Draw Thread

Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it)
medibangpaint.com/en/ (MediaBang Paint, Freeware)
krita.org/ (Krita, Freeware)
firealpaca.com/en (Firealpaca, Freeware)

drawabox.com/ (Learn to Draw)
alexhays.com/loomis/ (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.

artprompts.org/ (Art Prompts)

reddit.com/r/stylus/wiki/index (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Draw Mavil the Manta Ray

That is a pretty sweet design, source?

Hey guise

You on a roof top with a night sky behind you pls?


Hey Raq/Clint
How are ya


This one is better for the archives

>for the archives
The archive skips threads all the time, most of the recent threads aren't on there regardless.

Heya thread, wassup

Heeey it's really likes animals racoon person!
Gonna go by Raq?

What about your election, who is winning?

>Hey!!! may i see some of your non-digital stuff?
yeah, but why? fotographing is such a damn hassle, it's 1:00 pm here and i only have my sketchbook in frankfurt .___.

Well, it can shoot lazers, and pick up things telekineticly. So I suppose it's op in that regard.

Also apologies, I can be a bit dense (or "silly") at times.

O̴͉n̷̘l̶̹y̴̹ ̸̠i̵͙f̵̘ ̴̯y̶͚o̵̬u̸͙ ̶̝w̶͈a̸͜n̸̤t̴̙ ̸̫y̷̺o̴̲u̴̧r̸̭ ̸̦b̸͎ṛ̶a̴͙i̸̠n̶̤s̶̤ ̷̖b̶̮l̴͇o̸̲w̵̩n̴͙ ̸̲o̴̭u̴̖t̶͜.̷͎

What he said.

Hey Geng.

anywhere i can see em?

But the other had the 2 infamous repeat requesters ..

Yo Voland, you heading anywhere specific in your intergalactic travels?

I dunno and I'd rather not know
I cast my vote and am done with this whole election. 2016 is a terrible year.

Heyo... name.
So are you goin by Spermo officially now then or?

Requesting you holding a racket.

>they wont come here
I'm gonna go link the other thread here then so everyone can join back together

tbh this thread has the sticky so it should be 'the thread' despite being posted later.

You can call me Raq, sounds cool (my name is Archer)
Yeah im fine too

ahahoho, w hassup my dogg

archive archives as much as it can

if you dont see a thread yet, wait until like tomorrow or something

Yah, it's Spermo. Best name I'll probably get anyway.

>the sticky
>things that don't matter for 1000

Requesting Rukia in this outfit with a Bibarel sleeping in her lap

nigger it looks professional

My request:
A t-rex with shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, surfing on the back of a shark with a freakin laser beam on its head. In exchange i will post one from my collection of previous filled requests of the same.

Requesting bride of chucky lewds.

Tell me some things to doodle

>Sup Forums
>sticky comes around 1-3 months out of each year and always dies when no one gives a fuck

Searching for somewhere else to live because of the amercian election. looking to create my own personal german space reich somewhere.

so, who is winning? i need to know, didn't buy conserved food yet.

well here you have a screen of some private sketching i did a few months ago, i can't give you any link to some private (like pic related) fun work or professional work without revealing my identity, which i rather not want, so please leave it at that, i beg you ^^


Requesting Tawna Bandicoot unconscious on the floor or on a bed.

What else can that eye of yours do?

how do i learn to draw as good as that


Individually get good at each of these:

Then get good at doing all of them at once.

hillary is gonna win since she has the jews at her back

anything i should read/watch up on to practice anatomy and all, or does OP have everything i need?

Requesting Poof cumming a sticky load on oppai-loli Goldie Goldenglow's large tits. Also, Goldie must say, "Are my boobies too much for you:3?

requesting everyone report this guy so he can go to interweb jailz

oh i guess the thread was deleted

no that's great
no need to ruin a perfectly good robot design by adding human bits

ich werde mich dir anschließen

If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless

Raq it is then! Alright
Archer... Sterling Archer? Hehe

Alright then, Spermo
Got it
I'm Geng merely cause I didn't bother to be creative, and if I based it off of what I've been called in thread it'd be between "The Gengar" or "The Narrator"

Most places haven't reported in yet and some polls won't close for another hour so dunno.
But apparently Trump is off to a lead...

Hi Guys

top three bottom three GO

also i feel like i use gray too often in my ocs
anyone else think they could spice him up somehow?

Some breastmilk would be nice.

Uhh.. It can look in different directions, than my 2 eyes...

U watching the election too?

Add a big ol cock
Maybe some deep red around the arms?

There's no 'end' to learning, or skill-improvement aside from where you stop.

Practice a lot, have patience.
The biggest mistake you can make is thinking you've made something perfect.
The worst thing you can do is think you can't get better.

>don't quote me because I'm talking out of my ass

Also hi thred.

Which program's good for beginners?
Never touched anything but paint and i need something to kill time

Dick milk

nah. >80% of the most recent overall polls showed significant clinton leads tho, and they never steer wrong on the concensus

bte i want trunp to win because WWIII and who give a fuck

Yes, milk, I want to milk your tits, sucking them personally.


Not Bebber
Not Bebber
Not Bebber


While the first response wasnt me, he is right. also, to phrase it like saitama...


well thanks for that inside. as a german i'm not going to comment.

google "keys to the whitehouse" - while in critic by some people in statistics - it is probably the most precise prediction system for the next president - and it's prognose is on trump. really scary shit.


hey, if you don't like it, that's just fine! i hate the people who use my name to shit on others, there have been quite a few. if you have some criticism, i'm glad to hear it, improving is the most important thing!!
>pic related
is something i'm doing for a private project, tell me what you think :)

Trump is going to win, there is absolutely no way he could lose.

Sorry man i got a call, like some movie my friends want to see fucc

learn to draw?


Hi Red!
Did you ever improve the birdboi? I left before I could see if you did :V

Only 3 state results have come in, don't jump the gun.

i loved it... was dissappointed that we dont get to see like, your plaster work or whatever traditional stuff you have.

Would someone consider drawing her wearing a "Make America great again" hat, a white "Trump 2016" tank top, blue hot pants and her holding a beer can, in a very lewd way. Thank you.

Mark my words. Trump 2016.

>not included

alright when you see the word "aye" do you pronounce it "a" or "i"

but srsly, jews.....

You look bothered...

mark my words: jew blood money


Damn right, me and my family are voting for Trump.

Oh yee

I, as in " Wow, I can't believe we got to decide between two literal human monsters as president this year."

Let's make a bet. The loser has to stay away from Sup Forums for a whole month. I say Trump wins.

I drew a nigger.

t. redneck

Please comment on my drawing

well that's a problem.
as an i.

you wont follow up user


yeah, i'm sorry about that, but i dont have much of that in my apartment in frankfurt anyway and picking up my smartphone, taking pictures, transfering the pictures to my pc and erasing the exif-data is just such a damn hassle! thanks man, hit me up again sometime in dezember (19th or later, when i'm at home) and i might just bother. again sorry for not delivering properly.

>srsly the jews
>i'm german
yeah, no. staying clear of that one.

ho ho ho its harold the turtle

Request finished, hope user still around.

Welp, tbh i prefer them without that too.

the real question is how do you pronounce this gender pronoun: "thereareonlytwogendersfaggots"

oh Sup Forums look another nigger

Hola mis mMéjicanis

Listos para construir el muro??

Porque cuando ese cabrón gané, todos los Americans va a querer venir para acá cuando sepan lo barato que es la escuela y la salud uniersal

challenge eachother to a tennis match to the death

You mean you won't follow up.

Uh, not really, sorry! I started coloring but then was overcome with self-doubt or something.
>Or I was distracted, I don't know.
It was especially hard to get started because I couldn't just bucket-fill since my linework's relatively shitty.
If'n you want I could give it another swing but I have the nagging suspicion that even with a bit of color it'll still be kinda mediocre.

easter bunny

its mo fukn cold outside

Requesting 1 panty shot of Lila (Peanuts)

who are you?

iv updated an old pick from when i started, going a request from the stomps then you guys will have me for the rest of the night!

Just dust him with some paprika.

Works every time, guaranteed.

A trump supporter.

Oh there you are Jen- oh... That's bad.

I saw you posted something in the other thread but it died before I could see it