Whats is a 3 step plan to obtaining sex from a woman ?

whats is a 3 step plan to obtaining sex from a woman ?

talk, date, sex

have money, show money, give money

1. Find Female
2. Pull dick out

.... aww i fucked it up

be good looking

1. Give up
2. Drink
3. Suicide

1 - aqquire
2 - sex
3 - dispose

Confidence, humorous, sweet.

1. remove her pants
2. remove your pants
3. insert penis in vagina


1. Hide
2. Chloroform
3. Buttseks


you only mixed up the order of the steps, user. no big deal

Also works

1. play into her ego (many girls are very self absorbed ive found)

2. manipulate her ego and make her feel like shes making the desicion to have sex, but really youll have implanted it in her mind way before

3. sex and dispose

really just be good looking and charming enough, im okay looking and i come off as a wes anderson character so i know exactly what type of grills to go for, just know your demographic, its really just marketing in the end

How to manipulate? Can you teach me?

(Kik is mert_667 incase I disappear or u can teach)

Obtain females drink
Drop roofie
Follow till she drops.

>Always works

Fixed it

1. Sauce
2. Sauce me
3. Sauce me please

I use the SBF all the time :

>Be born handsome
>Be born rich
>Satisfy her every whim

There you go, see how easy it is!

Man the fuck up

1. be me
2. this afternoon
3. this exact scene playing out, blond even
not sure how it's gonna work for you though, user, but good luck

>find confidence
>good paying job
>have realistic standards

Sex will come.

1. Let her sleep on your couch
2. Tell her she doesn't have to tell you what happened but she does have to eat this.
3. hand her bowl of eggs

1: Create fake model agency
2: post ads
3: Tell them sex help progression


>being this desperate

Source ?

1. Hello.
2. Yeah?
3. Want to get out of here?

Brool Cory, Sto

>be charming
>be smart
>talk using innuendos to stir her appetite

How is this not common knowledge

for attractive women
1. Money or nice clothes
2. Physically fit
3. Confidence, fake or otherwise

have a dick made of chocolate that ejaculates money.

one step plan.


1.be fat
2.be stupid
3. talk about your depression

While I feel this ends in one step leading to sex, I fear there are probably a lot more steps in acquiring the chocolate money dick fountain

1 is interchangeable with having a huge dik

>ooga booga


Fake everything

1, Confidence
2. Confidence
3. Confidence


Hard times u know? No pun intended

Be attractive, have money, repeat

1. Lie to self " I can do this" ie confidence
2. Lie to victim about money, life, everything
3. Don't get carried away with lies you autist faggot

1...steal underpants

1 make her think you have something to offer.
2. Make her feel in charge
3 make a move.

>chocolate money dick fountain

Most women find atractivness as a plus, but it is not enough for them, unless you're literally perfect.
Trust me i'd know. I'm actually quite good looking and in very good shape.

1. Make lots of money
2. Flaunt said money in a way that is appropriate (i.e. not trying too hard)
Note - you don't have to go over the top. The trophy females can spot the money behind casual designed clothes, a moderate spec audi and a rolex a mile off.
3. Develop a passion for a business, a cold, slightly aloof manner and good peripheral vision.

You will be swimming in pu$$y before you know it.

theirs only two
right click
save image

>tips fedora

Step 1: Rape
Step 2: moar rape
Step 3:Ohmygodevenmoarrape

Ghb, duct tape, van.

1. stop being an autistic faggot and somehow make yourself into a man that a quality woman would actually want to get fucked by regularly

2. whatever until you meet a girl you like

3. Sex whenever

It's honestly really easy, guys.

Source motherfucker. Give me a source

Pretty sure that's Brandi Love.

Gtfo normie.

1. lower your standards
2. be more attractive
3. if no sex, repeat from step 1


Step 1) Be attractive

Step 2) Approach her

Step 3) Fuck her


Step 1) Isolate her from her friends/group

Step 2) Get her black out drunk

Step 3) Rape her

Talk to her
Be attractive to her within a few minutes

I'm a pretty ugly dude but I've gotten a lot of women in my time. I'm now married and have a girlfriend.

1. Make her laugh or have fun
2. Don't be a piece of shit
3. Ask out, repeat steps 1 and 2 until fuck.

Any kind of seduction games or whatever bullshit reddit is trying to tell you will either only work if you're already a chad who doesn't need them, or only attract unlovable slag-beasts

don't try too hard


Say hi
Make laugh
Invite back to your place

Repeat step 2 as necessary until step 3 is successful

1. Chloroform rag
2. Van
3. Rope

1st and only step....get the fuck off Sup Forums


How to detect underage virgin in 3 simple steps.

make her laugh
don't act like a profit