Hey Sup Forums!

Hey Sup Forums!

How about a drugs general thread? All that's on here is election bull shit.

What are you taking tonight? For me it's a little heroin. Cheap and get high as fuck. I smoke it. Never touched a needle. What about you guys? What are you on?!


>favorite drug



>What do you want to try that you haven't yet?

Worst drug imo is weed. I fucking hate it and think it's boring.

Let's get a good thread going!!

>pic from the other night. Got some better stuff now.


Shameful bump again

Bump again bitches

No druggies besides me? Everyone worried about trump and shit?

Taking hydro shrooms after the results come in

All time fav: shrooms or weed
Try: I really wanna try absinthe or mdma

why do you make like a banana and shit?

>favorite: weed&speed
>overrated: weed
>worst: 25i-nbome
>want to try: heroin&meth
Finnfag here, we dont get heroin or meth here so much, so i want to know whats the fuzz about.

Why dont you like Molly?
Fuck off you obvious 14 year old cunt

My favourite is weed or morphine
The worst drug I've ever done is datura shit was fucked right up

Meth sucks bro. Fuck being wired and tweaked out

favorite- crystal

overrated- alcohol

worst- heroin (cause its too good)

done em all except pcp, want to try that atleast once

Favorite: that sweet Ganga
Overrated: cocaine (seriously fucking expensive with an effect that lasts as long as an 80 year olds erection)
Worst: meth (I've seen first hand what that shit does to people, they're not fucking joking when they say one time and you are hooked.)
Want to try: shrooms (hard to get in my area for whatever fucking reason)

Smoking cigs tonight because I'm broke and don't have shit except cancer sticks
Acid, 12 hours of fun
Probably weed, I love it personally, but people act like it's God's great gift to earth
If cigs count I'm gonna say that, if not then benadryl, that shit is awful
>Want to try
Heroin and ecstasy (and fuck while taking either)

why don't you make like a banana and shit.

>favorite drug

Literally only tried booze and weed. Weed was my favorite, but faggots I smoked with ruined it for me, so I have to go with booze


>What do you want to try that you haven't yet?


good luck fucking on dope or mdma

woah there

i agree that crack definitely is wack

Honestly I'm pretty ignorant on both of them, they just seem fun to do once. Is that supposed to be sarcastic?

Anyone have canax in the 509/Wenatchee area?

Smoking some weed just got me 1 g for only 13.38 dollars

>guess where I'm from

Heroin is too good lol
Couldn't get my dick hard on ecstasy. Heroin you just last forever. Nothing special
Don't see how You like meth. Not a fan of being strung out and wired
Why do you say that? Both are pretty easy to find

>only 13.38

Canax?you mean Xanax?

Fucking flying on a slice of pop-pop right now. Can't believe a hooked a whole cake for 80 bucks.

yes, sorry, it was sarcastic.

really hard to get it up on normal and higher doses on mdma.

hard to get it up and maintain on dope. almost impossible to ejaculate.

not sure what you mean, i said 'fucking on', not 'finding'.

tie between dabs, nicotine and cocaine

cocaine lol

diphenhydramine by far. good lord i was a stupid 13 year old.

>want to try
xanax or lean. maybe i listen to too much of today's rap haha

>dont see how you like meth

idk theres defnitely no shortage of horror stories but for me it makes literally everything better in everyway

Just drinking beers and getting stoned tonight. Wish I had some dope, except I snort it. Heroin is the best and worst drug I've ever done. Cocaine definitely the most overrated, feel good for a moment then instantly want more.

somewhere where people get ripped off a lot

Got some 150ug tabs.
Gotta get some Changa and Nitrous so I can get REALLY out there.

Almost impossible to get erection on mdma need viagra imo

Nitrous? I just did a bunch of whip its if that's what you're talking about. Drifted in and out for a bit standing in my kitchen and felt great.

somewhere its legal i guess?

Anyone else here hate taking shits on lsd?

what the fuck is the point of that... ruining the clarity of the dmt with a bunch of dissociative bullshit.

I have taken the following, and many combos of the following:

heroin, oxycodone, codeine, dihydrocodeine, fentanyl, butyrfentanyl, tramadol, morphine, zopiclone, diazepam, diclazapem, clonazepam, oxazepam, nitrazepam, flunitrazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam, temazepam, alcohol, GHB / 1,4B / GBL, LSD, LSA, 2C-B, 4-HO-DiPT, 5-MeO-DMT, DMT, psilocybe subaeruginosa, MDMA, MDxx, ketamine, nitrous oxide, ether, speed, methamphetamine, mephedrone, modafinil, cocaine, cannabis, CP 55,940

I don't really do drugs anymore, apart from alcohol, benzos and heroin

wtf is wrong with you

normal people fuck for hours on MDMA
MDA though, eh, I still fuck for a while

damn. now that i think about it i have never had to take a shit while i was tripping

whats so bad about it?

Do you ever get scared you'll od or get hooked o heroin? i one day want to try a little just once, iv heard it makes your whole body feel warm

nothing, it's just weird and makes you trip a little harder

i agree, i think it's totally unnecessary.

i used to quite like nitrous on lsd, but it kinda kills the high afterwards. plus you can get the same kind of experience from dmt

I enjoy the feeling of dissociation.
I like new heights of out of control.

But my plan was to hit them at different times anyway... Drop the Acid, then coming up hit DMT then post peak huff the laughing gas to get back up there
It's quite uncomfortable... Weird... like giving birth to garbage with very little asshole control

Nah. I don't shoot it so I don't really think I'll get hooked or od. You have way more controll when you smoke it and you can tell when to stop. I've smoked a lot a time before and just fell asleep and felt great

I'd poop whenever I took phenethylamines

Never had the same feeling with LSD or other Tryptamines.

favorite: any opioid or opiate

overrated: coke expensive and shit

worst: weed its fucking boring

i want to try meth and crack

Not on anything ATM, I drop MDMA every weekend at the clubs/raves.


>heroin/opiates.. fucking makes people useless and not give a fuck about anything... seen some of my family get fucked up and steal from their own family

>try ghb/"liquid ecstasy" but don't know a reputable source

My nigga. Opiates ftw. (op)

do meth not crack. crack SUCKSSS

after you smoke crack youll just be thinking:

"man, i should have really just picked up some meth"

Heroin shows signs of psychological addiction after 1 or 2 uses. Hes probably already a junkie

not at all dude, for me personally it depends on how much I take... if I just do 1 or 2 caps, it gets me reasonably high and still able to perform, if I do more than that, I'm still super horny but stay flaccid as SHIT and can't fuck, it sucks. I've talked to dudes before who said they have the same prob, it's pretty common with mdma.

i fucking hate stims ADHD ruins them all

fuck on meth until it falls off


100% the famous last words of every junkie

You dont know shit
Here we pay 20€ for gram

>Want to try
Mescaline and MDMA

Well thats good to know. iv never been addicted to anything but i really only want to try it once. I mean i doubt ill come across it anyway even though i live in the center of a heroin epidemic.

Of course I got ripped off. I paid 200 pesos for that shit.
Pic almost related

Okay so i live in cali and weed is now legal, I know about most of what's going to change, but, my immediate question is, starting tomorrow can I walk in to a top tier dispensary or will I still need a med card? I understand that probably no one knows but maybe some colorado fags may know

Tried everything I could get my hands on even smoking heroin but nothing does it like a rip of weed shatter for me. I fuckkking love acid too, but its a giant pain in the dick to actually find compared to weed / black

Uhh you should probably do some more research before you take your drugs.

MDMA is molly. So you've either done both or been sold shit. I'm guessing the latter.

Mushrooms also aren't plants, which means they can't be grown using hydroponics. Whoever told you that they were hydro shrooms is trying to get more money from you

Just deepweb friendo.
Acid is cheap and ezy

say goodbye to your heroin trumps building a secure boarder faggot

Of course I got ripped off. I paid 200 pesos for that shit.
how much do you pay up there in Trumpland™?

That's funny because I've had a fistful (literally) of what people said were mind shatteringly strong shrooms and I was like meh. LSD / LSA on the other hand rock my world.

Im 25 mins into 5 days off dope and i fucking hate it. Only got a pinch of weed left. Lost my job last week and blerggggg...

>favorite drug = Dope, opana, fent gels or bananas and weed till death.

>overrated = Uppers (i do like a good speedball though)

>worst - Meth or Opiates of any kind

>What do you want to try that you haven't yet? = Acid and Dmt

>favorite drug
Cannabis. Relatively short half life compared to LSD, more casual.

Coke. Never tried, though I've heard of many who are just "oh I guess this is nice?"

Meth. Neurotoxic, no thanks.

>What do you want to try that you haven't yet?
DMT. Still working up the courage to do that one. Should I try Salvia first or something?

Nah. Lol. I do it like once a week. I get random piss tests at my job. So no I'm not already a junky. Some people can control it some cant

So I guess no one can tell me what PCP is like?

DMT is psychadelic crack.
I fucking will do DMT all day.

A few years ago I would just drop acid and smoke DMT while playing street fighter 4 and DJing for days.

Good times.

Nah. Lol. I do it like once a week. I get random piss tests at my job. So no I'm not already a junky. Some people can control it some cant

shrooms, acid, ketamine, dxm, xanax, prescription painkillers

weed, alcohol, "lean"

molly, salvia

>want to try
dmt and mescaline

currently on shrooms right now :^)

Fav: Acid or Alcohol

Overrated: Weed

Worst: Coke - only do it if you aren't paying

What do you want to try that you haven't yet? Nothing in mind, pretty good as far as drug experiences go

DMT is its own beast.
Just hit it, nervousness is good, it means your human :)

Whats the local bay areas

Legit price on

4oz of ice

Ive done pcp its my favorite shit

Its a bit like acid if you take numerous doses while being able to think well just react like molasses in wintertime
I have access to peyote and that will be just about all i wanted else to use although coke is something ill always enjoy as long as im not paying cash as usual

I don't Fuck with ice so I couldn't tell ya man. I just like to be chilled out and relax after work. Tweak is shit imo

I already last nearly 2 hours laying pipe

Completely clean so why ask for much more time

ssri? I could fuck for weeks on that shit.

Of course it was boring as fuck and I never came, but at least the bitches liked it.

>can't be grown using hydroponics.
yes they can

>You have way more controll when you smoke it and you can tell when to stop.
Most peeps get addicted thru smoking it

Absinthe is different, but not like you are expecting. In my experience it made me feel drunk, but really clear-headed and alert at the same time.

Who here
>poppy tea?
Cheap and fuzzy.
plus the seeds are legal!

I'm not talking about addiction im talking about oding

Yea, this. I love speed, but meth is not pleasant. Snorting it is almost like snorting hot glass. And the high just sucks.

Absinthe is overrated.
Just make some Psychedelic Wine and have a blast

Don't vote for crack, vote for smack!