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first for user

omg fuk off

did you vote yet

like two weeks ago when I got the ballot.


how underwhelming

why's that
>waiting till the last minute to vote

because no polling place experience obviously

also early voting is horseshit that favors dems and should be abolished

it was paper at least.

it favors dems because lazy people are more likely to request ballots for early voting and dems are more likely to be lazy

but yeah we have machines at my polling place and one of them was definitely broken, I don't trust them very much. Double checked my jawn like six times

they sent it to us without request though.

ok clearly I don't understand oregon

if ur registered to vote, u get a ballot.
you can also mail with no postage.
also you can't pump your own gas.

that makes it way too easy

>must match signatures

reeeee soros get ouuut

there is no world in which I'm watching 3 minutes of government made explanatory video

omg I bet u dont even watch c-span

I don't hate myself nearly enough.

how booooooring

Disgusting taste in porn.

what's wrong with MASSIVE HORSEDICK are you a fag or something

yeah that's more or less my problem with it

wishing there were Sup Forums spoilers

Equines are ugly.
There's no way it'd fit.
Why are there paw prints on that dude's butt? Fucking special snowflake.

spoiler tags are lit give them to us gook moot

>there's no way it'd fit

People shouldn't go around wrecking themselves like that.
And well, why not make a spiral horse dick with a knot and barbs?
Maybe then the artist / commissioner will feel special enough.

they shouldn't but they totally do

just like I shouldn't drink until I pass out tonight but I'm totally gonna

that's just the way it is

I'd say it's deplorable, but really, to each their own.
Tell me, why do you drink?

tonight I'm gonna drink either to celebrate or to drown my sorrows, depending on the election results

mostly though I drink because it makes me feel fucking great, I can dance badly and sing along to garbage music without being self conscious and I love it

>just like I shouldn't drink until I pass out tonight but I'm totally gonna

What a dreadful occasion. Nobody truly wins.
Hopefully you're alone so that others don't have to be conscious for you.
Drunk people aren't so entertaining unless you're drunk yourself.

nah dude tonight's gonna be lit either america wins or western civilization is doomed

everyone adjacent to me will be drunk as well

got the yung prosecco for a trump victory and rum for a loss

I've got beer and whiskey.

like a fucking square

I was gonna buy jack but I couldn't fucking find any

what kind of liquor store doesn't have jack daniels

I'll just say again that nobody wins.
I still can't comprehend how drinking helps with anything. Maybe it's different for each individual. Suppose I'm just a downer.

>this election sucks!
>drinking is bad!
cool dude

Thanks for confirming the hypothesis.
I never said the election sucks. People are just making too big of a deal out of it and it's frankly annoying. Everything will continue on as it has; the world won't fall apart.
Drinking isn't bad. If it provides a means of escape or comfort to some, then it serves a decent purpose in my opinion.

>criticize you for being a massive drag
>flip to "well everything's ok I guess whatever"
nice and consistent user

I don't do drag.
And I'm consistently inconsistent, at least.

other definition of drag

Wow, what a fun conversation that was.

hi caitlyn
getting trashed tonight?

I don't have much alcohol.
It's come to the point where I'm so intent on conserving it that it'll never be used until I get some more.
Plus, I have an exam tomorrow and a lot of shit to get done. But here I am.

ah right that's that not yet 21 life, it's a struggle

I def need to be doing an assignment right now and I'm just not even close to doing it

did you vote for trump yet?

I'll be 21 soon enough. Then I can drink to my heart's content without having to bother my roommate to run in the store.
I didn't vote, as you likely expected.

You're gonna love it. I'm honestly surprised I'm not dead yet, literally only laziness is keeping me alive rn

>I didn't vote
t. every campus faggot ever

Maybe I can transition the obsession with food into alcohol. Then I'll just be a normal person since everybody apparently drinks excessively.
Maaaan, people in my English class talking about who they voted for. Shit's illegal or immoral or some word.

It's definitely less normal than it used to be, our generation doesn't drink as much as our parents' generation, which doesn't drink as much as the greatest generation did. Which in my mind is proof that not drinking is degenerate.

It's only illegal to ask who someone voted for if you're within a certain distance of a polling place.

Maybe I'm just drinking wrong, and that's why I'm not enjoying it. I think I need to down 10 shots immediately whenever I drink next.
So that's what it is. I think if I had to vote, I'd just vote something third party.

I 100% agree, you should do that next time

fortunately voting will never be compulsory because we live in freedom land

I just thought more about politics in making that sentence than I have for the last couple years.
And yeah. I'm just expressing my freedom.

>zabivaka porn
legit zabivaka is my new husbando he is the absolute cutest

the most american thing you can do is choose not to vote

sf are you making these furry magas

The irl thing is gorse, but the drawings are super qt. I'll stick with cat husbandos.
Fuck this gay-ass America. I'm done with this shit. My dream is to move to Canada.


no I've had them for awhile

I've never edited an image in my life

>moving to canada
it's a great song but kill yourself holy shit

My body will not accept this place as my home.
It's too hot here.
It's fucking November and it's only decent out. Not even chilly.

at least move to alaska so you can keep the freedom

I kinda want to move to alaska and live in the woods by myself with a bunch of guns

I might if I had transparent PNGs of the hats but ugh
do you know who does make them

it was an user in trumpgen

>in the woods
>basically camping but in doors
>def no internet
>prob no phone
aint buyin it

I also want to live in the woods by myself in such conditions. It has a lot of perks. Like being able to go outside and die of hypothermia at any time.

what a legend

I'd get a REALLY long ethernet cable

I just wanna live as away from the end of civilization as possible

exactly you don't even have to kys

so in the middle of a town in alaska

maybe like on the outskirts of a town in alaska

I mean, I thought that was just a means of killing oneself. Probably my preferred method, as I may have said before. But I doubt I could find the will, since I not only love cold weather, but I've found I absolutely love wooded areas.

Yay, we fucked!

it's not killing yourself if it's just the weather doing it for you

we did?


I mean you're the one choosing to go out when you're not adequately prepared.

oh it's snarf, gross, the name didn't load

yeah but it's not YOUR fault that kills you, just like it's not your fault if you get super wasted at a frat party and suck every dick

>oh its snarf

Yeah, but what exactly did he fuck?

No, that definitely is your fault, since you're still in control of your actions.


After repeatedly being under the effects of alcohol I can confirm that you should always be in control of your actions in such a state.
Rape is a myth. There's ways that the body can reject such things.

Subby secretly craves the Snarf booty.

get out you disgusting fuck

I mean technically none of us are ever in control of any decision we make since choice is an illusion.

>Rape is a myth
t. mohammed

Oh shit nigga don't you be doin this shit to me you lil bitch.
Everybody who claims to have been raped secretly wanted it but just doesn't want to admit it. Plus, people make crazy accusations such as that males can be raped. You can't believe this shit anymore.

But it's true, free will doesn't exist. That's just the way it is.

This is a very interesting philosophy on rape and I would like you to give a talk at a feminist conference sometime.


nice trips bunne

thanks, kek smiles upon me and this election.

So does Katia, but sadly, her Persian catface butt disgusts me.

omg 2 off

not that time so much though

Nigga that just ain't my belief. You continue doin you, and I'll just be here tryin to get shit done.
Well it's not my actual belief, but it's fun to spout bullshit once in a while.

yeah but you're wrong is the funny thing

he only smiled a little bit.
he doesn't like outright dick sucking

well clearly I must disappoint kek greatly then

Ayo nigs, fight me, you dick suckin muthafuggin pussy ass bitch.

knowing what you look like makes that sentence really funny

Nigga I finna straight fuck yo shit up so hard you ain't even know what I look like no more.

voting is for authoritarians and fascists


somehow I doubt you stopped being unbelievably white since I last saw you

you what

What does being white have to do with fucking your shit up?
That's unconditional.

it was more the really dedicated ebonics

you didnt maga hard enough

Sometimes I like to type like that.
It's entertaining to me.
Just like kicking your ass.