Congratulations America. A homophophic, xenophobic, racist, sexist...

Congratulations America. A homophophic, xenophobic, racist, sexist, prick is an inch away from being the President of the United States. A man who mocked disabled reporters, mocked a gold star family, hasn’t paid taxes in 20 years, gone through multiple bankruptcies, has been on camera saying he likes to grab women’s pussies without consent, and is endorsed by the KKK.

What am I supposed to say to my daughter when she wakes tomorrow? What kind of world are my kids going to live through for the next 4 years?

u mad bro?

>A homophophic, xenophobic, racist, sexist, prick
That's the average American alright.

He's already won actually, have fun with classic liberal attempts at halting it such as this gem from google, captured just a few minutes ago.

Congratulations Faggot. No one cares what you think

This needs to be a copypasta.

Thats sums up pretty much everyone in the world *

End thread.


I don't see the negatives? At least it's not a criminal pedophile rape supporting woman. You should probably tell her her father is black you cuck.

you dumb cucks did elect bush jr. for two terms, so i cant say im surprised drump is winning

Everything's better than Killary going to war with Russia. Also why so mad? Trump is a troll, but a good one, great president.

No one cares about your cuck tears faggot. The trump train just expanded Hillary's diseased asshole and the wall's going up

Stupid amerifags

Thank God Trump will win!!!!

They are going to live in a cold world seeing as we are 5 planets away from the sun. Better not take these 4 years for granted user.

Hillary is a corrupt warmonger. At the end of the day, Trump can do less than Hillary.

hilldawg 2020

You're goddamn right he won, and if you don't like it you can fuck right off

You salty as fuck haha viva la TRUMP !!!

I helped to make this happen. Today is the most glorious day of my life. I've never been prouder to be an American.

lol I think we already established name calling won't win you an election.

>What am I supposed to say to my daughter when she wakes tomorrow?

Tell her to Roll over so you can go again?

>What kind of world are my kids going to live through for the next 4 years?
The exact same one

America you will learn whats to have an idiot as president, you guys are well represented


Fuck anyone who replies elsewise


they reap what they sow, and they sow hate

Tell her that she doesn't get to be a child for the rest of her life now, you should be thanking Trump for that.

He's taking the bubble wrap off America and making it great again.

and we couldnt be happier


>What am I supposed to say to my daughter when she wakes tomorrow?

Sorry, Honey. But we are back to living in the Real Fuckin' World!

except it's going to be irrellevant in 2 days

Trust me it will be 10x better than it would be with clinton


I need to get a bowl before reading this, this is going to be kek.

people post more triggerd whiners


I'm with you bro

World is weird

This is americas very own 9/11. People are now fleeing this fucked up country.

>implying there isnt a jeb surge incoming


I'm black, and I'm proud Trump is out here destroying.
Get fukt Shillary

comedy gold

Praise KEK!

Fuck you, bitch.

Leave your daughter in a room with Bill Clinton.

say it with me; President Trump

> election is a sham
> won


>Trump campaign endorsed by KKK

>fuckary campaign endorsed by everyone else plus KKK.

KKK doesn't matter for shit. if they endorsed fuckary, KKK would not be in the news.

welcome back to the media, KKK, right?

> What am I supposed to say to my daughter when she wakes tomorrow?

Sorry honey boo boo but it looks like you'll have to earn a living or support your husband as he does. There will be no free money for you after all.

1. How is he homophobic? When did he state that he was afraid or even hated homosexuals?

2. Xenophobic is a term used to describe someone who is anti multiculturalism- to play on the emotions of people who stand up against cultures that would likely destroy the indigenous way of life.

3. I don't think I've ever heard him say anything racist. He stated that some rapists, drug dealers, and human trafficers cross the Mexican boarder. Do you really think that none of these type of people cross boarder? The confusion people seem to have regarding this comment is because left leaning media centers took the comments out of context.

4. Sexist? Can you give any remarks or quotes where trump has generalized, or even made misogynist comments? I think that wanting to touch the genitals of a woman who is very attractive is not misogynist, and is even a common topic for ever man.

The KKK endorsed previous democrat presidents for years.

You can tell your daughter you took steps to ensure her children would not be crippled, and enslaved by the debt that your grandparents ignored for half a century.

President Trump!

Teach the cunt to properly bow before her God Emporer, peasant.
Let your tears mingle with the soil to make America great again.

You're in Sup Forums man lol

are you being sarcastic, i really hope you are

Tell her that America is great again, and witness the Bald Eagles flying through your country. Also go grab a McDonalds.


gr8 b8 OP

Britfag here. You have my commiserations. Hopefully the stupid dickhead will do something to impeach himself the day after the inauguration.

The KKK live in America of course theyre going to fucking endorse some candiate, it has nothing to do with the actions one they support

You shouldn't have filled your daughter's head with a bunch of lies and bullshit about how evil Trump is.

You should tell her you fucking lied to her in order to create a little liberal clone to show off to your idiot liberal friends.

i grab your daughter by her pussy your fucking gay nigger cunt

> Nov 7, 2012

just rip it out of the foundation

Impeachment does not kick you out of office.

>2012 post
You can't read can you?

Who gives a fuck what your kids live through. Im kekking my ass off at you sad libbies

Dude, get real. This is America. We get what we deserve.

The rich people are dumb. The poor people are dumb. And everyone in between is fucked.

Is beyond our reach.
Take the red pill, kids.

Your Daughters are fucking stupid.

No one gives a fuck what you tell your daughter in the morning. How about you raise her to be a good citizen?

Good job USA we didnt let a corrupt career politician with her own agenda with her terrorist for a family secretary run this country.

Fuck off with all of your stupid bullshit, career politicians are whats wrong with our government. Multiple bankruptcies? he has added more jobs to the economy than you ever will.

fuck your kids


Except now trump will go to war with China

Well you should tell your daughter that all that things you named are not as bad as the devil himself and that she should be glad that the American people were, against all odds!!!, wise enough to not vote for that snake.

"You can still be a stripper one day. And eventually maybe an escort before check-out time, that is, your 35th birthday."

Hillary is a fucking liberty and autonomy raider, that's not mean trump be good but Hillary is not good and evil CIA demon

No, no, Trump is the snake. hillary is the rat

>has been on camera saying he likes to grab women’s pussies without consent.

I mean. He also says "they let you do it because you're a star"

That does sort of imply consent.

Dear America
Hi, I'm a queer, immigrant, woman of color. It's very scary to see that my whole identity (that I didn't choose) is being voted against but you know what? I'll show you.
Tomorrow I'm going hold my head high and I'm gonna get through life no matter what I have to fight for. I will fight for my identity and others will fight with me
A CITIZEN of your OWN country

...please explain what it does, then

Most retarded thing I've read all night

not if noone has money to give you

An interesting one.


>the next 4 years

Shut up, faggot. You're gonna get lynched.

You're a fucking retard. Legit kill yourself.

Tell your daughter to fuck off

All these hilacunt thread raging

I can't believe I'm happy about Trump winning. Now on with the trials.

Cry more, you millennial shitbag.

this is one of the most shameful days in American history, and I’m sure it will go down as being one of the worst as well. To all my fellow women, Jews, and lgbtqia+, and all of my Muslim and/or immigrant and/or poc friends- we are forces that will not be silenced. Our voices will not be drowned out by an intolerant rhetoric. We will not be made to feel less than in our own homes. We are stronger, more intelligent, and more powerful. No matter what happens tonight, nothing will change that.

You still can't understand how fed up people are with Obama and Hillary's shit and why? If you're that stupid, there isn't really any fixing that then, is there? There's a reason this is happening.

I'm happy for America atm. There was loads of Americans showing us support over Brexit when literally every other country was wanting us to fall on our face.

Impeachment just means you're brought up on charges. Clinton was impeached but he stayed in office because he won the case against him.

Damn, nigga, wasn't even that long ago.

shut up retard, he is none of those things.

we brought some fucking real change to america tonight, time to clean house and get rid of the corruption

>implying a crooked, lying, war monger, who's looking to start another cold war, someone who wants open borders and constantly contradicts statements made from the past would be any better as president.

Yeah you're right, let's worry about something someone said years ago in what he thought was a private conversation, let's worry about feelings compared to 3,000+ deleted emails that lead to a whole other discussion worth of criminal actions. Uneducated SJWs are the new majority of this country, guess lack of knowledge is the new staple of this generation.

u mad

This in all threads. Go.

thanks britbro, it honestly means a lot

they arent only stupid. the main problem is how well theyve all been brainwashed into following all this rhetoric especially in the sjw community