Intending on killing myself through dehydration

Intending on killing myself through dehydration.
I've been told it usually takes about 3 days. Has anyone been dehydrated before, and if so, can you describe the feeling?

Also, where would Sup Forums recommend me going where no one will find me? I don't want my body to be found. I do not drive and live in the middle of the city.

As for reasons, I've basically lost everything that I love. My family is in shambles, my mother spent her entire life lying to me about everything including the death of my father (turns out he wasn't dead) girlfriend left me for another man, no job, don't drive, no education because my mother pulled me out of school in the 6th grade to "homeschool" me.

Basically my life is fucked and the only thing I had left was my will to live, which I lost earlier today, and at this point I wouldn't even want it.

don't fucking kill yourself. please.

My mom and dad always fought when I was younger. they were insanely loud, but my dad never laid a hand on her. My mom just kept on bitching on him. so he couldn't take it. my mom and sister and I moved to Georgia, and it was dandy because I was blessed with this ignorance. but then I found a fucking letter my mom kept from me that my dad sent. I was poor as shit always, I never had any economic security. So my mom just kept on fucking harassing my dad still, and he stopped paying child support. he owed 60K, but I was torn, because I loved my mom as she fed me, but my dad is a great man who doesn't deserve what he got. they're both old and fine now, and during this ordeal I got a full elementary school education at 14. I finished high school at 22, and went to college. I make a six figure salary with a lovely wife, even though the valve that connects my cock to my balls got ripped when I was hit by a car, and that same week I had testicular cancer. The moral is that it gets better. God helped though my ordeal, and you're life is precious. Trust me op, as I've been there many times. Just stay strong and look forward bud. Look forward.

dude dont kill yourself please. Just coz its shitty now, now can always be the bottom and you can improve your life peice by piece till its worth living. Just suffer the shitness for a bit so you can enjoy life later. please

i've been hospitalized for 6 days of no water. Don't do it. you'll end up hallucinating and it just isn't ok. if you want to kill yourself make it easy and shoot yourself or something.

What type of hallucinations?

You can't eat anything either if your goal really is to kill yourself. You'll get fluid from foods so stick to saltines or some shit.

please please please don't kill yourself. I wanted to die once too, I know how you feel. I was financially drowning, my drug addict dad brainwashing my sister against my mom and I, tearing our family apart. My friends were suddenly mad at me for reasons I don't even know now. Things were bad and I was sick of dealing with it all. I talked to someone about it and it helped a bit, eventually leading to me getting help. Find someone you trust, anyone and please talk to them.

People care about you :(

>anyone been dehydrated before,and if so, can you describe the feeling?

Ya man, I felt a little dry

You need to be a pretty focused person to try and kill yourself by dehydration when so much water is around.

I'd usually tell suicidal people to go and just do it, but I think you shouldn't because your mother is a mess. Something definitely happened back then, either your dad was cheating on your mom, and she hadn't been okay since, that's probably why she homeschooled you. You're the only thing she have in her life now. Ending yourself would mean ending her life too. At least that's my 2 cents on the matter. Decision is still yours though.

Dehydration? You know the headache from a hangover? That is caused by dehydration. Your best fucking idea is 3 days of that Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with you, go stand in front of a train or something.

Dude I don't think you could've chosen a less effective method of suicide
To die of malnutrition is an incredibly slow and insufferable process; you'll need some unshakable determination to go through with it willfully. You'll be fighting against your most primal instincts.
You'll have all the time in the world to reconsider your decision as you suffer.

So in other words, just skip the "cry out for help" dramatics and go see a therapist

>you're life

Noballs faggot.

dehydration is probably the stupidest way to kill yourself I've ever heard.

it's like choosing 3 days of torture instead of a bullet to the head.

if you don't intend of doing a lot of sweating, it will take like 2 days of not drinking or eating anything at all unless you eat like salt mixed with flour. You'll be hungry and thirsty. Then the thirst and hunger will pass, but you'll get stomach aches, terrible headaches, that only get worse, possibly heartburn and migraines, if you're susceptible to those. I don't really know how long it's then going to take for you to actually fall into coma after that, but I'd assume at least another 3 painful days.

bottom line:
If you really think you want to kill yourself, find someone to talk to. Family, friends or just a random bartender or someone. If you don't want to, think about it again, sleep on it, try again tomorrow. If you still want to kill yourself, at least choose a less painful method. I come from a shitty situation, and loath myself, but fuck, there's still some things I want to experience before I die

admit yourself to a psychiatric ward and shut the fuck up

Say "Nam mioho renge kyo" a lot of time and check Nichiren budhism on Google. It may change everything quickly :)

Say "Nam mioho renge kyo" a lot of time and check Nichiren budhism on Google. It may change everything quickly :)

you get head aches because you are pussy and not true russian

But what if no one does care about you?

Dude chill out. Smoke some weed if you can get your hands on some. If not, thats one, but just know there are others like you. You are not alone. Just hold on. It will get better.

Just shoot yourself in the face with a 12 gague you fucking faggot. If you're going to kill yourself, do it right and not like a retard

Dude. If you've got nothing to lose then why kill yourself?

Suicide is for those who have everything to lose and can't keep up with the pressure.
Have some fun! If you've got nothing left them go hitch hike a few states over and see what you can do with everything.