You choose what i say

You choose what i say

Cmon fags

rawr xD

is it gay if it's incest?

im guessing your gay tho?

Ask him why John Green is into kink shit


115 miles?! What did you swipe your whole county away already?!

Charge your phone dickhead


I'm a straight girl

Waiting for reply about incest

femanon detected

tits or gtfo


12 yr old detected

I'm at work so no bobas, i wonder if this dude is one of us and thats why he wont reply

Are you a moist towelette? Because I'm moist... Wait fuck


My heart is broken

either this is a screenshot from grindr and op is truly, as always, a flaming faggot or you're a woman

in which case TITS OR GTFO

I suck at this tinder shit

Worst part about it is that this is the best he can do.




How about you say nothing and live and let live unless you want to fuck the dude.

Yes, he may look like an ubergimp, but life's too short not to just do what the fuck makes you happy. He may have a punchable face, but I admire the fact that he's just gone for it.

Secondly, I don't think the Tinder app has looked like that since the last fucking supper so I'm assuming this whole thread is bullshit or a poor attempt to embarrass or out the guy.
