Stay tuned for what the underside of this pancake looks like

Stay tuned for what the underside of this pancake looks like

Other urls found in this thread: recipe&clickId=amp_directions

timestamp or gtfo


That's the moon you faggot, And we all know it's dark on the other side.


Dont fucking know why, but here I am. Flip that sumbitch


Good enough, turn up the heat, nigga!

bumping for potential

A success

Eat that motherfucker


God bless you



Coil stove top.

name it after me pls

That's a nice looking pancake.

Gas, nigga

Nice pancake OP.

Toasting previous pancakes for crunch on the outside

my dubs make you cook another one

now i'm hungry.

you got bacon and maple syrup to go with them pantycakes?

Put only a little bit of syrup. Dont drown that shit. Keep it moist and give it a good cut.

make another, for proof check these repeating digits

Thank you all for your attention. I will now eat this stack of pancakes.



You and they are too good for this world

Plz stop

cum on it first

those are some small and fat pancakes
never ate them like this

I wanna make pancake like american
How do?

I wish you guys could try this. Crispy on the edges, and flaky on the inside.

Cum on it. Only pussies use syrup.

too much butter

God damn OP. Teach me your ways


blonde amputee

no bacon or sausage to go with it????

How do I make them?
Britbong dont know how



what do you britfags call pancakes?



our pancakes are crepes

This guy is a hero

s'no orgrbin grrbel

oui oui. crepes are french. i thought you britfags hate the frenchies

Pancakes, this man is just retarded

Those were some good pancakes. Time for dessert! recipe&clickId=amp_directions

they call french fries chips
and chips crisps

thought maybe they called pancakes skillet bread or something britretarded. :p

I trusted you

Scotfag here, I eat normal Pancakes like normal people. Fuck frenchies and fuck english

Normal pancakes for us are what you'd call crepes, the type OP made we refer to as just 'American pancakes'. Both are good, but I prefer ours.



oh wait, flippity floppity in a pan crepes



we call your pancakes scotch pancakes precisely because you're not normal so get tae fuck

raisin' my glass. cheers!!

>I thought you britfags hate the frenchies
On and off, sometimes they can be alright. love & hate relationship tbf. We secretly admire them.
Scots can fuck right off though, ungrateful sods.

same fag

Probably one of the better threads in Sup Forums this week



i don't trust anyone who refers to the ass end of their car as the boot. :p

chew a knob

Ungreatful for what? The years of raping and pillaging at the hands of English fags or maybe when Westminster passes acts/laws concerning Scotland without or say so?

Looks a little undercooked, but that outside looks poifect

That is golden brown perfect

derail is reail


aye mate lets go back to the fucking pancakes shall we

When I make pancakes they look nothing like his.
Mine always go super thin whereas his are super thick. Asshat


You're cucks, and we literally keep you afloat, you have everything handed to you on a plate yet you still complain. And you all have a craving for migrant cock, so when you do split you can import millions of them. We'll rebuild Hadrians.

>Rooty tooty point n shooty

Always gets me

>We secretly admire them
You are so full of fucking shit.


Bow down to the lords you scottish cunt
Lucky you didnt g independant or you woulda been fucked. You cant survive without oh glorious England

>being this new

lol is the pancake an allegory for suicide?

So why is ops pancakes thick and mine a floppy thin mess


Those pills dont get you high you know

yeah. they fucking kill you

What's everyone looking at here? These seem overcooked on the outside and soggy as fuck on the inside.


I guess pancakes for a last meal isn't so bad, I hope you had some milk too