm are all in a room with Tyrion?

Again: Look at this, I dare you to. Look at how the guards look at each other and zip off. If this isn't rushed television making, I don't know what is. The more often you see it, the more preposterous it becomes.

>kast tine they saw her she pocked them up

What went wrong, user?

How do I achieve prostate orgasm?

Original is better

Ser Sea.
King Slanding

>especially if you want to parlay again in the future
Why would Dany do that? Every action she takes has as immediate and only consequence "acquire new tools to conquer westeros"

Radmure Tully

>that woman with the three giant dragons says you get to live if you leave right now
>hmm, let me stand around and think this decision through for a moment

What is up with the "Azor [character]" meme? You mean it like "based"? Why? (I know about Azor Ahai)


>I make joke


Azor Jon!

People are stupid

Melly Sanders
J Bear

I want to fug Emilia

>I know about Azor Ahai

Then you should know what it means.