What's the worst movie you've ever seen? Is it worse than Kingsman? I doubt it

What's the worst movie you've ever seen? Is it worse than Kingsman? I doubt it.

Don't really get the hate for this, I mean all the good guys are white and the bad guys are ethnics.

alien 3

Dude I love hyperactive Englishmen with guns and their warped world view.

I dont get why people hate on flicks.
They're flicks. They're meant to be dumb and exaggerate and just fun.
If you dont want that, dont go see them

>just turn your brain off

go to bed ign

In the final act all the bad guys heads exploded and the hero got ass from a princess. I'm not kidding.

reddit loves this movie

besides butchering people in that church was lolzworthy, christians are stupid

I don't see why everyone I know was so hyped to see this movie?

It's not terrible. It just wasn't very good.

It's a 6/10 that people won't even remember existed a few years from now.


worst movie ive seen thus far is The Boss, starring Melissa McCarthy
fucking trash movie. i got so bored i ended up staring at the exit sign and wondering why he had a reflection on his floor.

>realizes modern spy movies are too serious and remembers a time when it was alright to be over the top without some retard going "but this action movie is unrealistic"
>blows liberals the fuck out by having the villain be a black autist obsessed with global warming and literally blowing obama's head off
>blows feminists the fuck out by having the movie ending with the hero getting anal sex from a princess for saving the world

thank you for validating my opinion because I, too, did not care for this movie

I think it gets a pass from bongs and kickass fanbois

The level of effort put in to this combined with the director baffles me because it still came out so bad. I think the fighting was the worst part.
>Dude just speed up the camera lol

The worst movie I've seen is Urban Menace and it is much, much worse then Kingsman.

I hate the young british kid actor.

All the other mature actors were based


Why make him a parkour expert?

The main character was annoying and the comedy wasn't funny.


EPIC! Thanks for the recommendation Reddit!

Samuel MUTHA-FUCKAH Jackson at his best!! Epic Mark Hamill and awesome fight scenes

This movie was all over the place politically.


You can tell he was only cast for his body.

hello DCucks

That's because it was the rare movie that was just trying to be a movie.

It's not trying to be good or anything, it's just trying to keep you vaguely entertained.

I've been in the same situation before. It's a shadow, cast by the light from the doorway, not a reflection.

Guardian's of the Galaxy is the only film to date that I walked out of, it makes me wonder how dumb the general public truly is to enjoy that film

This piece of garbage

that makes more sense.
i think his shadow is missing a bit of the other foot though


But... isn't that film considered a masterpiece?

I'm not sure how well it was received, but I feel asleep during the last hobbit movie.

>walking out of a movie you paid to see


It's an awful film

It is a toss up between Moscow Zero or Spectre.

I think the last hobbit movie had the lowest reviews.

What the fuck was even the plot to this?

for you.

Critics also rate Marvel movies and Jurassic Park, doesn't mean they're not absolute dogshite

Young James Bond is thrown into the plot to Moonraker with cell phones with no training but learns his training in like a month.

rear window

So how does Sup Forums feel when this made twice as much money as Furiosa Road and it's getting a sequel?

This, probably.

Horseshit I demand sources.

How come nobody posted my amputee qt yet?

bvs is the worst movie i've ever seen because it pissed me off the most

kingsman is fucking kino


"I'll hook your gabber m8" the movie.

last hobbit movie came out on my birthday
someone brought a crying baby to the theater so i just went to the front row to get away from them
the movie was almost too cluttered with action scenes

A complete waste of time.

I guess my expectations were the problem. I heard people compliment the cinematography so I thought it would be like 2001. I was curious to see how a sci-fi movie from an arthouse director would look like. But it was basically like a play. Just talk talk and talk. That's fine and all but that's not what I watch movies for. The beginning made me believe that we would see an alien planet with aliens but instead the whole movie takes place on a bad looking spaceship set.

So by your estimation glengarry glenross was a shitty movie too?

2/10, not quite my type of bait

nice bait

BvS is the ultimate Kino. Don't misuse the word Kino ever again.

the fights were terrible
>we can't do choreography or stunts
>alternate between speeding up/slowing down then back to normal speed!
I was fine with everything except for the fight scenes. They had zero flow.


I'm not agreeing with him but dude that screenshot means nothing to your argument.

almost made me glad he died