Any artists you almost feel like removing from your last?

Any artists you almost feel like removing from your last?

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I liked the group a lot better with the original 3 members.

I hate how they keep replacing the third guy.


yeah their 2012 stuff was pretty good.

>implying bigass steampunk black man wasn't the missing ingredient all along

Nigga we ain't gonna get the beautiful high harmonies from Jon and Hatchworth again.

Jon was amazing and he just damn well shouldn't have been fired, but hatchworth was pretty good.

If you ever listened to this band you should feed yourself through a woodchipper feet first.

You're a piece of shit

He became a woman user

Not what I meant...

is it transphobic to say that I would've thought that bunny would make a hotter woman?

>He became a woman user
No he didn't.

This is a thoroughly embarrassing thread

>mfw preserves avant-teens' embarrassing listening histories for all eternity

>If you ever listened to this band you should feed yourself through a woodchipper feet first.
>You're a piece of shit
You've obviously never listen to SPG

Yes, I have, and it's the most embarrassing thing you could possibly listen to. Worse than Scissor Sisters and power metal. You don't belong here. Leave.


>Scissor Sisters

Pick one


I'm just saying that Bunny was already a very pretty/effeminate man, so it should have been a more seamless transition

one of the twins that are in the band literally had a sex change

I think he's saying something about sex changes being illegitimate.

Right, and he's still a man.

Like, I'm looking at this livestream from a week ago, and I'm struggling to see how the HRT has had a feminizing effect.

I'm not trying to be mean I'm just saying that Bunny already kinda' looked like a girl so I don't get it.

You can tell she's disappointed and self-conscious about it. She's gone from being the charismatic lead singer and spokesman of the band to sheepish/shy makeup artist and backup singer for her brother.

The problem with MtF transitioning is that you never really get a cure for the body dysmorphia/depersonalization. HRT is a looong way from being a total solution for anyone, but especially for MtF transsexuals, it's always going to come up a little short.


>Frankie Sinatra Steam Poweted Giraffe-posting is dead
Also check em


>tfw you're one of the few who actually liked Frankie Sinatra

I don't even care if it makes me a pleb. It's a genuinely fun track.

is he a fembot now?

It was fun, but now it´s a annoying song.

Why did you have Steam Powered Giraffe plays in the first place?

i don't see the problem here. she looks like a qt tranny

who are these people

I liked their first record and Honeybee and never listened to anything else from them

Just stop there.

God I love this buzzword

That's it. That band right there is the most fedora a band could ever be.

who's the ginger ned flanders though

>steambot Guy Fieri

this band wouldve done a lot better without this corny robot schitck

like the music isn't bad, if they presented this seriously they'd have a fanbase that wasn't cringey tweens and manchildren

Dream Theater exists.

ayyy that ginger fag

I think the whole purpose of SPG is the robot street performer, otherwise the music is pretty bland

>the most fedora a band could ever be.


>all this cheesy jazz metal

Here's that, but good:

Yes, yes they do.
That literally changed nothing.
Did you see that steam-ing pile of fedora OP posted?

Oh, I've seen it. My college roommate was a fan, among his various other failings.

You haven't felt the fedora in your asshole until you've talked to a Dream Theater fan, however.

not sure if this is bait

None, because I'm not an insecure little retard as yourself.

>God I love this buzzword

Not an argument. Also, fun isn't a buzzword. Kill yourself.

>people here listen to this crap
I knew Sup Forums had shit taste but wew lad

Honeybee is a good song
fight me